
Table 37a Reported casualties by police force division, council and severity Years: 2004-08, 2008-12 averages and 2012
2004-08 average Numbers in 2012 2008-12 average
Killed Serious All severities Killed Serious All severities Killed Serious All severities
Police division Council
Aberdeen City Aberdeen City 6 82 496 8 109 442 6 100 471
Ab'shire/Moray Aberdeenshire/Moray 41 206 1,053 16 247 852 24 249 990
Aberdeenshire 33 166 824 14 203 686 20 210 789
Moray 7 41 230 2 44 166 4 38 200
Tayside Tayside 30 278 1,291 19 180 918 25 205 1,040
Dundee City 3 65 351 2 47 263 4 53 295
Angus 12 83 401 5 45 263 7 56 294
Perth & Kinross 15 131 539 12 88 392 14 97 450
Argyll/W.D'shire Argyll/W.Dunbartonshire 16 121 698 7 82 463 11 97 554
Argyll & Bute 12 87 427 4 63 297 8 74 367
West Dunbartonshire 4 34 271 3 19 166 2 23 187
Forth Valley Forth Valley 15 168 911 14 138 731 11 132 773
Clackmannanshire 2 20 117 - 19 113 2 17 100
Stirling 7 82 392 4 55 278 5 60 319
Falkirk 5 66 401 10 64 340 4 55 354
Dumf/Galloway Dumfries & Galloway 14 127 621 6 83 426 8 92 479
Ayrshire North Ayrshire 6 64 387 2 36 259 4 43 277
East Ayrshire 8 56 338 3 43 234 5 48 270
South Ayrshire 8 53 353 4 29 279 5 44 295
G'ter Glasgow Greater Glasgow 21 331 2,718 9 226 1,901 16 264 2,065
Glasgow City 18 281 2,332 7 188 1,636 13 224 1,759
East Dunbartonshire 2 26 222 - 26 144 2 21 174
East Renfrewshire 2 24 165 2 12 121 2 19 131
Loth/S'Borders Lothians/Scot Borders 29 250 1,780 19 173 1,414 20 203 1,492
West Lothian 9 78 659 5 58 518 5 64 555
Midlothian 3 41 297 4 23 308 3 30 274
East Lothian 4 36 267 - 23 218 3 29 229
Scottish Borders 12 95 557 10 69 370 9 80 434
Edinburgh Edinburgh 9 188 1,673 13 188 1,372 9 162 1,414
Edinburgh, City of 9 188 1,673 13 188 1,372 9 162 1,414
Highlands/Isles Highlands & Islands 33 189 1,111 23 124 893 28 128 934
Highland 28 160 942 16 98 777 25 108 795
Orkney Islands 1 7 47 5 11 33 1 6 35
Shetland Islands 2 8 51 - 7 41 0 5 48
Eilean Siar 2 14 71 2 8 42 1 9 56
Fife Fife 37 318 1,745 14 200 1,098 20 216 1,348
Rf'shre/Inv'cde Renfrewshire/Inverlclyde 9 106 823 9 71 601 7 86 641
Inverclyde 2 36 256 1 25 170 1 27 205
Renfrewshire 8 70 567 8 46 431 6 58 436
Lanarkshire Lanarkshire 27 228 1,972 15 145 1,342 22 176 1,518
North Lanarkshire 12 107 1,012 6 73 702 8 80 789
South Lanarkshire 16 121 960 9 72 640 13 96 729
Scotland Total Scotland 292 2,605 17,097 174 1,974 12,676 211 2,137 13,885
2012 % change on 2004-08 ave 2008-12 % change on 2004-08 ave 2012 rates per 1,000 population
Killed Serious All severities Killed Serious All severities Killed Serious All severities
Police division Council
Aberdeen City Aberdeen City - 33 -11 - 21 -5 0.04 0.48 1.96
Ab'shire/Moray Aberdeenshire/Moray -61 20 -19 -41 21 -6 0.05 0.71 2.45
Aberdeenshire -58 22 -17 -41 27 -4 0.05 0.79 2.68
Moray - 8 -28 - -5 -13 0.02 0.47 1.79
Tayside Tayside -37 -35 -29 -17 -26 -19 0.05 0.44 2.23
Dundee City - -27 -25 - -18 -16 0.01 0.32 1.78
Angus -58 -46 -34 -40 -32 -27 0.04 0.39 2.26
Perth & Kinross -22 -33 -27 -6 -26 -16 0.08 0.6 2.65
Argyll/W.D'shire Argyll/W.Dunbartonshire -57 -32 -34 -35 -20 -21 0.04 0.46 2.61
Argyll & Bute -67 -27 -30 -31 -15 -14 0.05 0.72 3.42
West Dunbartonshire - -45 -39 - -33 -31 0.03 0.21 1.84
Forth Valley Forth Valley -5 -18 -20 -28 -22 -15 0.05 0.46 2.44
Clackmannanshire - -7 -4 - -17 -15 - 0.37 2.2
Stirling - -33 -29 - -27 -19 0.04 0.6 3.05
Falkirk - -3 -15 - -17 -12 0.06 0.41 2.17
Dumf/Galloway Dumfries & Galloway -58 -35 -31 -44 -28 -23 0.04 0.55 2.82
Ayrshire North Ayrshire - -44 -33 - -33 -28 0.01 0.26 1.88
East Ayrshire - -23 -31 - -15 -20 0.02 0.35 1.91
South Ayrshire - -45 -21 - -16 -16 0.04 0.26 2.47
G'ter Glasgow Greater Glasgow -58 -32 -30 -25 -20 -24 0.01 0.29 2.4
Glasgow City -60 -33 -30 -27 -20 -25 0.01 0.32 2.75
East Dunbartonshire - -1 -35 - -18 -21 - 0.25 1.36
East Renfrewshire - -49 -26 - -21 -20 0.02 0.13 1.33
Loth/S'Borders Lothians/Scot Borders -35 -31 -21 -32 -19 -16 0.04 0.36 2.98
West Lothian - -25 -21 - -18 -16 0.03 0.33 2.94
Midlothian - -44 4 - -29 -8 0.05 0.27 3.66
East Lothian - -35 -18 - -19 -15 - 0.23 2.16
Scottish Borders -19 -27 -34 -24 -15 -22 0.09 0.61 3.25
Edinburgh Edinburgh - 0 -18 - -14 -15 0.03 0.39 2.84
Edinburgh, City of - 0 -18 - -14 -15 0.03 0.39 2.84
Highlands/Isles Highlands & Islands -30 -34 -20 -16 -32 -16 0.08 0.41 2.93
Highland -42 -39 -18 -10 -33 -16 0.07 0.42 3.34
Orkney Islands - - -30 - - -25 0.23 0.51 1.53
Shetland Islands - - -19 - - -6 - 0.3 1.77
Eilean Siar - -41 -41 - -34 -21 0.07 0.29 1.52
Fife Fife -124 -74 -74 -89 -65 -46 0.04 0.55 3
Rf'shre/Inv'cde Renfrewshire/Inverlclyde - -33 -27 - -19 -22 0.04 0.28 2.36
Inverclyde - -30 -34 - -23 -20 0.01 0.31 2.11
Renfrewshire - -34 -24 - -16 -23 0.05 0.26 2.47
Lanarkshire Lanarkshire -45 -36 -32 -20 -23 -23 0.02 0.22 2.06
North Lanarkshire -49 -32 -31 -29 -25 -22 0.02 0.22 2.08
South Lanarkshire -42 -41 -33 -14 -21 -24 0.03 0.23 2.04
Scotland Total Scotland -40 -24 -26 -28 -18 -19 0.03 0.37 2.39

Percentage changes are not shown if the baseline (2004-08 average) is less than 10