Scoping Day

Scoping Day

In November 2022 we held our annual Scoping Day; this also included discussions with Transport Scotland's Accessible Travel Policy Team in regard to the future of the Accessible Travel Framework and the Delivery Plans for this.

The day also included a session on NTS2 progress and next steps available data/stats including the Scottish Household Survey (SHS) Report from TS (Disability and Transport) and links to 'Closing the Mobility Gap' as well as the usual review of our workplans to help shape our Work Plan for 2023 to 2024.


One of MACS most important roles is to ensure that the NTS2 delivers improvements in accessibility. In launching the second annual Delivery Plan, Minister Jenny Gilruth MSP said:

"Our aim is to continue to work across the country to build and grow a sustainable, inclusive, safe and accessible transport system, helping to deliver a healthier, fairer and more prosperous Scotland."

View National Transport Strategy

Initially, MACS had a place on the NTS2 Delivery Board, which is chaired by the Minister and oversees its implementation. In addition, MACS were represented on TEN.

However, representation on the Delivery Board ended in 2021 when its membership was re-organised. In addition, the TEN has also not met for some months and is no longer mentioned on Transport Scotland's NTS2 pages. MACS therefore sought clarification from TS on how MACS can perform its key task of 'critical friend', ensuring that the NTS2 delivers for disabled people.

In the role of monitoring progress, MACS previously formally asked TS to commit to publishing 'Disability and Transport' (first published in 2021) as well as carrying out a programme of other research. This is essential if we are able to tell if Scotland is succeeding in 'Closing the Mobility Gap' over time.

Accessible Travel Framework

The ATF published in 2016 remains a critical component of the transport strategy. This has also produced Annual Delivery Plans, and Disability Equality Scotland is assisting with monitoring progress in its implementation, which is due to report initially in March 2023. However, over the past year, MACS has confirmed that it would welcome proposals to replace the ATF with a new, more ambitious, and comprehensive accessible transport strategic plan.

MACS noted such a plan would bring the ATF up to date in the context of more recent developments such as NTS2 itself, the concept of the 'just transition' and associated major initiatives such as the target to reduce private car traffic by 20% by 2030.

MACS members should have a significant role to play in assisting TS officials to consider the form and content of such a plan, which must be both ambitious and effective in delivering accessible transport and mobility for disabled people in Scotland.

MACS agreed to support and offer further advice on the ongoing development in terms of their reworked delivery plans with a firm view on seeing out the end of the ATF lifecycle.

Workplan review

The annual review of the work plan is intended to afford the full committee opportunity to revisit and discuss the previous year's work, areas of engagement and discuss progress made against the five objectives.

This review gives members the opportunity to consider any other issues arising throughout the year (mainly from PfG, the STPR2 projects aimed at delivering our transition to Net Zero and NPF4) and decide where the Committee should target and prioritise its finite resources to achieve maximum impact on the accessible travel agenda for the following year's work plan (2023 to 2024).

It was noted that this year's PfG took a unique and different approach due to the cost of living crisis and the SG's focus on support during this (including through budget setting and spending reviews).

PfG was published against a backdrop of the most severe economic upheaval in a generation, already impacting people, businesses, public services and the third sector across Scotland. For that reason, the immediate focus and nature of this year's PfG was different. It was be acknowledged that the 2022 to 2023 PfG builds on the long term commitments made in previous publications and on the Bute House Agreement that restated commitment to the importance on delivering the ambitions on Active Travel and the climate.

The Convener tabled a discussion paper, from this year's PfG, to agree the main areas of focus for the 2023 to 2024 Work Plans. Outputs from this paper and the discussion were used to refresh the work plan to gain committee wide agreement for the following years work areas.

The finalised Work Plan following these discussion for 2023 to 2024 can be found at the link below:

View Work Plan April 2023 to end March 2024 Mobility and Access Committee for Scotland


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