Development Days
Development Days
Our first Development Day of the reporting year was held on 12 April 2022 and led by the Bus, Taxi, and Community Transport Workstream and looked at lived experience and the range of transport options in relation to Taxi services and providers. Attendees included MACS members, Transport Scotland officials, TAS Partnership (Passenger Transport Specialists), Transport for All, Uber, and the Community Transport Association.
This event included a number of presentations and updates from attendees including the Accessible Travel Framework update, Mobility as a Service (MaaS), Demand Responsive Transport and a lived experience discussion.
The session was enjoyed by all participants and a number of follow-up meetings were arranged to further discuss some of the topics on the day.
The second annual Development Day took place on 13 December 2022 with the theme focused on Progressing Equality and Human Rights. This included members of the Committee and representatives from two Scottish based human rights organisations.
The agenda for the day included three sessions:
- Session One: Scottish Human Rights Commission (SHRC) – This included an introduction to the SHRC in terms of their role and purpose and then current focus and strategy, especially where it might interface with MACS areas of interest.
- Session Two: Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) – This included an introduction to the EHRC in terms of their role and purpose and then current focus and strategy, especially where it might interface with MACS' areas of interest.
- Session Three: This session acted as a discussion session to see where MACS and these organisations could support and impact shared work.
This day was well received by all who attended. It not only gave all in attendance a better understanding of the various remits of the organisations, it also helped us focus in on the approach MACS takes to promote the critical role transport plays as an important enabler of human rights.
Discussions meant MACS looked at the shared agendas of attendees and considered how we might best help each other to support people we collectively represent, including those who share protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010.