Scottish Transport Statistics No 33 2014 Edition

Chapter 3: Road Freight

  • Road freight lifted by UK-registered HGVs
  • Weight of goods lifted in Scotland
  • Lengths of haul
  • Destinations within the UK and Europe
  • Types of commodity lifted

Chapter 3: Road Freight

Chapter 3: Road Freight


1. Introduction                                                            
1.1 This chapter provides an overview of road freight lifted by UK-registered heavy goods vehicles (HGVs: over 3.5 tonnes gross weight), such as the weight of goods lifted in Scotland by origin and destination, the lengths of haul, the destinations within the UK and Europe, and the types of commodity lifted.

1.2 Due to a delay in the Department for Transport publication: "Road freight: domestic and international statistics, 2011 to 2013", we have been unable to update this chapter in this edition of the publication. Tables covering the latest data available, up to 2010, are provided unchanged. We will update the online tables for chapter 3 when DfT publish data for 2011 to 2013. The web-tables can be found at

1.3 We will issue an update via the ScotStat transport group once the web tables have been updated.  To receive an email update sign up or edit your preferences with ScotStat at

Table 3.1 Goods lifted by UK HGVs by origin and destination of journey 2
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 3 2007 3 2008 3 2009 3 2010
million tonnes
a) On journeys originating in Scotland
by destination:
Scotland 142.5 134.9 138.6 138.0 158.7 152.7 155.5 159.8 144.2 118.8 116.8
Elsewhere in UK
England 14.5 14.8 14.5 14.2 14.0 12.0 13.2 15.8 11.4 12.2 13.9
Wales 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.3 * 0.2 0.6 0.5 0.6 * 0.8
Northern Ireland 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.4 * 0.3 0.2 0.1
Total elsewhere in UK 15.5 15.4 15.2 14.8 14.5 12.5 14.2 16.4 12.3 12.6 14.8
Outwith UK 1,3 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4
Total 158.5 150.8 154.4 153.4 173.7 165.6 170.0 176.8 157.0 131.9 131.9
b) On journeys with Scottish destinations
by origin of journey:
Scotland 142.5 134.9 138.6 138.0 158.7 152.7 155.5 159.8 144.2 118.8 116.8
Elsewhere in UK
England 19.9 18.9 17.9 20.5 17.5 16.7 18.6 21.2 17.1 15.5 17.3
Wales 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.2 * 0.5 0.2 0.6 0.3 * 0.4
Northern Ireland 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 * 0.3 0.4 0.2
Total elsewhere in UK 20.3 19.3 18.3 20.9 17.9 17.4 18.9 21.9 17.7 16.0 17.9
Outwith UK 1,3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2
Total 163.0 154.4 157.1 159.1 176.9 170.4 174.6 182.0 162.2 134.9 134.9

1. The 'Outwith UK' figures include an element of doublecounting as figures include both the domestic and international legs of the journey.

2. Due to changes in the methodology and processing system used by the Department for Transport, 2004 and post-2004 figures are not comparable with pre-2004 figures. These figures include goods lifted by Northern Irish-based HGVs, so are slightly higher than those appearing in DfT's Road Freight Statisics.

3. Domestic freight estimates for 2006 to 2009 were revised on 27 October 2011 * = Sample too small for a reliable estimate

Table 3.2 Goods lifted by UK HGVs in Scotland, with destinations within the UK, by length of haul, 2010
Length of haul (kilometres)
>0- 25 >25- 50 > 50- 100 >100- 150 >150- 200 >200- 300 >300- 400 >400- 500 >500 All
millions 40.4 28.9 26.5 11.4 6.3 8.3 5.0 2.2 2.6 131.5
percentage 31 22 20 9 5 6 4 2 2 100
millions 531 1,043 1,834 1,386 1,087 2,035 1,724 953 1,655 12,250
percentage 4 9 15 11 9 17 14 8 14 100

Table 3.3 Goods moved by UK HGVs by destination, and the economy's road freight intensity
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
million tonne-kilometres
a) On journeys originating in Scotland
by destination:
Scotland 8,088 7,930 7,873 8,052 9,059 8,444 8,454 8,632 8,675 7,219 7,173
Elsewhere in UK
England 5,567 5,570 5,168 5,381 5,367 4,405 4,955 5,817 4,393 4,457 4,708
Wales 305 186 194 122 * 146 323 214 284 * 351
Northern Ireland 70 48 42 60 63 34 88 * 51 31 18
Total elsewhere in UK 5,942 5,804 5,404 5,563 5,544 4,585 5,366 6,050 4,728 4,610 5,077
Outwith UK 2 787 691 893 817 592 477 412 668 533 519 445
Total 14,817 14,425 14,170 14,432 15,195 13,507 14,233 15,349 13,936 12,348 12,695
b) On journeys with Scottish destinations
by origin of journey:
Scotland 8,088 7,930 7,873 8,052 9,059 8,444 8,454 8,632 8,675 7,219 7,173
Elsewhere in UK
England 7,113 7,094 6,787 7,490 6,413 6,251 6,944 7,357 6,045 5,696 5,888
Wales 143 148 168 128 * 235 144 340 209 * 212
Northern Ireland 33 31 29 36 34 45 16 * 80 33 32
Total elsewhere in UK 7,289 7,273 6,984 7,653 6,536 6,531 7,105 7,721 6,334 5,766 6,132
Outwith UK 2 334 256 287 288 276 246 181 290 233 176 170
Total 15,711 15,459 15,144 15,993 15,870 15,221 15,739 16,642 15,243 13,161 13,475
c) The road freight intensity of the Scottish economy - an index of the ratio of the index of road freight tonne-kilometres to the index of Gross Domestic Product
Road freight moved by UK HGVs on journeys originating in Scotland million tonne-kilometres
volume 14,817 14,425 14,170 14,432 15,195 13,507 14,233 15,349 13,936 12,348 12,695
index, 2004 = 100
Index: 2004 = 100 97.5 94.9 93.3 95.0 100.0 88.9 93.7 101.0 91.7 81.3 83.5
Scottish Gross Domestic Product (Gross Value Added for all industries) 1
Index: 2007 = 100 83.7 86.1 86.5 88.4 92.1 93.3 97.1 100.0 99.5 95.1 95.9
Index: 2004=100 90.9 93.5 93.9 96.0 100.0 101.3 105.4 108.6 108.0 103.3 104.1
Road freight intensity
Index: 2004 = 100 107.3 101.5 99.3 99.0 100.0 87.7 88.8 93.0 84.9 78.7 80.2

1. Scottish GDP figures are as published 19 October 2011. * = Sample too small for a reliable estimate

Table 3.4 Goods lifted or moved by UK HGVs, entering or leaving Scotland, to or from rest of UK, by origins and destinations of journeys, 2010
Goods entering Scotland Goods leaving Scotland Goods entering Scotland Goods leaving Scotland
thousand tonnes million tonne kms
Origin / destination of journey
North East 2,845 2,635 638 580
North West 7,749 6,140 2,098 1,611
Yorkshire & the Humber 2,824 1,980 1,034 743
East Midlands 1,405 1,002 657 508
West Midlands 946 812 440 409
East 781 652 500 414
London * * * *
South East * 294 * 198
South West 464 * 306 *
Total England 17,330 13,874 5,888 4,708
Wales 415 771 212 351
Northern Ireland 181 117 32 18
Total elsewhere in UK 17,926 14,762 6,132 5,077

* = Sample too small for a reliable estimate

Table 3.5 Goods lifted or moved by UK HGVs, for journeys within the UK with a Scottish origin or destination, by commodity, 2010
Goods remaining in Scotland Goods entering Scotland from rest of UK Goods leaving Scotland for rest of UK
thousand tonnes
Agricultural products and live animals 13,065 1,754 2,564
Foodstuffs and animal fodder 21,789 659 1,052
Solid mineral fuels 3,081 * *
Petroleum products 10,238 6,034 3,344
Ores and mineral waste 487 249 *
Metal products 879 721 606
Minerals and building materials 34,984 * *
Fertilisers 756 2,356 988
Chemicals 3,636 4,874 3,422
Machinery, transport equipment 4,984 * *
Leather and textiles 1,024 * 1,425
Miscellaneous 21,858 * 823
Total all commodities 116,781 17,926 14,762
million tonne kms
Agricultural products and live animals 1,097 549 1,044
Foodstuffs and animal fodder 1,794 220 354
Solid mineral fuels 191 * *
Petroleum products 723 2,063 1,178
Ores and mineral waste 23 79 *
Metal products 82 282 207
Minerals and building materials 1,259 * *
Fertilisers 46 744 242
Chemicals 289 1,732 1,234
Machinery, transport equipment 278 * *
Leather and textiles 94 * 361
Miscellaneous 1,298 * 245
Total all commodities 7,173 6,132 5,077

* = Sample too small for a reliable estimate

Table 3.6 Goods lifted or moved by UK HGVs, entering or leaving Scotland, to or from outwith UK, by origins and destinations of journeys, 2010
Goods entering Scotland Goods leaving Scotland Goods entering Scotland Goods leaving Scotland
thousand tonnes thousand tonne kms
Origin / destination of journey
EU countries
Austria * * * *
Belgium & Luxembourg * 27 * 19,607
Cyprus * * * *
Czech Republic * * * *
Denmark * * * *
Estonia * * * *
Finland * * * *
France 49 214 55,686 243,187
Germany 15 27 15,279 30,247
Greece * * * *
Hungary * * * *
Ireland * * * *
Italy * 25 * 55,449
Latvia * * * *
Lithuania * * * *
Malta * * * *
Netherlands 51 44 25,781 23,656
Poland * * * *
Portugal * * * *
Slovakia * * * *
Slovenia * * * *
Spain * 26 * 51,297
Sweden * * * *
Total EU countries 180 379 167,718 432,823
Other countries * * * *
Total outwith UK 182 391 169,662 444,934

* = Sample too small for a reliable estimate

Table 3.7 Goods lifted or moved by UK HGVs, for journeys entering or leaving the UK by commodity, 2010 1
Goods entering UK Goods leaving UK
Total entering UK of which: entering Scotland Total leaving UK of which: leaving Scotland
thousand tonnes thousand tonnes
Agricultural products and live animals 630 * 518 *
Foodstuffs and animal fodder 2,857 66 2,721 285
Solid mineral fuels 202 * 215 *
Petroleum products 195 * 498 *
Ores and mineral waste * * 329 *
Metal products 109 * 443 *
Minerals and building materials 557 * 901 *
Fertilisers 33 * * *
Chemicals 461 * 724 11
Machinery, transport equipment 595 30 571 32
Leather and textiles 336 * 888 25
Miscellaneous 356 15 637 *
Groupage 1,778 10 2,017 10
Total for journeys outwith UK 8,144 182 10,484 391
million tonne kms million tonne kms
Agricultural products and live animals 338 * 181 *
Foodstuffs and animal fodder 1,373 61 1,134 326
Solid mineral fuels 36 * 51 *
Petroleum products 55 * 67 *
Ores and mineral waste * * 20 *
Metal products 79 * 155 *
Minerals and building materials 169 * 158 *
Fertilisers 18 * * *
Chemicals 274 * 469 14
Machinery, transport equipment 438 23 435 34
Leather and textiles 229 * 442 36
Miscellaneous 190 21 252 *
Groupage 885 10 880 13
Total for journeys outwith UK 4,095 170 4,252 445

1. These figures include vehicles travelling between Northern Ireland and Ireland, so are higher than those appearing in DfT's Road Freight Statisics

* = Sample too small for a reliable estimate

Table 3.8 Average Freight lifted by UK HGVs per year (2006-2010): Journeys with U.K. origins and destinations which either started or ended in Scotland
Journey Ended In
Borders Central Dumfries & Galloway Fife Grampian Highlands Islands
Journey Started In: Thousand tonnes
Borders 1,027 44 101 21 * * *
Central 135 6,879 480 941 637 165 *
Dumfries & Galloway 36 181 3,434 * * * *
Fife 30 669 85 5,018 121 59 *
Grampian * 283 70 253 15,713 412 *
Highlands * 153 * 59 593 5,026 *
Islands * * * * * * 1,584
Lothian 565 1,024 93 896 281 292 *
Strathclyde 232 2,643 1,339 761 1,107 476 *
Tayside 69 476 82 737 817 174 *
SCOTLAND 2,182 12,353 5,716 8,725 19,371 6,629 1,628
Elsewhere in UK 654 1,438 2,378 588 738 221 *
TOTAL 2,836 13,791 8,095 9,313 20,109 6,851 1,632

Table 3.8 Continued…
Journey Ended in
Lothian Strathclyde Tayside SCOTLAND Elsewhere in UK TOTAL
Journey Started In: Thousand tonnes
Borders 522 165 49 1,968 722 2,689
Central 2,076 4,619 772 16,704 1,292 17,996
Dumfries & Galloway 143 1,284 51 5,242 1,835 7,076
Fife 1,041 725 788 8,536 591 9,126
Grampian 177 812 748 18,499 745 19,244
Highlands 58 373 179 6,541 280 6,821
Islands * * * 1,614 * 1,614
Lothian 10,273 3,190 509 17,128 1,819 18,947
Strathclyde 3,510 42,697 838 53,616 5,732 59,349
Tayside 396 921 5,478 9,166 1,051 10,217
SCOTLAND 18,197 54,800 9,412 139,013 14,066 153,079
Elsewhere in UK 3,034 8,782 652 18,490 1,519,656 1,538,146
TOTAL 21,231 63,581 10,064 157,503 1,533,722 1,691,225