National and Regional Plans and Strategies

In addition to NTS, the LTS will sit alongside a number of transport and non-transport local, regional and national strategies and plans. High level overviews of these are set out in this section.

Regional Transport Partnerships / Strategies

Regional Transport Strategies and Delivery Plans provide the regional priorities, projects, actions and services, aligned with the NTS priorities. While these provide a framework for travel and transport in the region, the RTS generally has a particular focus on regional travel covering several Local Authority boundaries, i.e. travel between local authorities rather than travel wholly within local authority areas, while the LTS will consider transport within its local area.


In 2019, Transport Scotland commenced the second Strategic Transport Projects Review, the first review having been published in 2008. This review of the strategic transport network’s performance will inform strategic transport investment in Scotland for the next 20 years (2022-2042) by providing evidence-based recommendations on which Scottish Ministers can base future transport investment decisions.

STPR2 considers the transport needs of Scotland’s people and communities, and examines active travel (walking, wheeling, cycling), bus, ferry, rail and trunk roads as well as passenger and freight access to major ports and airports. These needs are reviewed from national and regional perspectives with Recommendations detailed across Scotland to reflect the different geographies, travel patterns and demands and have been informed by NPF4. The Recommendations deliver on NTS vision, priorities and outcomes and align with NPF4 and the Climate Change Plan update.

National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4)

The National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4) is a long term plan for Scotland that sets out the Scottish Ministers’ policies and proposals for the development and use of land. The Draft Fourth National Planning Framework (Draft NPF4) details our long term plan for what Scotland could be in 2045. NPF4 will guide spatial development, set out national planning policies, designate national developments and highlight regional spatial priorities. It will be part of the development plan, and so influence planning decisions across Scotland.

STPR2 will inform future investment decision making, which will have an important role in supporting the delivery of the NPF4 national spatial strategy, National Developments and national policy. The STPR2 recommendations has taken cognisance of the NPF4 spatial strategy and National Developments.

NPF4 sets out national planning policies applicable Scotland wide and should help inform the LTS and any recommended proposals. Policies such as local liveability and infrastructure first will be fundamental to preparing a LTS.

From a transport perspective, NPF4 aims to encourage, promote and facilitate developments that prioritise walking, wheeling, cycling and public transport for everyday travel and reduce the need to travel unsustainably. NPF4 is clear that Local development plans are expected to reflect the sustainable travel hierarchy and sustainable investment hierarchy by making best use of existing infrastructure and services. Local Development plans are also encouraged to promote a place based approach to reduce car dominance.

Regional Spatial Strategies

The Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 establishes a duty for a planning authority, or authorities acting jointly, to prepare and adopt a Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS). The new duty to produce Regional Spatial Strategies will be enacted with the publication of statutory guidance. Once the duty is enacted it will be for planning authorities, individually or jointly, to finalise and adopt their RSS after the NPF4 has been approved.

It is noted that transport interventions within these plans should have emerged from evidenced based transport appraisal, which is required where Scottish Government funding, support or approval is needed for changes to the transport system.

Local Development Plans

Local Development Plans (LDP), prepared by Planning Authorities, set out the long term vision for where development should and shouldn't happen and include relevant local policies for the places they cover.

Transport interventions within LDPs should have emerged from evidenced based transport appraisal, such as a Development Planning Transport Appraisal Guidance, which is required where Scottish Government funding, support or approval is needed for changes to the transport system. The need to undertake an evidence based transport appraisal to inform and influence a plan’s spatial strategy is detailed within NPF4 and further explained in Transport Scotland’s Guidance and within the draft LDP Regulations and Guidance.

The draft LDP Regulations and Guidance details that regard must be given to any LTS relating to the area where a Plan is to be prepared. Additionally engagement on the LDP could also be relevant to the LTS to, which can result in efficiencies.

Land use planning and transport planning go hand in hand to support people’s access to the things they need. It is expected that both the local development plan and LTS should promote the 20 minute neighbourhood and local living concepts, ensuring an infrastructure first approach to planning and promoting the NTS sustainable travel and investment hierarchies. This can be achieved through early engagement and collaborative working utilising and taking cognisance of the Place and Wellbeing Outcomes, and the Place Standard Tool which align to deliver the National Outcomes as detailed in Scotland’s National Performance Framework

Cognisance will need to be taken of the timescales and replacement cycle of LDPs when preparing a LTS, as well as how the LDP and LTS timescales fit into any RTS timescales. The LTS delivery outcomes have the potential to feed into those of the LDP.