Local Authority Ferries - Orkney Ferry Replacement Task Force Meeting - 02 October 2024
- Shona Robison MSP – Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Local Government
- Jim Fairlie MSP – Minister for Agriculture and Connectivity
- Cllr Heather Woodbridge – Leader of OIC
- Cllr Sandy Cowie – Depute Leader of OIC
- Oliver Reid - Chief Executive of OIC
- Gareth Waterson - Director of Enterprise & Sustainable Regeneration, OIC
- Official – SG Local Government Finance Team Leader
- Official – TS Finance
- Official - TS Ferries Policy
- Official - TS Ferries Policy (note taker)
Key Points
- Introductions were made.
- Discussion of £3 million business case funding which will support ZEVI, design work for a North Isles ferry and desk top based work on the proposed port upgrades. Further funding would be needed next year to undertake ‘wet’ surveys for proposed port upgrades. Announcement of funding is planned for 9 October.
- The first ZEVI workboat size vessel will arrive in Orkney in the next few weeks and the 2nd and larger vessel in the Spring next year.
- The trial will seek to assess vessel performance in all seasons and assess whether it can provide commutable journeys into Kirkwall. Fast passenger ferries or flights supported by slower freight ferries could be a ‘game changer’ for islanders’ own travel needs and for the delivery of services.
- The cost premium of construction was also noted, building a single house on the Orkney Mainland costs £300k but on the Outer Isles it rises to £500k.
- Discussion of how to grow and retain population of the outer isles. OIC said data on community impact can be provided and suggested public sector reform could be useful in aiding repopulation of isles. Shapinsay which currently has a commutable service to Kirkwall and has a growing population was highlighted as model that can be followed.
- OIC confirmed that it is the Harbour Authority, therefore there are reducing complications in undertaking upgrades and charging various vessels. Also noted OIC is responsible for the largest natural harbour in the Northern Hemisphere at Scapa Flow.
- Discussion of future funding options ahead of the UK and Scottish Government budget at the end of November and start of December respectively.
- OIC noted it had been challenging in 2024-25 to not cut services in light of not receiving the full ferries revenue asked from Scottish Government but had managed to maintain services. OIC need additional funding as requested for next year.
- Also noted the challenge of finding spares for aging vessel engines. Re-engine-ing has been suggested but this is a substantial cost and could be wasted if the vessels are then replaced.
- OIC highlighted it recently had a positive meeting with UKG Minister Mike Kane who said that the door is open to discuss options. Cab Sec is meeting UKG tomorrow in Belfast.
- No update from UKG on the Islands Forum but OIC is keen it continues.
- AoCB – Discussion of transport of Orkney livestock.
- DoNM – suggested in the new year for next formal meeting but happy to meet sooner on Teams if required.
TF minutes to be shared with OIC.
Issue media release regarding business case funding.
OIC to take forward design work.
Post meeting note:
- The vessels will also be accessible which will help tackle an increasing challenge in outer isles. Currently the Scottish Ambulance Service has to fly patients to appointments at a cost of £13k per flight.