
Table 16 Estimated distance between the home of the driver or rider and the location of the injury accident by type of vehicle and police force area in which the reported accident occurred 1
Year: 2012
Northern Grampian Tayside Fife Lothian & Borders Central Strathclyde Dumfries & Galloway Total
Pedal cycle rider
Postcode, invalid or not known 2 8 1 2 17 3 13 - 46
Driver from elsewhere in the UK 6 - 1 - 1 2 1 - 11
Scottish driver, distance not known 5 - - - - 1 1 7 - 9
Vehicle parked and unattended 1 - - - - - - - 1
Non - UK driver 4 - - - - - - 1 2 3
Up to 2 km 20 28 34 15 164 26 141 11 439
Over 2 up to 5 km 4 17 8 10 79 13 76 3 210
Over 5 up to 10 km 1 9 3 4 44 7 49 2 119
Over 10 up to 20 km 6 3 5 3 10 2 23 - 52
Over 20 up to 50 km 1 - - 1 16 1 11 - 30
Over 50 km 5 2 1 - - - 2 - 10
Total 46 67 53 35 332 55 324 18 930
Motor cycle rider
Postcode, invalid or not known 6 4 2 3 9 1 14 1 40
Driver from elsewhere in the UK 21 3 1 - 6 4 7 8 50
Scottish driver, distance not known 5 - - - - 1 1 10 1 13
Vehicle parked and unattended 1 1 - - - - - - 2
Non - UK driver 4 5 1 - - - 3 6 - 15
Up to 2 km 10 33 17 6 44 7 66 11 194
Over 2 up to 5 km 8 18 7 3 56 7 47 2 148
Over 5 up to 10 km 4 18 6 6 44 11 37 5 131
Over 10 up to 20 km 7 24 12 5 21 8 37 3 117
Over 20 up to 50 km 14 25 8 8 23 6 20 4 108
Over 50 km 15 8 5 1 7 11 19 4 70
Total 91 135 58 32 211 59 263 39 888
Car driver
Postcode, invalid or not known 33 80 77 58 271 63 348 12 942
Driver from elsewhere in the UK 29 13 29 8 51 16 81 29 256
Scottish driver, distance not known 5 6 1 2 6 1 10 184 - 210
Vehicle parked and unattended 4 14 - - - - 36 12 66
Non - UK driver 4 15 4 - - - 7 16 3 45
Up to 2 km 99 290 246 159 610 210 1,485 73 3,172
Over 2 up to 5 km 72 240 151 107 489 145 1,046 54 2,304
Over 5 up to 10 km 95 188 103 97 427 99 812 57 1,878
Over 10 up to 20 km 91 193 106 68 310 61 580 48 1,457
Over 20 up to 50 km 106 170 118 50 232 72 414 42 1,204
Over 50 km 130 73 84 24 104 40 169 24 648
Total 680 1,266 916 577 2,495 723 5,171 354 12,182
Other driver or rider 2
Postcode, invalid or not known 16 22 33 19 80 11 94 7 282
Driver from elsewhere in the UK 6 6 9 1 16 2 51 18 109
Scottish driver, distance not known 5 - 4 - 1 3 2 50 - 60
Vehicle parked and unattended 1 - - - - - 3 2 6
Non - UK driver 4 - 2 - - - - 11 6 19
Up to 2 km 15 12 21 17 68 25 110 10 278
Over 2 up to 5 km 4 21 23 9 92 18 169 11 347
Over 5 up to 10 km 14 22 22 18 139 22 165 6 408
Over 10 up to 20 km 10 33 22 17 156 20 123 11 392
Over 20 up to 50 km 22 36 33 10 100 27 111 16 355
Over 50 km 24 29 50 2 45 13 50 16 229
Total 112 187 213 94 699 140 937 103 2,485
All drivers and riders
Postcode, invalid or not known 57 114 113 82 377 78 469 20 1,310
Driver from elsewhere in the UK 62 22 40 9 74 24 140 55 426
Scottish driver, distance not known 5 6 5 2 7 6 14 251 1 292
Vehicle parked and unattended 7 15 - - - - 39 14 75
Non - UK driver 4 20 7 - - - 10 34 11 82
Up to 2 km 144 363 318 197 886 268 1,802 105 4,083
Over 2 up to 5 km 88 296 189 129 716 183 1,338 70 3,009
Over 5 up to 10 km 114 237 134 125 654 139 1,063 70 2,536
Over 10 up to 20 km 114 253 145 93 497 91 763 62 2,018
Over 20 up to 50 km 143 231 159 69 371 106 556 62 1,697
Over 50 km 174 112 140 27 156 64 240 44 957
Total 929 1,655 1,240 738 3,737 977 6,695 514 16,485

1. The distance is estimated using the postcode of the house of the driver or rider, if this is available - please see Annex D.
2. 'Other' includes taxis, minibus, bus or coach, ridden horse, agricultural vehicles and goods vehicles.
3. Due to a small problem with a few records, some of the figures in this table will not match exactly those of other tables.
4. Fife, Lothian & Borders and Tayside do not collect data for foreign drivers.
5. The post code matching programme used to create these tables has been improved enabling a distance to be calculated for more drivers and casualties.

Table 16

Estimated distance between the home of the driver or rider and the location of the reported injury accident by type of vehicle: Scottish residents only excluding cases for which the distance cannot be estimated Year: 2012

All vehicles

All vehicles



Motor cycles

Motor cycles

Pedal cycles

Pedal cycles

Other vehicles

Other vehicles