Scottish Transport Statistics No 30: 2011 Edition

Table 11.7 Hours travelled per person per year by purpose
Scottish residents: average per head of population *
1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2009
/ 1999 /  2001 /  2003 /  2005 /  2007 /  2009 /  2010
Commuting  65  74  65  65  69  69 69
Business  20  21  16  22  19  19 20
Education  22  25  23  19  19  17 17
Escort education  5  7  5  5  5  6 4
Shopping  70  62  57  56  61  60 60
Other escort  22  24  26  27  25  26 25
Other personal business  33  33  29  28  30  32 30
Visting friends at home  48  48  44  43  44  44 44
Visiting friends elsewhere  13  12  13  11  14  15 14
Sport / entertainment  29  27  24  23  23  23 24
Holiday / day trip  31  22  26  25  30  37 32
Other (including just walk)  26  19  16  16  19  19 18
All purposes  386  374  346  339  359  367 358
Sample size (number of people)  1,224  1,395  3,396  3,766  3,618  3,270  3,214

* See footnotes for table 11.1