Scottish Transport Statistics No 30: 2011 Edition

Table 11.2 Average distance travelled per person per year by main mode
Scottish residents: average per head of population *
1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2009
/  1999 /  2001 /  2003 /  2005 /  2007 /  2009 /  2010
Walk 1  226  219  199  169  165  169  153
Bicycle  37  25  28  25  25  30  34
Driver of car, van or lorry  3,652  3,781  3,275  3,549  3,361  3,565  3,484
Passenger in car, van or lorry  2,139  2,125  2,058  2,072  1,932  1,953  1,822
Other private transport (eg motorcycle, private hire bus)  250  141  183  172  171  176  227
Local bus  480  383  380  441  440  485  489
Surface Rail  509  357  339  465  460  446  391
Taxi / minicab  75  79  55  61  56  52  57
Other public transport (eg air, ferry, non-local bus)  345  335  416  379  388  355  354
All modes  7,713  7,445  6,933  7,332  6,997  7,233  7,010

* See footnotes for table 12.1
Note: This table uses journey distance for mode rather than stage distance which DfT use in their published tables .