Reported Road Casualties Scotland 2010

Reported Road Casualties Scotland 2010

National Statistics

A National Statistics Publication for Scotland

ISBN 978 1 908181 09 1
DPPAS 12108

This document is also available in pdf format (1.9MB)


List of tables in the Statistical Tables Section
Local Authorities and Police Boundaries, 2008
Summary: tables and main points

1. Trends in the reported numbers of accidents and casualties
2. Reported Accidents
3. Reported Casualties
4. Motorists, breath testing and drink-driving
5. Comparisons of Scottish figures against those of other countries

1. Casualty reduction targets for 2010 and beyond
2. Comparison of Police STATS 19 road casualty statistics with other sources
3. Estimating under-counting of road casualties in Scotland
4. Contributory factors

Statistical Tables

Reported Injury Accidents
Accident costs
Vehicles involved
Drivers and riders
Drink-drive accidents and casualties

Reported Casualties
Reported Child/Adult Casualties
Casualty Rates
Reported Casualties by severity, road type, geographical area
Killed and Serious casualties
Other reported casualties

Appendix A Calendar of events affecting road traffic
Appendix B The collection of road accident statistics, and examples of forms that could be used to collect the data
Appendix C Consultation with users and providers of road accident statistics, and reviews of the Stats 19 specification of the statistical publications
Appendix D Definitions used in road accident statistics, and some other points to note
Appendix E Local Government reorganisation and the Trunk Road Network
Appendix F Frequency of use of values of most STATS 19 variables
Appendix G The calculation of the likely range of random year-to-year variation in road accident and casualty numbers for Scotland as a whole
Appendix H Illustrating the likely ranges of random year-to-year variation in casualty rates for local authority roads for each local authority area
Appendix I Scottish Parliamentary Questions: April 2007 to October 2010

Scottish Government Transport Scotland Publications
Errors in the previous edition
Transport Statistics Users' Group
Scottish Government Statistician Group

Brief extracts from this publication may be reproduced provided Reported Road Casualties Scotland is fully acknowledged as the source. Proposals for larger extracts should be addressed to the enquiries address below.


Symbols used: the following are used throughout:


not available

- or 0

nil or less than half the final digit shown


not applicable

Rounding: in some tables, where figures have been rounded independently, the sum of constituent items may not appear to agree exactly with the total shown.


Enquiries of a routine nature, or on the availability of the next edition of the publication, can be made to the Transport Statistics branch, by contacting:

Mr Andrew Knight or Mr Charlie Lewis
Transport Statistics branch

Transport Scotland
Victoria Quay

Telephone: 0131-244 7256 or 7255
Fax: 0131-244 7281

Major enquiries or suggestions for improvement to the publication should be addressed to the transport statistician - Matt Perkins - at the address above.

Readers may request further analyses of the road accident statistics held in the Scottish Government Transport Statistics branch database, but three points should be noted:

1. The Transport Statistics branch does not answer requests for local information: these should be addressed to the appropriate Police Force(s) or Council(s).

2. The amount of information that can be provided in response to requests may be limited, depending upon the resources that are available to carry out the work, and on any restrictions that may be necessary to maintain the confidentiality of the data.

3. A charge may be made, depending upon the amount of staff time required to answer a request.

Web and Excel versions of the publication

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Some extra road accident statistics tables are available via:

A separate page, just before the end of this publication, provides more information about what is available from the Transport Statistics Web site.

Published Date 19 Oct 2011 Type Mode of transport