Road furniture in the countryside - Guidance for road and planning authorities and statutory undertakers

There is growing concern about the visual effects caused by the proliferation of signs and other items along roads in the Scottish countryside. While this is not necessarily a major problem in all areas at the moment, it threatens to become so as more and more elements are added to roadside landscapes.

Many of these elements are there to help with road safety and it is understandable and right that road authorities consider this one of their main priorities. The scenery of Scotland is one of its main assets and attracts many visitors.

The majority tour the country by road and consequently see much of the landscape from the road corridor. Road users need the safety messages and other information provided by road furniture but, ideally, its intrusive effects should not diminish their experience of the countryside.

It is possible to maintain adequate levels of information whilst also respecting the quality of rural scenery. This document explores how this can be achieved.

Published Date 6 Jul 2006 Type Mode of transport