New Roads and Street Works Act 1991: Code of Practice for the Co-ordination of Works in Roads
Appnedix G
Legal Provision for Notices
G1. 3 Month and 1 Month Advance Notice of Works
By the issue of these notices:
- A road works authority meets its obligations under Section 112B(2) of NRSWA and Regulation 3(4)(i), (ii) and (iv) of SI 2008 No88.
- An undertaker meets its obligations under section 113 of NRSWA and Regulation 6 of SI 2008 No88.
G2. Notice of Expected Starting Date
(i) 7 Day Notice of Expected Starting Date of Works
By the issue of this notice:
- A road works authority meets its obligations under Section 112B(2) of NRSWA and Regulation 3(4)(ii) of SI 2008 No88.
- An undertaker meets its obligations under Section 114 of NRSWA.
(ii) 3 Day Notice of Expected Starting Date of Works
By the issue of this notice:
- A road works authority meets its obligations under Section 112B(2) of NRSWA and Regulation 3(4)(vi) of SI 2008 No88.
- An undertaker meets its obligations under Section 114 of NRSWA and Regulation 7(1) of SI 2008 No88.
(iii) 24 Hour Notice of Expected Starting Date of Works
By the issue of this notice:
- A road works authority meets its obligations under Section 112B(2) of NRSWA and Regulation 3(4)(v) of SI 2008 No88.
- An undertaker meets its obligations under section 114 of NRSWA and Regulation 7(2) of SI 2008 No88.
G3. Urgent and Emergency Notices
(i) 2 Hour Notice of Starting Date of Works
By the issue of this notice an undertaker meets its obligations under Section 114 of NRSWA and Regulation 7(1) of SI 2008 No88.
(ii) 2 Hour Follow Up Notice
By the issue of this notice an undertaker meets its obligations under:
- Section 114 of NRSWA and Regulation 7(2) of SI 2008 No88, or
- Section 116(2) of NRSWA.
G4. Works Completion and Reinstatement where there is only one Site.
(i) Works Clear Notice (for interim reinstatement) and Works Closed Notice (for permanent reinstatement).
By the issue of a Works Clear or Works Closed Notice:
- A road works authority meets its obligations under Section 112B(6) of NRSWA and Regulation 3(6) of SI 2008 No88.
- An undertaker shall be deemed to meet its obligations under Section 129(3) of NRSWA and Regulation 13 of SI 2008 No88. (The Commissioner is content that regulation 13(b) is not met at this stage and will be completed as part of the Registration Notice.)
G5. Works Completion and Reinstatement where there is more than one Site (Undertakers Only).
(i) Site Reinstatement Details Notice
By the issue of this notice an undertaker is deemed to have lodged a part of his overall reinstatement. Where interim, the date entered shall be the start of the 6 month period within which it must be made permanent. Where permanent, the date entered shall commence the guarantee period.
(ii) Works Clear Notice (for interim reinstatements) and Works Closed Notice (for permanent reinstatement).
By the issue of a Works Clear or Works Closed Notice an undertaker shall be deemed to meet its obligations under Section 129(3) of NRSWA and Regulation 13 of SI 2008 No88. (The Commissioner is content that Regulation 13(b) is not met at this stage and will be completed as part of the Registration Notice.)