Meeting minutes - Road Safety Framework Local Partnership Forum – North - 28 September 2022
- Kieren Green (Chair) - Transport Scotland Road Safety Policy
- Caroline Hay (CHa) - Transport Scotland – Road Safety Scotland
- Marco Bardelli (MB) - Transport Scotland - Area Manager
- Richard Perry (RP) - Transport Scotland - Area Manager
- Ivet Gazova (IG) - Transport Scotland Statistics
- Andrew Wilkinson (AW) - Aberdeenshire Council
- Andrew Barclay (AB) - Police Scotland
- Calum Mackenzie (CM) - Western Isles Council
- Colin Maciver (CMa) - Western Isles Council
- Daryl McKeown (DM) - Perth and Kinross Council
- Diane Anderson (DA) - Moray Council
- Elaine Penny (EP) - Moray Council
- Graeme McKenzie (GM) - Dundee City Council
- Neil Hutcheson (NH) - Shetland Council
- Ian Wallace (IW) - Aberdeenshire Council
- Lisa Mackellaich (LM) - Highland Council
- Yvonne Scott (YS) - Orkney Council
- Campbell Sands (CS) - Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
In Attendance
- Andrew Patterson (AP) - Transport Scotland Statistics
- Stuart Logan (SL) - Transport Scotland Sustainable and Active Travel
- Michelle Little (ML) - Transport Scotland Road Safety Policy
- Lorraine Forrester (LF) - Transport Scotland Road Safety Policy
- Hannah Wood (HW) - Transport Scotland Road Safety Policy
- Anne Stewart (AS) - Police Scotland - North Safety Camera Unit
- John Campbell (JC) - Scottish Ambulance Service
- Matthew Wylie (MW) - Orkney Council
- Naomi McRuvie (NM) - Aberdeen City Council
- David Devine (DD) - Transport Scotland - Area Manager
- Alasdair Sim (AS) - Transport Scotland - Area Manager
- Derek Williamson (DW) - Transport Scotland - Area Manager
- Stuart Wilson (SW) - Transport Scotland – Safety and Development –Chair of A9 Safety Group
- Brian Cargill (BC) - Perth and Kinross Council
- David McArthur (DM) - Perth and Kinross Council
- Roddy Ross (RR) - Perth and Kinross Council
- Darren Chambers (DC) - Scottish Ambulance Service
- Vycki Ritson (VR) - Aberdeen City Council
- Caroline Hood (CH) - Robert Gordon University
- Ewan Wallace (EW) - Aberdeenshire Council
- Robin Pope (RP) - Highland Council
- Walter Scott (WS) - Angus Council
- Rona Gibb (RG) - Paths for All
- Kenny Roy (KR) - Orkney Council
- Martin Hall (MH) - Aberdeenshire Council
- Ben McKenna (BM) - Transport Scotland Road Safety Policy
Agenda Item 1 - Welcome and Introductions
Previous minutes and actions
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and proceeded with round table introductions.
The minutes from the previous meeting were circulated and no comments were received, these have since been published on the Transport Scotland (TS) website. All actions from the last meeting have been completed or are covered within the agenda.
Feedback from Governance Groups
The Strategic Partnership Board (SPB) met on the 29th of June and are due to meet again on the 17th of November. SCOTS are now a member of the SPB. There was a couple of action points from that meeting, the first being a request to create activity reports from each LPF meetings to feed to the OPG, and formulise a report to SPB for future meetings and this will work both ways as we will look to have information feed into these meetings from the OPG and SPB as well.
The SPB also requested to give consideration around having the LPF’s three times per year and having a rotating Chair, which will be discussed under AOB.
The OPG met on the 25th of August, with the minutes currently with members to review. Once these are approved by the group these will be sent to members.
Concerns around foreign drivers was raised at the OPG with the perceived increase in collision in high tourist areas. Police Scotland are running the Drive On the Left campaign in partnership with Road Safety Scotland (RSS), and have been working with hire car and ferry companies.
The Chair also advised that TS and local authorities have also worked to increase visible signage and road markings to those areas as a reminder of which side of the road to drive.
AB added that there has only been 1 fatality for driving on the wrong side of the road with other a result of poor manoeuvring, making this a difficult area to target.
- Action Point: Secretariat to circulate both SPB and OPG minutes to members.
Agenda Item 2 - Knowledge and Data Analysis
Localised stats/Key themes
IG provided an update on each of the indicators, the progress towards the four 2030 casualty reduction targets, intermediate outcome targets and KPI’s. The stats were broken down into the LPF North area with the data for each local authority area specified.
It was noted that the stats detailed were from ‘adjusted’ figures for 2014-2019. This is because from mid-2019, Police Scotland started to use a new accident recording system. The introduction of this new system has changed the way casualty severity is recorded, making direct comparisons with previous years difficult.
The following points were also highlighted;
- Scotland as a whole is preforming well against the 2030 targets, although there are some areas of improvement.
- All local authorities have seen a drop in the number of cyclists KSIs compared to previous years.
- All areas are preforming well against the 20% reduction in those aged 70+ KSI.
CM queried if we can get stats for a half year period covering 2022, instead of using the 2021 stats.
AP responded that we can only use the 2021 data as there is a delay in getting the casualty stats from Police Scotland which is available through the Management Information Data.
AP was asked if there is stats on speed and confirmed that there is data for contributory factors on collisions, which includes driving too fast for the conditions.
National Speed Indicator Data
The data presented to members shows speed limit compliance on road speeds ranging from 20 mph – 70 mph, and for each vehicle type, highlighting the vehicles that have higher/lower compliance. The data covers the period from 1st July 2021 to 30th June 2022 on both local and trunk roads.
The following key points were highlighted:
- 20 mph roads have low speed compliance with 83% of cars and vans speeding through locations that are currently monitored (1 site).
- 30 mph has better speed compliance, with 39% of cars and vans speeding though monitored locations (4 sites).
- As the road speed increased to 60 mph, better speed compliance is observed from the locations (9 sites), with only 5% of cars and vans exceeding this limit.
MB highlighted that as the data also covers the trunk road it may not be a true reflection as the local authorities have no influence over these roads.
ML commented that we need to reduce the casualty stats whether on local or trunk roads and all work together to identify patterns and trends.
LF asked members thoughts on sharing data for each LPF area and compare between the three.
IG responded that stats could pull this data together but it is better to compare to the 2014/18 data as population stays the same rather than comparing LPF areas between each other as they vary in population.
Road Casualties and Deprivation
The Chair highlighted that within the Road Safety Framework to 2030 there is an Intermediate Outcome Target to reduce the casualty rate in the most 10% SIMD areas to equal that of the least deprived.
TS are looking to establish and build data on this, and are currently looking at the installation of speed indicators in these areas to gain a clearer picture of the speeds being travelled. TS has been in touch with a few local authorities regarding this and will continue to liaise with others in the coming weeks. However, the Chair advised that if any local authority areas would like speed indicators on their networks to get in touch as this can also be considered.
- Action Point: Secretariat to send Reported Road Casualty Stats 2021 once published.
- Action Point: Stats to share speed data to members on driving too fast for the conditions.
- Action Point: Stats to provide casualty data for each of the three LPF areas and compare.
- Action Point: Members to let chair/secretariat know if they would like speed indicators on their roads.
Agenda Item 3 - Updates/Discussions
Partner Updates
AB began by highlighting that the Older Road User group in the north is still ongoing but consideration is being given to move this to a more national level. In addition, Police Scotland are looking to roll out Rider Refinement North to other LPF areas. Finally, the evaluation for the Driver Engagement North initiative is now complete and being reviewed by Police Scotland ahead of this being shared with TS. Depending on the outcome, further funding will be received to purchase another two simulators.
CS advise that The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service is in the process of delivering new driver VR scenarios which will be live W.C. 3rd October and will roll this out to schools in October.
NH highlighted safer roadsides is a big issue in Shetland and has addressed most of the accident cluster sites so are now considering route safety treatments on “A class” roads. Shetland are looking to run a campaign on the new Highway Code changes as not many of the public are aware.
CHa responded that RSS did run a light campaign on the new Highway Code changes, separate to the DfT campaign as this is a devolved matter.
YS advised that they held a Road Safety Event and had a guest speaker from Spinal Injuries Scotland attend. Their attendance was fundamental to the success of the event and wondered if there was funding which may support the travel and accommodation of such guest speakers in future?
The Chair confirmed that the Road Safety Framework Fund is ran twice a year and will let members know when next funding round is live.
LM noted that Highland are doing work on the following:
- Safer routes to school
- Early adopters of 20 mph strategy
- New film for JRSO
- School streets zones
CHa made members aware of the new RSS website which recently launched. CHa provided an update on the new Ice Card initiative, while presenting an explainer video. If any members have public facing events coming up they can contact CHa to receive Ice cards.
DM provided the following update to members:
- Carrying out programme of Route Action Plans (5 per year) on A and B Class routes.
- Delivery of 65 x 20 mph speed limits, 18 x 40 mph speed limits and assessment of 20 mph trial with a view to retain or remove.
- Delivery of 6 School Exclusion Zones throughout the area.
EP advised Moray are looking at the data for their Road Safety Plan, highlighting that they are concentrating on rural road network, as opposed to 20 mph in urban areas where casualties are low.
ML responded that 20 mph areas are more than just reducing collisions, it encourages active travel, reduces the perceptions of road danger and create more pleasant streets and neighbourhoods.
CM provided the following updates:
- Hosted a members' seminar on road safety and talked through the Safe System approach and discussed local priorities
- Monthly operations meeting with Police Scotland
- Look to restart the Road Casualty Reduction Group chaired by Police Scotland
Safe System Training
The Chair advised that a link was previously circulated to members to an Agylisis survey on the Safe System, that has now closed. Registration is now open for Agylisis Autumn webinar series which will be dedicated to the Safe System. The three part series will take place over October and November, will be joined by guest speakers across the sector to provide a broad range of input and insight.
MAST Membership/User Training
Background to MAST was provided with the Chair highlighting that MAST is an analytical platform which can be interrogated to give a clearer understanding on issues, problematic areas and compare different geographical areas in terms of road casualties.
As part of our subscription to MAST, TS pay for a one half day training course for all users in Scotland. A date for this training has now been set for Wednesday 2 November via MS Teams. This will be led by Bruce Walton and consist of two 90 minute sessions, with all delegates must first having signed up for a MAST account before the training.
- Action Point: Secretariat to let members know when next Framework Fund is live.
- Action point: Secretariat to send out link to Agylisis Autumn webinar.
- Action Point: Members to let Chair/Secretariat know if they haven’t received the invite for MAST training and would like to attend or if there is anyone else within their organisation who would like to attend.
Agenda Item 4 - Framework Funding
Road Safety Framework and Evaluation Fund Projects
HW advised that the latest funding round closed on 7 March 2022 from which, 8 were successful:
Framework Fund:
- North Ayrshire Council – Trailblazers
- Perth and Kinross Council – Young Drivers Strategy
Evaluation Fund:
- Road Safety North East – Safety In Numbers
- Living Streets Scotland – Road Safety Measures Street Audit
- Western Isles Council – Safe Streets
- Western Isles Council – Roadside Safety
- Ayrshire Roads Alliance – Smart Pedestrian Crossing
An update was also provided on the projects funded in the previous funding round:
Police Scotland – BOSCH Data Analysis
All equipment has been received and training complete by the collision investigators.
The devices have significantly increased the amount of information the police can gather on collisions such as the actions taken by a driver prior, including, breaking, acceleration and steering.
D&G – Mobile Phone App
The D&G mobile app is now complete and awaiting the final evaluation, this will be shared with members and published on TS website.
During Q3 ScORSA continued to work with Lynn PR to review their website.
Working with Freshair Productions to produce a series of 6 podcasts, linked to driving risk and driving for work were discussed. Scripts have been developed and conversations recorded during February and March 2022.
The podcasts can be found at ScORSA Podcast - Scotlands Road Safety Framework
Cycling Scotland – Essential Cycling Skills
Final evaluation has been received by Cycling Scotland to review and is expected to be shared in the coming weeks.
HW advised members that all projects previously funded via the framework fund are available on the TS website.
Local projects/initiatives
The Chair asked members if there had been any projects/initiatives ran locally that members would like to share. No comments were received.
- Action Point: Secretariat to send link to ScORSA webinar series.
- Action point: Secretariat to send link to TS site to projects previously funded through the framework fund.
Agenda Item 5 - Road Safety Framework Activity
RSF2030 Delivery Plan – 2021/22 and 2022/23
LF updated members that the 2021/22 Delivery Plan was published last year and an update on the 60 deliverables will be provided in the Annual Report 2021, which will aimed to be published in November. TS is currently working with delivery partners for the 2022/23 Delivery Plan. Members will be notified once published.
National Strategy for 20 mph
ML began by stating that the National Strategy for 20 mph supports the delivery of the Strategic Transport Projects Review 2 and has been announced in the last two Programme for Government commitments.
TS has asked all local authorities to undertake an assessment of their roads using predefined criteria with the road assessments due to be complete by Spring 2023. The findings from these will provide evidence to the 20 mph Task Group on the number of roads affected and the financial costs. Some local authorities have also indicated that they would be in a position to become early adopters which will allow the criteria to be tested and address any problems early.
In addition, work is also on-going with the Scottish Government Marketing and Insights Unit to develop pre and post communication plans to assist in gaining public buy in and a smooth transition to implementation.
National Dashcam Safety Portal
Discussions are continuing with Police Scotland in relation to the National Dashcam Safety Portal with Police Scotland developing a programme for development and implementation for the portal. The project is subject to an internal resource review within Police Scotland, however, all involved remain committed to bringing in this important safety initiative.
National Speed Management Review
The Chair advised that TS has been working with a consultant, WSP, on a National Speed Management Review, reviewing speed limit policies across the world.
The review will consider a range of topics including, speed management on motorways, speed limits through roadworks, rural settlements on trunk roads, urban and residential environments as well as the national speed limit for HGVs over 7.5 tonnes on the trunk road network. The phase 1 report has now been received and being reviewed by officials ahead of being shared with Ministers.
- Action Point: Secretariat/Chair to provide an update to members on the National Speed Management Review before or at next meeting.
Agenda Item 6 – AOB
School Travel Safety
IW provided background to members highlighting that in 2008/2009, two fatal collisions occurred in the North East which saw the death of school bus pupils in separate crashes after they left the bus. North East road safety partners developed initiatives highlighting the dangers of being distracted when crossing the road. However, those schemes have recently been discontinued simply because they are now very dated. Local partners are seeking to replace this and queried if there is any initiatives which could be shared or conducted nationally as this is not just a specific local issue.
CM agreed, noting that there are serious collisions involving school pupils getting off buses and is happy to be involved in this. We could look at a messaging campaign and look at more local issues. If it is topical we could look at increasing funding in this area, through other resources through the curriculum.
SL made the group aware of funding available through Active Travel which can help support safer trip to schools and support local authorities.
The Chair advised that he will arrange for this to be discussed at the other two LPF meetings and report back to members, and also highlighted that this could be a potential area for a framework funded project.
The Chair highlighted that it was discussed at the SPB the benefits of the LPFs, and sought members views of the group and meeting frequency, highlighting the need to strike a balance between current staffing pressures and ensuring meetings have worthwhile discussions. The idea of a rotating Chair was raised by the SPB, with TS still providing secretariat support.
Members advised that they are content with the frequency of the meetings, how the group is running and for TS to continue to Chair.
EP requested an update on the Road Safety Improvement Fund.
LF responded that no other update is available other than the email that was sent to local authorities. However, TS will work with partners to explore what can be delivered so that we can move promptly once budget position is confirmed.
CHa informed members that the next Road Safety Week will be held in March 2023, and the RSS seminar also held at this time.
- Action Point: Chair to arrange for School Travel Safety point to be raised at LPF East and West and to report back to IW and members.
- Action Point: Secretariat to set up meeting for March 2023.