Reported Road Casualties Scotland 2010

Table 9

(b)  Costs per accident by element of cost and severity
  Accident Severity
Fatal Serious Slight Damage only
Casualty related costs for GB:
Lost output 596,674 23,767 2,959
Medical/ambulance 5,615 14,244 1,253
Pain, grief, suffering 1,175,101 161,713 14,090
Police and damage to property costs for GB:
Police/administration 2,139 426 167 55
Damage to property Total 10,674 4,907 2,903 1,828
- Motorways 16,356 13,956 7,061 2,462
- Non built-up roads 12,858 5,862 3,886 2,562
- Built-up roads 7,581 4,063 2,307 1,714
Total costs per accident for GB 1,790,200 205,060 21,370 1,880