Scottish Transport Statistics No 30: 2011 Edition

Table 11.4 Trips per person per year by purpose
Scottish residents: average per head of population *
1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2009
/  1999 /  2001 /  2003 /  2005 /  2007 /  2009 /  2010
Commuting  173  174  174  170  161  164 165
Business  34  31  28  35  31  31 31
Education  64  83  82  64  59  54 52
Escort education  24  34  31  29  28  29 23
Shopping  259  234  207  207  203  199 200
Other escort  87  92  98  104  90  94 91
Other personal business  119  112  107  102  99  100 97
Visting friends at home  140  146  119  118  111  106 107
Visiting friends elsewhere  46  40  44  36  40  43 41
Sport / entertainment  84  76  72  74  62  65 70
Holiday / day trip  29  25  29  31  35  41 35
Other (including just walk)  74  57  44  44  50  50 46
All purposes  1,133  1,106  1,035  1,014  969  978 957
Sample size (number of people)  1,224  1,395  3,396  3,766  3,618  3,270  3,214

* See footnotes for table 11.1