Scottish Transport Statistics No 30: 2011 Edition

Table 11.25 Scottish residents' visits abroad by means of leaving the UK 1 and area visited, 2010
Area Visited
Means of leaving the UK EU Other
Australia &
New Zealand
Asia Rest of
Edinburgh 821 16 92 1 18 51 1,000
Glasgow 730 2 135 33 72 129 1,102
Prestwick 400 7  -  -  - 2 409
Aberdeen 111 5 17 2 7 23 164
Total Edinburgh,  Glasgow, Prestwick & Aberdeen 2,062 30 244 36 97 205 2,674
Heathrow 21 3 24 7 15 17 87
Gatwick 69 1 23  - 4 30 127
Stanstead 41 4  -  -  -  - 44
Manchester 53 3 27 2 7 39 130
Newcastle 107 1 2 2 1 6 119
Birmingham 14  - 1  - 3 2 19
Other UK Airports 91 5 24 8 13 21 162
Total Air 2,457 47 344 55 139 321 3,362
Channel Tunnel 76  -  -  -  -  - 76
English Channel Ports 116 1  -  - . 1 118
English East Coast Ports 33 0  -  - 0 0 34
Other UK Ports 2 27  -  -  -  - 1 28
Total Sea 177 1 0  -  - 2 180
Total All Means of Leaving the UK 2,710 48 344 55 139 323 3,618

1.  These estimates are based on information from samples of passengers using the principal routes- see sections 3.14 and 4.4 of the text.
2. "Other UK ports" includes information collected from Rosyth in 2008 Q2 & Q3.
There are minor differences between Tables 11.26, 11.27 and 11.28, due to totals being calculated by adding separately-rounded numbers.