Reported Road Casualties Scotland 2012
A National Statistics Publication for Scotland
ISBN 978 1 908181 97 8
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List of tables in the Statistical Tables Section
Summary: tables and main points
1. Trends in the reported numbers of accidents and casualties
2. Reported Accidents
3. Reported Casualties
4. Motorists, breath testing and drink-driving
5. Comparisons of Scottish figures against those of other countries
Article 1: Casualty reduction targets: Scotland's Road Safety Framework to 2020
Article 2: Vulnerable road users
Article 3: Contributory factors
Statistical Tables
Reported Injury Accidents
Accident costs
Vehicles involved
Drivers and riders
Drink-drive accidents and casualties
Reported Casualties
Reported Child/Adult Casualties
Casualty Rates
Reported Casualties by severity, road type, geographical area
Killed and Serious casualties
Other reported casualties
Appendix A: Calendar of events affecting road traffic
Appendix D: Definitions used in road accident statistics, and some other points to note
Appendix E: Local Government reorganisation and the Trunk Road Network
Appendix F: Frequency of use of values of most STATS 19 variables
Appendix I: Scottish Parliamentary Questions: April 2007 to August 2013
Scottish Government Transport Scotland Publications
Errors in the previous edition
Transport Statistics Users' Group
Scottish Government Statistician Group
Brief extracts from this publication may be reproduced provided Reported Road Casualties Scotland is fully acknowledged as the source. Proposals for larger extracts should be addressed to the enquiries address below.
Symbols used: the following are used throughout:
.. not available
- or 0 nil or less than half the final digit shown
n/a not applicable
Rounding: in some tables, where figures have been rounded independently, the sum of constituent items may not appear to agree exactly with the total shown.