
Table 14 (b) Vehicles involved in reported injury accidents by junction detail and type of vehicle Separately for built-up and non built-up roads Years: 2008-2012 average
Pedal cycle Motor cycle Car Taxi Minibus Bus/coach Light goods Heavy goods Other Total
Over 20m from junction 197 166 2,948 117 12 258 162 77 103 4,039
Roundabout 91 53 731 18 4 37 28 22 19 1,002
Mini roundabout 14 4 88 5 - 6 6 2 2 128
T/Y or staggered junction 260 163 2,402 93 11 150 141 50 72 3,341
Slip road 6 4 89 2 - 2 5 2 2 114
Crossroads 75 44 977 55 5 63 47 17 27 1,309
Multiple junction 20 13 224 11 1 21 13 5 6 314
Private drive 15 10 119 2 1 3 7 4 5 166
Other junction 58 29 559 25 4 39 32 11 11 769
Total 737 486 8,138 328 37 578 441 191 247 11,184
Non built-up
Over 20m from junction 64 306 3,590 27 17 45 241 253 121 4,665
Roundabout 13 24 266 2 1 6 18 17 7 354
Mini roundabout - - 4 - - - - - - 4
T/Y or staggered junction 13 57 688 5 3 10 47 29 22 873
Slip road 2 11 205 1 - 2 13 16 5 255
Crossroads 1 8 134 1 1 1 12 4 6 169
Multiple junction 1 1 34 - - - 3 1 1 40
Private drive 3 16 158 1 1 4 12 13 11 220
Other junction 3 22 187 1 1 2 16 8 10 251
Total 100 446 5,266 39 24 69 362 343 182 6,832
Over 20m from junction 261 472 6,538 144 29 303 403 330 225 8,705
Roundabout 104 78 997 20 5 42 46 39 25 1,356
Mini roundabout 14 4 92 5 - 6 6 2 2 132
T/Y or staggered junction 273 221 3,090 98 14 159 188 79 93 4,214
Slip road 8 15 294 3 1 4 17 18 7 369
Crossroads 76 52 1,111 56 6 64 59 21 33 1,478
Multiple junction 21 14 258 11 1 21 16 6 6 354
Private drive 19 27 277 3 1 7 19 18 16 386
Other junction 61 51 746 27 5 42 48 19 21 1,021
Total 837 933 13,404 367 61 647 803 534 429 18,016