Mobility and Access Committee for Scotland (MACS) - Main Committee Meeting - Minutes - 19 October 2021
- Linda Bamford (LB) – Convener/Chair
- Michael Tornow (MT)
- Naghat Ahmed (NA)
- Joanne Devitt (JD)
- Susan Fulton (SF)
- Simon Watkins (SW)
- Graham Dunn (GD)
- Hilary Stubbs (HS)
- David Hunter (DH)
- Ewan Mathieson (EM)
- Lynsey Shovlin (LS)
- Maureen Olliffe (MO) Secretariat
- Alexis Devlin (AD) – Secretariat
- Bryan Little – (Joined meeting at 11:30. Left at 11:50)
- Audrey Birt (AB)
- Fraser Sutherland (FS)
- Heather Still (HS)
- Pauline Kelly (PK)
Agenda Item 1: Welcome, Apologies and Housekeeping
1.1. The Convener welcomed everyone to the meeting and gave mention to the new members attending their first meeting. She noted apologies as listed above, covered MS Teams housekeeping including the process for asking questions for the benefit of the new Committee members.
1.2. The Convener relayed how this meeting differed from other Committee meetings due to it being a legislative meeting, explained its structure and content including her super report and the sponsor team update. She stated that this meeting would be minuted by the Secretariat with action points highlighted and allocated to owners. She also covered the new allocation of work-streams for all Committee members.
1.3. The Convener raised awareness of the Memorandum of Understanding (now MACS Framework Document) to new members, describing her role and encouraged each new member to familiarise themselves with it. She then invited all Committee members to introduce themselves including their roles within the Committee and any organisations that they have links to that assists with MACS work.
Agenda Item 2: Approval of minutes, matters arising and update on action points from previous meeting (July 2021 minutes)
2.1 The July minutes had previously been circulated for comment. The Convener asked if there were any updates required. As there were none the minutes were approved, however Secretariat was asked to keep SF up-to-date on STPR2 to close off action point 6 from the July meeting. It was agreed that all other actions from July 2021 were now closed.
Agenda Item 3: Update from Convener (including any questions from super report content)
3.1. The Convener explained the reason and process of giving the update from the super report for the benefit of all new Committee members.
3.2. The Convener highlighted page 17 of the super report, which referred to the risk register. She stated that it is held and maintained by Secretariat and updated at MACS Leads meetings, allowing for a quarterly update. The Convener invited members to contact the Secretariat if they wished a copy and stated that if they needed further explanations either Karen Armstrong (KA) or the Convener would set aside some time to go through the log with the member.
Action Point 1
MACS Committee members to contact the Secretariat if they required sight of the risk register.
3.3. The Convener drew attention to an action point on page 19 of the super report regarding the ‘Knowing me, Knowing you’ sessions as presently there are none in the meeting schedule for next year.
She asked the Committee members to highlight any suggestions for meeting topics to the Convener as soon as possible.
The Convener also asked that anyone who wanted to Lead on organising and delivering these sessions to let her know and she would work with them. Initial suggestions include - inclusive communications – verbal and written, framing conversations and travelling with dementia.
Action Point 2
Committee members to share suggestions for KM, KY with the Convener as soon as possible and indicate if they would like to lead or co-lead in the organisation and chairing of these sessions.
3.4. The Convener also referred to the Scoping Day papers and confirmed when members should receive these, including easy read versions. It was agreed this would be no later than 4 November 2021.
3.5. The Convener mentioned the removal of the consultation section at the end of the super report and asked if the Committee were happy with this approach. The Committee confirmed they were content as long as they received the update of the consultation database from the Secretariat at the beginning of each month.
Action Point 3
Secretariat to ensure they circulate an update of the consultation database at the beginning of each month.
3.6. MT asked if one of the tables included in the super report could be re-sent as his screen reading technology could not read it. The Convener agreed to send a non-table format version for ease.
Action Point 4
The Convener to send MT a non-table version format of information contained in the super report for ease.
3.7. MT also asked about the pilot for adaptive/non-standard cycles and if children with sensory impairment have been included. The Convener stated that arrangements are in place to work with organisations that provide non-standard bikes, including a signposting function so that the needs of all children are met. Wheelness and Freewheel North are also involved in the process.
3.8. SW stated that six initial pilots were approved in August 2021 and two more have been approved since then. Pilots on adaptive bikes have also been approved.
3.9. HS asked what provisions will be made for the bikes and how parents and carers will be made aware that the bikes are available and to ensure they are suitable. She also asked if the bikes are not used, will they be removed. The Convener updated that grass root organisations are raising awareness of the Scheme with parents as are local schools. SW also stated that this is only the pilot stage and work is continuing.
3.10. NA sought clarity around the criteria for free bikes and asked if Scottish Government’s commitment to offer ‘free bikes for children who cannot afford one’ is aimed at families on benefits or is there additional criteria? SW confirmed that as of yet there are no criteria, however this will be part of testing in the pilot.
Agenda Item 4: Sponsor Team paper and update
4.1. The Convenor welcomed BL to the call and confirmed that the sponsor paper would be taken as ‘read’ and that the session would be for updates and discussion on the contents of the paper.
4.2. BL stated that the only addition to the sponsor paper was from the ferries team. In line with community requests, CalMac Ferries Ltd have introduced a new facility to allow blue badge holders to book travel on selected ‘Turn Up and Go’ routes by phoning in advance. This should alleviate the need for these passengers to stand and queue for tickets, and blue badges can be checked by marshalling staff at the vehicle, rather than passengers having to take their blue badge into the booking office.
4.3. BL agreed to discuss with ferries colleagues the potential contradiction between a ‘turn up and go’ route and the need for blue badge holders to call in advance of traveling. HS also asked for clarity regarding whether Blue Badge holders can book online or will have to do it over the phone.
Action Point 5
BL to discuss with ferries colleagues the potential contradiction between a “turn up and go” route and the need for blue badge holders to call in advance of travelling.
4.4. SF asked BL about the progress that has been made in reviewing the Blue Badge guidance for Local Authorities. BL advised that the team are now at the point of redrafting the guidance following a series of working group meetings with Local Authorities, blue badge holders and healthcare professionals. BL also advised that the leaflet that the previous MACS member and SF provided comment on is with the designers ahead of its launch over the next few months.
4.5. SF asked if disabled people or disabled people’s organisations have had input to the revised Blue Badge application form. BL confirmed that the three working groups that have helped revised the guidance have all had input towards the review of application forms. BL confirmed that the team have made small but hopefully significant changes to the form that will see an improved, more efficient process for applicants. BL is hopeful that the revised application forms and guidance document will be shared with key stakeholders for comment.
4.6. MT questioned the need for people who are blind having to apply or re-apply for a blue badge, adding that many people are unlikely to remain registered blind. BL advised that the requirement for registration is so that the Local Authority can cross check the applicant against their local register. BL updated that as part of the guidance review they are looking to introduce a ‘not for re-assessment’ application form that will dramatically reduce the amount of information the applicant will need to provide – so long as they have been advised by their Local Authority and/or healthcare professional that they will no longer require assessment for future blue badges.
4.7. HS asked if the application will be available in Easy Read. BL confirmed that while the forms are still in draft this hasn’t been considered but confirmed that forms would be available in accessible, including easy read formats should the applicant request it.
4.8. MT also commented on recent personal experience of losing his Blue Badge and highlighted the difficult and quite lengthy process he had to go through in order to get a replacement. BL advised that the need for badge holders to report the badge lost or stolen to the police is to reduce fraud and aid the Local Authority.
4.9. NA asked whether the new, revised application forms will require full completion from every applicant. BL confirmed that the revised forms will be split into much smaller forms, based on eligibility criteria, to ensure that the application process, moving forward, will be more efficient.
4.10 LB asked about the adaptive bike hire consultation findings mentioned under the section of the Sponsor Team update regarding, sustainable bike and bike share survey. The consultation closed in June 2021 but the summary report has not been made available yet.
Action Point 6
Secretariat to send on summary report of adaptive bike consultation when it is published.
Agenda Item 5: Work-stream Leads Update
5.1. The Convener gave an overview of the process of the updates for the benefit of the new members.
5.2. DH gave the update for Planning and Strategy. He mentioned Programme for Government (PfG) and that the Accessibility Team were preparing a briefing on the potential opportunities that it may provide for MACS to influence policy.
5.3. DH also mentioned the upcoming Motability Operations meeting in November and that additional support for the Motability sub group would be helpful if anyone has an interest and would like to volunteer.
Action Point 7
MACS members to email DH if they would like to join the Motability sub group.
5.4. DH also discussed the second National Transport Delivery Plan, which will be published in Spring 2022. DH asked the Committee to reflect on two questions – What do members wish to see in the plan and how MACS can influence the shaping of the next delivery plan?
5.5. DH will find out the date and time of the next meeting of the NTS2 Delivery Board to keep the Committee updated. Secretariat to also email Committee the current NTS delivery plan.
Action Point 8
Secretariat to circulate the current NTS Delivery Plan.
5.6. HS gave an update on Ferries and Aviation. She welcomed the new members, all of whom will be joining her work-stream.
5.7. HS, for the benefit of new members, stated that there is currently an annual fund for ferry companies and harbours to improve accessibility and MACS have representation on the funding process The work-stream have responded to the ferries accessible fund draft application form.
5.8. HS outlined that the main work with the ferries Unit will be on the Island Connectivity Plan. This plan will replace the current Ferries Plan when it is completed. MACS will be involved in commenting on the draft Plan. HS asked the Secretariat to set up a Doodle poll for a ferries meeting to introduce the new work-stream members and familiarise them with the work plan.
5.9. HS also mentioned that PAMIS and CalMac will be working closely together over the coming weeks regarding changing places provision on vessels and will likely be looking for input on this work from MACS members. SF declared an interest at this point for PAMIS.
Action Point 9
Secretariat to set up doodle poll for future ferries meeting.
5.10. HS also gave a wider overview of areas within her work-stream area and mentioned the aviation strategy consultation that has recently gone live and that she is waiting on further updates regarding the Islands Connectivity Plan. Once the new members have settled in she will circulate the Aviation Strategy consultation for comment.(responses are not due until the new year.
5.11. HS outlined the work that is on-going in connection with MaaS and the Island’s Plan. There have been a number of events and consultations regarding developments in this area including several funds which will be going live to develop aspects of island life.
5.12. SW updated on the rail work-stream, particularly around the ask that ScotRail continue to monitor passenger assistance use after the pandemic. A previous MACS member who has just left was responding to a timetable consultation and it was agreed that they would check the submitted response.
Action Point 10
The Secretariat is to check submitted response for consultation regarding timetable changes from FS.
5.13. As AB is currently on annual leave the Convener updated on issues AB wished to be raised. Before going on leave she submitted a response to the Implementing Part 3 of the Transport (Scotland) Act 2019: Bus Services consultation and asked that Secretariat be reminded to updated this onto the MACS website. The Secretariat agreed to follow this up.
Action Point 11
Secretariat to ensure AB’s report on the consultation (as above) is posted on the MACS website.
5.14.. The Convener mentioned the Scottish National Action Plan for Human Rights (SNAP 2) and additionally that the Scottish Human Rights Commission (SHRC) has a lived experience leadership group. This group tends to have people affected by the various ways their rights have been, or can be failed, but to date, there has been less disabled people on the groups and again it was felt that a MACS representative would be a valuable participant. The SHRC are currently recruiting and expect things to move on once the recruitment process has taken place. If anyone would like to volunteer to be part of this group, please let AB know.
5.15. SF gave the update for the Roads, Infrastructure and Active Travel Work-stream. She stressed that she is new in the role and is continuing to learn. She is considering a ‘newsletter’ for the work-stream to keep track of work and projects. Currently the newsletter would be monthly and she asked other work-streams to consider if they wanted sent a copy for information. EM commented that he would be happy to receive a newsletter of monthly updates and key points
5.16 SF also mentioned that Paths for All are hosting an event in December 2021 and that MT is attending a meeting with Jacobs for their Transport Planning Day.
5.17 MT highlighted he has had input into a rapid inequalities impact assessment of the Sustrans’ 2014 guidance for Local Authorities for Active Travel Strategies and Action Plans. He raised several issues the 2014 guidance has for disabled people and Sustrans appeared receptive to making changes when updating the guidance. He will share the refreshed guidance with MACS as soon as it is available.
Action Point 12
MT to share refreshed Sustran guidance as soon as it is available.
5.18. MT has also participated in a Health Inequalities Impact Assessment report on road reallocation which will shortly be published by Public Health Scotland. He will send the link to the MACS Secretariat when it’s available so that this can be uploaded to the MACS website. He will also send the MACS secretariat a link to the NICE Physical Activity and the Environment Guideline to upload to the MACS website.
Action Point 13
MT to share Health Inequalities Impact Assessment report when published and will send the link to Secretariat to upload to the website. He will also send the Secretariat the link to the NICE Physical Activity and Environment Guideline also for upload to the MACS website.
5.19. DH also stated that he had shared the ‘Small Changes can make a Big Difference’ paper but to date he has not heard back from them. He also encouraged Committee members to share this document with their own networks.
5.20. GD updated that he had attended an energy saving workshop on sustainable travel and EqIA’s. The workshop focused on transition to EV for low income communities and those with disabilities. The key points made were around accessibility, affordability, displacement and sustainable travel.
5.21. On a separate issued, JD mentioned that she sometimes does not receive emails and that they can end up in her email junk folder. The Secretariat stated that they would check the guidance from a previous MACS member who had issues with e-mails arriving in the junk folder.
Action Point 14
Secretariat to check guidance from previous MACS member on emails arriving in junk folder.
Agenda Item 6: Key Messages for Twitter
6.1. For the benefit of the new members, DH gave an overview of the MACS twitter activities. EM offered assistance due to his experience in communications. DH agreed to have a discussion between himself, EM and AB to see how this could be taken forward (DH and AB are currently MACS Twitter gatekeepers).
Members agreed to reflect on todays’ discussions and send DH relevant messages for sharing.
Agenda Item 7: AOB
7.1 The Convener apologised for the short notice of the meeting with Mr Harvie, Minister for Net Zero Buildings, Active Travel and Tenants’ Rights and the early start time. The agenda, briefing papers and link to the meeting had been sent.
7.2 The Convener also updated that the papers for the Scoping Day on 18 November 2021 were currently with the Secretariat (with the exception of the Accessible Travel Team paper for their session) and will be circulated by no later than 4 November 2021.
7.3 In terms of briefing papers, the Convener also updated that the briefing paper for the discussion on committee structures on 14 December 2021 would be circulated by no later than 30 November 2021. This would be a closed session to MACS members only albeit the Secretariat would send the link and open the meeting before leaving.
7.4 The Convener acknowledged that members had raised issues with her that they wished to discuss in relation to secretariat and admin support and asked members to bear with her as she explained some measures that would be put in place with immediate effect to reduce the volume of emails and assist with directing emails appropriately and adding context to emails that were being forwarded to members.
7.5 The Convener and KA had agreed that emails would initially be filtered by the Secretariat and only passed on to the relevant MACS Lead or members if they could not deal with them, needed assistance in responding or if they required sharing for relevant information. The emails would be headed with the title, purpose of email (i.e. for information, for action, by whom, by when etcetera) and a brief overview of what was needed from the recipient.
7.6 The Convener also stated that there would be an immediate move away from reply/forward to all to ensure the emails were directed efficiently and reduce the volume. She gave an example of her daily email numbers many as a result of “reply to all” and her concerns that if she didn’t take time to read them all, and the full thread, she would miss important communications or fail to respond when needed. The Convener stressed her hopes that god housekeeping would assist with reducing the volume of emails and also with managing them more efficiently and effectively thus avoiding members being over whelmed and confused re what actions were required of them.
7.7 In terms of links for MS Teams meetings, the Secretariat agreed they will be adding information to the subject line, including meeting type, date and times and will also add the MS Teams links to each agenda.
7.8. The Convener again acknowledged member’s frustrations and the added workload the Committee members were experiencing and asked her team to allow the new processes, starting immediately, to take effect to see if this would address some of the issues that had been raised.
7.9. The Convener updated the Committee that herself and HS have, to date, had 3 meetings with KA and John Maxwell (MACS Sponsor) to raise and seek to address these issues and that a further meeting was arranged for 23 November 2021 to assess the difference these actions make and see what else needs, and can be done.
7.10. HS updated the Committee that Hybrid meetings are not likely to start until the Spring 2022 as the default position for Scottish Government staff remains to work from home. The Committee will be kept updated and the Secretariat has agreed to test the new technology prior to any live meeting to ensure it works for all members. Members will be asked to be involved in the testing.
7.11. The Secretariat was asked to update the Public Bodies list as the previous Secretariat and members including contact details are still listed as contacts. The induction pack will also be updated to reflect the new membership of the Committee.
Action Point 15
Secretariat to update Public Bodies list with updated Secretariat contact details.
Action Point 16
Secretariat to send out updated induction pack to the full committee once update.
Agenda Item 8: Close
8.1 The Convener thanked everyone for attending.
Before closing the Convener recorded her thanks to FS, who will be leaving MACS at the end of the year. FS had served 5 years with MACS and during this time his knowledge, experience and input was extremely valuable not only to the work-streams he was a member of, but in his work with the Motability Sub Group and in leading on various consultation responses for MACS. The Convener thanked him for this level of commitment and wished him well for the future.