Meeting minutes - Road Safety Framework Local Partnership Forum – North - 9 March 2022
- Hannah Wood (HW) (Chair) Transport Scotland – Road Safety Policy Team
- Kieren Green (KG) Transport Scotland – Road Safety Policy Team
- Michelle Little (ML) Transport Scotland – Road Safety Policy Team
- Lorraine Forrester (LF) Transport Scotland – Road Safety Policy Team
- George Henry (GH) Transport Scotland - Road Safety Policy and Education
- Andrew Paterson (AP) Transport Scotland – Statistician
- Stuart Wilson (SW) Transport Scotland – Safety and Development – attending as chair of A9 Safety Group
- Steven Feeney (SF) Transport Scotland – Safety Camera Programme
- Caroline Hay (CHa) Transport Scotland – Road Safety Scotland
- Marco Bardelli (MB) Transport Scotland - Area Manager
- Richard Perry (RP) Transport Scotland – Area Manager
- David Devine (DD) Transport Scotland - Area Manager
- Alasdair Sim (AS) Transport Scotland - Area Manager
- Karen Moir (KM) Dundee City Council
- Anne Stewart (AS) Safety Camera Unit Area Manager
- Yvonne Scott (YS) Orkney Council
- Caroline Hood (CH) Robert Gordon University
- Andrew Barclay (AB) Police Scotland
- Elaine Penny (EP) Moray Council
- Campbell Sands (CS) Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
- Calum Mackenzie (CM) Western Isles Council
- Ian Wallace (IW) Aberdeenshire Council
- David McArthur (DM) Perth and Kinross Council
- Jami Blythe (JM) - Observer Brake
- Lisa Mackellaich (LM) Highland Council
- Neil Hutcheson (NH) Shetland Council
- Walter Scott (WS) Angus Council
- Rona Gibb (RG) Paths for All
- Kenny Roy (KR) Orkney Council
- Andrea Strachan (ASt) Angus Council
- Andrew Wilkinson (AW) Aberdeenshire Council
- Diane Anderson (DA) Moray Council
- Colin Maciver (CM) Western Isles Council
- Graeme McKenzie (GM) Dundee City Council
- Alan Robertson (AR) Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
- Robin Pope (RP) Highland Council
- Martin Hall (MH) Aberdeenshire Council
- Vycki Ritson (VR) Aberdeen City Council
Welcome and Introductions
The Chair welcomed Local Partnership Forum attendees and proceeded with round the table introductions.
Previous Minutes and Actions
The minutes of the previous meeting, 24 November 21 were agreed as an accurate record of discussion, all actions stemming from the last meeting have been completed.
Terms of Reference, Remit and Membership
Views were sought from members on the possibility of a rotating Chair, to allow members to Chair meetings on a yearly basis.
The group were felt best to allow Transport Scotland to continue this role along with providing Secretariat.
Knowledge and Data Analysis
Localised Stats
AP presented to the group following queries of the last meeting, noting the following data:
- Aberdeenshire have the highest population with the highest traffic volume. However Highland have the highest motorcycle traffic.
- There were no child fatalities in the North LPF area in 2019 and one in 2020.
- Aberdeenshire, Highland and Dundee has higher cycling KSIs in 2020, however it was noted that on road cycling saw a 50% increase in 2020 when compared to 2019.
- Highlands and Aberdeenshire had the highest motorcycle casualties, however also have the highest motorcycle traffic.
- Older road users have the highest rate of KSIs in the Highlands, with Angus having the highest rate for younger road users.
- Scotland has six different classifications of urban/rural based on journey time to cities with a specified size.
- Large urban areas have the highest pedestrian fatalities.
- Car based traffic have the highest overall casualty across all six urban/rural areas.
National Speed Indicator
Speed indicator sites have been installed at 100 locations across Scotland, with AP noting that the sites have been gathering data for the last six months and the findings are:
- 20 mph roads have a lower speed compliance when compared to 30 mph, noting this is a similar trend across Scotland.
- Cars and vans are still likely to speed on 30 mph roads, however as the road speed increases then motorcycles are more likely to speed.
- National speed limit roads tend to see vehicles with a variable speed limit, such as cars with trailers, exceed the limit.
CM asked if there was any plans to increase the number of sites which will allow for further data. It was confirmed that Transport Scotland are currently looking to install further sites in particular in areas of deprivation to strengthen the data set.
MB queried if this data also takes into account the HGV speed limit increase trial and if these can be identified within the data sets.
AP advised that these indicators are not located on the A9 as this is part of a separate speed limit trial.
A question in regards to “How are other local authorities reducing the speed of vehicles on national speed limited roads, other than that of the usual measures and working with police on enforcement” was raised on behalf of the LPF East.
There were no solutions highlighted by members which could assist in these areas.
Key Themes
AP highlighted that in 2020, six fatalities in LPF North were pedal cyclists.
Young drivers have seen a large decrease in casualties, whereas older drivers have remained steady and not seen a large decrease in numbers. However, the Scottish Household Survey suggests that there are more active older drivers now when compared to 2010.
WS queried if there has been an increase in children on bikes.
The data from Sustrans Hand up Survey didn’t show a rise in those cycling to school, highlighting that there are measures which monitor cycling on the road, however these don’t distinguish between adults and children.
The integrity of the data was queried and contributory factors requested for other modes and driver ages.
AP confirmed that, fatal and serious collisions usually have a more in depth investigation, whereas slights may not which may mean the true cause isn’t always identified or recorded.
Action Point: Secretariat to circulate AP presentation.
Action Point: KG to liaise with CM on the possible extension of speed indicators in Western Isles.
Action Point: AP to investigate the possibility of using Google Data/Inrix to establish the speed travelled on roads.
Action Point: AP to provide all contributory factor information at next meeting.
Education and Publicity/Scottish Road Safety Week
CHa provided an update on RSS noting the following:
- A new road safety resource has been developed called ‘Road Stars’ which will replace ‘Street Sense 2’ as the main primary school resource. This will be an online resource contained within the RSS website. The aim is for this to be launch mid-March with promotion of this.
- Work has commenced with an additional support needs specialist to develop a new road safety resource for children and young people with complex support needs.
- Rebuild on the RSS site is also progressing, paying particular attention to accessibility.
- RSS are looking to update the ‘Your Call’ and ‘Crash Magnets’.
- Drive Like Grans in the Car campaigns are being developed on speed and distraction, this will tie in with the law change later in the year.
- A new Breathtaking Roads campaign is being developed for the next motorcycle season.
- Road Safety Scotland Annual Seminar will take place on 23rd of March, during the first Scottish Road Safety Week.
IW questioned if there was any activity planned for older road users.
CHa advised that this is in the pipeline, however work has been prioritised given the legislation changes on mobile phone use.
MB highlighted the recently changes to the Highway Code noting the confusion around these given limited awareness campaigns.
GH advised that this is something we are looking at with a stakeholder toolkit developed by the THINK! team for those wishing to support the campaign, making it easy to share and amplify the campaign messages and materials through their own channel.
Transport Scotland is also working with partners on an awareness-raising campaign through our Road Safety Scotland team and SG Marketing. This comprises a three-week campaign which started on 15 February using radio and social media assets.
Action Point: Members to pass any road safety related work they wish to highlight as part of Scottish Road Safety Week to Secretariat.
M90 HADECS Camera System
SF stated that a HADECS camera system is being progressed to live operation. This is across the 22km stretch of the M90 where the variable mandatory speed limit is in place.
SF further highlighted that the primary objective of this section of the network keep traffic moving over the forth. By encouraging an enhanced level of speed limit compliance, the HADECS camera system will help to maintain traffic flow by managing vehicle speeds during periods of congestion, incidents and adverse weather.
The forum noted that the camera system is expected to go live during May 2022.
SF further advised that this section of the network has been monitored since 2018. This evidence showed a high speed compliance rate but that there was still a significant number of speeding vehicles, and vehicles which speed excessively.
The group also noted that to raise awareness amongst the public there will be a four week national communications campaign which will commence in advance of HADECS progressing to live operation. The campaign will run two weeks prior to going live and two week after and will contain a mix of radio, digital and out of home advertising.
EP questioned if collisions had been taken into account on the stretch of road for the HADECS camera system to be installed and if this will be communicated to road users. In response, SF highlighted that rather than traditional safety camera deployments which were based on an evidence base of collisions and speeding, the HADECS system was in place to keep traffic moving over the Forth. SF further advised that the robust monitoring exercise which had been undertaken provided a clear understanding over driver behaviours and how journey time reliability varies. Data shows that over a seven day period there were over 2000 vehicles speeding on this section with around 600 being excessively over the limit. Tied to this, was data which showed that there was approximately a 5 minute variance in journey times during peak period. SF further advised that it was envisaged the HADECS camera system would help to encourage enhanced speed limit compliance which was anticipated to help lead to more reliable journey times.
Partner Updates
The Tayside Road Safety Group have developed a framework funding bid on young drivers. This will look to replace Safe Drive Stay Alive.
AB advised that Rider Refinement North scheme has been reviewed, with work on-going to update the course material and look to restart and roll this initiative out wider.
CH added that she is working with the police inspector leading Rider Refinement North and it is expected that RGU will provide the evaluation of this scheme looking at the classroom session redevelopment.
JB advised that Brake are awaiting the outcome on funding via the Victims Approach Fund, which if successful would mean a greater presence in Scotland to provide support to those involved in serious collisions.
Continuing by highlighting a National Road Safety Performance Forum which is scheduled for week commencing 14 March 2022, bringing together road safety professionals from around the UK who deliver young driver initiatives.
CM noted that the Western Isles road safety operational and strategic meetings have worked together and developed a local road safety plan aligned to the 2030 framework. Continuing by highlighted three bids have been developed for the Road Safety Framework Fund.
DM highlighted that as well as the new driver scheme being rolled out in Tayside this will also take place in Perth and Kinross.
The North East have had four fatalities since the start of 2022, three of whom are older drivers highlighting the need for further investigation and initiatives in this area.
Transport Scotland, through the Road Safety Framework Fund supported an older driver initiative, Driver Engagement North, and ML sought an update on the progress of this.
AB confirmed that this project has picked back up post Covid-19 restrictions with some local engagement taken place with the driving simulators.
The Chair advised that going forward we would seek to have written updates from partners which can be shared in advance of the meeting to then discuss.
Action Point: JB to extend invite to National Road Safety Performance Forum to KM and DM.
Road Safety Framework Activity
RSF2030 Delivery Plan – 2021/22 and 2022/23
The first Delivery Plan was published in September 2021, containing 60 deliverables will be coming to an end at end of March 2022. Reporting on this is on-going with a full update published within the Road Safety Framework Annual Report.
Transport Scotland are currently working with partners on the next Delivery Plan which will take us to 2023. The aim is to publish this around mid-April 2022.
Members noted that they were also working on their own local delivery plans with some already in place and others still being developed.
SW also advised that the Trunk Road Casualty Reduction team have also commissioned the same consultant who developed STPR2 to develop the new Strategic Road Safety Plan with the challenge to them on the delivery of the plan. This will take place over the spring and summer with engagement with partners.
Road Safety Improvement Fund (RSIF)
LF advised that Transport Scotland is currently considering the implementation of the RSIF. A RSIF proposal is currently being drafted for TS Director approval. Following this, Ministerial approval and CoSLA input will be sought.
The fund is likely to be available from around late April 2022 which will help road authorities and partners meet the challenging 2030 road casualty reduction targets and to implement the Safe System across their road network. The funding would allow for a proactive approach to road safety by undertaking a risk mapping exercise on all routes, in addition to more traditional road safety measures. This may identify where investment could be targeted to improve the maintenance and upgrading of roads, kerbsides and pavements.
LF queried the challenges local authorities faced when implementing schemes or initiatives.
It was noted that Covid-19 and the restrictions in place can make it difficult to conduct local schemes as these restrictions have meant very limited contact with schools and communities.
CM added that if areas are looking to develop infrastructure, there needs to be time factored in for public consultations, planning applications and land purchases. Highlighting the need for multi-year funding to enable areas to take these factors into consideration.
National Speed Management Review
WSP, on behalf of Transport Scotland, are undertaking a comprehensive review covering all road types and management initiatives including speed limits, enforcement, education, behaviour including nudge psychology, with a literature review nearly finished.
LF added that WSP are about to start the consultation process with TS, LA’s and other stakeholders including CEDR and ETSC to understand the baseline conditions and would aim to establish the current status of speed management across Scotland and potential initiatives that could form part of a national policy. It will take the form of multiple presentations to larger groups followed by the issuance of a questionnaire to obtain additional/specific information on speed management policies and initiatives.
CM questioned if there was any set timescale for this and how could Western Isles be more involved to ensure a joint up approach.
LF advised that the first set of work will be completed by 31 March, with this continuing into the next delivery plan.
AS queried if Police Scotland have also been involved with the engagement given that enforcement is usually targeted on higher risk areas where there is a greater casualty number rather than lower speed roads.
Action Point: LF to provide update on National Speed Management Review timescales and Police Scotland engagement.
Safe System Training/Animations
From the Road Safety Framework 2030 public consultation and further engagement it was clear there was a lack of knowledge around the Safe System in terms of road safety within Scotland.
KG highlighted that to support the awareness of this the Road Safety Policy Team launched five short animations on the pillars of the Safe System. The feedback of these has been extremely positive and have been promoted well on our framework microsite as well as Transport Scotland social media.
In addition to this, the Trunk Road Casualty Reduction team have commissioned a consultant to develop a Safe System training course that will be delivered for all road safety partners to help support the implementation of the Safe System.
This will be initially trialled within Transport Scotland but will be looked to be rolled out further to all road safety practitioners.
RP offered his support to local authorities who will be transitioning to a Safe Systems model to road safety.
IW question the communication between the governance groups and how this can be enhanced going forward.
KG confirmed that this is something that we will look to build on, noting that the other LPF and OPG Chairs will either attend these meetings or have a written update with the output of these other meetings discussed within this forum.
The Chair sought views on how these meetings should continue such as in person, virtual or a hybrid model.
The group were content to explore the possibility of having a hybrid meeting going forward.
Action Point: Secretariat to set up meeting for September 2022.