Team Sessions (Knowing Me, Knowing You)

Team Sessions (Knowing Me, Knowing You)

A Knowing Me, Knowing you (KM, KY) "team session" took place in November 2022 with the focus on Inclusive Communication. This was set up to grow the knowledge base of Committee members, the Secretariat and Transport Scotland attendees to give a better understanding on how to communicate more inclusively and effectively with audiences taking into account all forms of communication including written information, online materials, audio such as telephone conversations and face to face discussions.

Guest speakers included both Inclusion Scotland and Disability Equality Scotland. This session included:

  • presentation and Q&A session around Inclusion Scotland's Accessible Social Media guide and Inclusive Formatting guidance
  • presentation and Q&A session around the Inclusive Communications Hub including the learning toolkit and case studies.

The session was very informative, interesting and well received by all in attendance. As a follow-up to this session MACS have created their own best practice guidance on Inclusive communication, including a top 10 tips; we have fully reviewed several documents to ensure they are screen reader friendly as well as introduce an inclusive communications session as part of our induction process for new members to the committee.

All in all, this was a very productive session which made us stop, consider and reflect and then take action to ensure we are catering to our audience.

Future KM, KY sessions are planned for the coming year with the committee keen to continue our learning and development as a group. This will include:

A session on "framing conversations and messages".

A getting to know you session which will be designed to help new committee members get to know a little bit more about existing members.


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