Scottish Transport Statistics No 34 2015 Edition
Detailed list of statistical tables
Note: Most tables provide a time series of figures which are identified in the table headings rather than in the title of the table. Where a table relates to a single year, the relevant year is included in the title. Tables providing main figures for a single year, with a few figures of earlier years appear as single year tables in this list.
Tables of figures, and whole chapters, which are outwith the scope of National Statistics are identified by (*).
Table | |
Road transport vehicles | |
1.1 | New registrations by taxation group, body type and method of propulsion. |
1.2 | Vehicles licensed at 31 December, by taxation group, body type and method of propulsion. |
1.3 | Vehicles licensed at 31 December 2014, by Council and taxation group |
1.4 | Taxi and private hire cars and drivers licensed by local authority area, 2015 (*) |
1.5 | Vehicles licensed at 31 December 2014, by taxation group, and by year of first registration |
1.6 | Average age of vehicles licensed at 31 December, by taxation group. |
1.7 | Private and light goods vehicles licensed at 31 December, by cylinder size |
1.8 | Heavy goods vehicles licensed at 31 December, by gross weight |
1.9 | Public transport vehicles licensed at 31 December: by seating capacity |
1.10 | Goods vehicle operators by licence type and number of vehicles specified on the licence, 2014-15 (*) |
1.11 | The 20 most popular new cars sold in Scotland, 2014 (*) |
1.12 | Road vehicle testing scheme (MOT) (*) |
1.13 | Driving licence tests, DVLA receipts (*) |
1.14 | Practical Driving Test - Pass Rate at Test Centres 2014-15 (*) |
1.16 | People who hold a full car driving licence by age and sex, annual net household income and urban/rural classification, 2014 |
1.17 | People who hold a full driving licence by sex and age |
1.19 | Households with a car available for private use by number of cars |
1.20 | Households with a car available for private use by household type, annual net household income, urban/rural classification and number of vehicles, 2014 |
1.21 | Number of Blue Badges on issue at 31 March (*) |
1.22 | Motor vehicle offences recorded by the police by type of offence |
1.23 | Households with a car or van available for private use by gender, 2011 |
1.24 | Households with a car or van available for private use, 2011 |
1.25 | Households with a car or van available for private use by disability and ethnicity, 2011 |
Bus and coach travel | |
2.1a | Public Service Vehicle Characteristics (local operators) |
2.1b | Number of disability accessible or low-floor buses used as Public Service Vehicles in Scotland (Local Operators) |
2.2 | Passenger journeys (a) on local bus services (b) by region for local bus services |
2.3 | Vehicle kilometres on local bus services by (a) type of service (b) per head of population (c) by region for local bus services |
2.4 | Staff employed |
2.5 | Local bus fare indices |
2.6 | Operating costs per vehicle kilometre for local bus services |
2.7 | Operating costs per passenger journey for local bus services |
2.8 | Passenger revenue on local bus services |
2.9 | Government support on local bus services by type of support |
2.10 | Bus use the previous day (adults) by characteristic |
2.11 | Users views on local bus services |
2.12 | Possession of concessionary fare pass for all adults aged 16+ |
2.13 | Concessionary far passes issued to older and disable people |
2.14 | Concessionary fare passes issued to older and disabled people, Nov 2015 |
Road freight | |
3.1 | Goods lifted by UK HGVs, by origin and destination of journey |
3.2 | Goods lifted by UK HGVs, in Scotland, with destinations within the UK, by length of haul, 2014 |
3.3 | Goods moved by UK HGVs by destination, and the economy's road freight intensity |
3.4 | Goods lifted or moved by UK HGVs, entering or leaving Scotland, to or from rest of UK, by origins and destinations of journeys, 2014 |
3.5 | Goods lifted or moved by UK HGVs, for journeys within the UK with a Scottish origin or destination, by commodity, 2014 |
3.6 | Goods lifted or moved by UK HGVs, entering or leaving Scotland, to or from outwith UK, by origins and destinations of journeys, 2014 |
3.7 | Goods lifted or moved by UK HGVs, for journeys entering or leaving the UK, by commodity, 2014 |
3.8 | Average freight lifted by UK HGVs per year (2010-2014): Journeys with UK origins and destinations which either started or ended in Scotland |
Road network (*) | |
4.1 | Public road lengths (as at 1 April) by class, type and speed limit |
4.2 | Public road lengths (as at 1 April) by Council and class, 2014-15 |
4.3 | Trunk road constructed/re-surfaced etc |
4.4 | Trunk road constructed/re-surfaced etc, by unit: (a) 2013-14, and (b) 2014-15 |
4.5 | Trunk road network: residual life (years) |
4.6 | Local authority road network condition, 2014-15 |
Road traffic | |
5.1 | Traffic by road class and type (*) |
5.2 | Traffic on major roads (by class/type) and minor roads (by type) by vehicle type, 2014 (*) |
5.3 | Traffic on major roads, minor roads and all roads by vehicle type |
5.4 | Traffic on major roads (by class / type) and on minor roads, by Council, 2014 (*) |
5.5 | Traffic on trunk roads, local authority roads, and all roads by Council area (*) |
5.6 | Average daily traffic flows at selected automated traffic classifier sites, by month, 2014(*) |
5.7a | Average daily traffic flows for selected key points: (a) average daily flows, peak hourly flows and percentages of HGVs, 2014 and (b) average daily traffic flows for selected key points (*) |
5.8 | Car drivers journeys – whether delayed by traffic congestion and, if so, how much time was lost: 2014 |
5.9 | Congestion delays experienced by drivers and delays experienced by bus passengers |
5.10 | Petrol and diesel consumption of road vehicles (*) |
Injury road accidents | |
6.1 | Accidents by type of road and severity |
6.2 | Accidents by police division and local authority area |
6.3 | Vehicles involved by type of vehicle |
6.4 | Child casualties and all casualties, by severity; and the slight casualty rate |
6.5 | Casualties by mode of transport and age group, 2014 |
6.6 | Costs of injury accidents by type of road, and of damage only accidents |
Rail services (*) | |
7.1 | ScotRail passenger services, journeys and distance |
7.2 | Passenger traffic originating in Scotland: journeys and revenue |
7.3 | Cross-border passenger traffic originating outwith Scotland: journeys and revenue |
7.4 | Passenger journeys using national rail tickets to, from or within Scotland, 2013-14 |
7.5 | Distances travelled by passengers to Aberdeen, Edinburgh and Glasgow, 2009-10 |
7.6a | Cross border rail passenger journeys starting or ending in Scotland. |
7.6b | Rail passenger journeys within Scotland |
7.6c | Rail passenger journeys wholly within Scotland, using national rail tickets by local authority areas, of origin and destination, 2013-14 |
7.7 | Passenger journeys, to or from the main stations in Scotland, 2013-14 |
7.8 | Passenger journeys, to or from stations in Scotland which have opened (or re-opened) since 1970 |
7.9 | Rail punctuality: Public Performance Measures – for all services. |
7.10 | ScotRail services: arrival times at final destinations |
7.11 | Rail passenger satisfaction : National Passenger Survey |
7.12 | Freight traffic lifted in Scotland by destination and by commodity |
7.13 | Freight traffic with a destination in Scotland by origin (where lifted) and by commodity |
7.14 | Lines open for traffic |
7.15 | Number of stations |
7.16 | Number of passenger stations by local authority, 2013-14 |
7.17 | Strathclyde Passenger Transport Executive – Glasgow Subway |
7.18 | Railway accidents. |
7.19 | Railway fatalities by local authority and category, 2014 |
7.20 | Views on train services of those who used them in the last month, 2014 |
Air transport (*) | |
8.1 | Summary of air transport |
8.2 | Passengers on selected domestic routes, to/from certain Scottish airports |
8.3 | International Air Passenger Traffic to and from the main Scottish international airports |
8.4 | Passenger traffic on selected international routes, to and from Scotland's main airports, 2014 |
8.5 | The 10 international airports with the largest numbers of passenger journeys for flights directly to and from Scotland's main airports, 2014 |
8.6 | Terminal passenger traffic by origin/destination, 2014 |
8.7 | Terminal air passengers by airport, international/domestic and type of service, 2014 |
8.8 | Punctuality of flights at Edinburgh and Glasgow airports |
8.9 | Aircraft movements, by airport and type of movement, 2014 |
8.10 | Air transport movements by airport, type of service and operator, 2014 |
8.11 | Air transport movements |
8.12 | Total aircraft movements, by airport |
8.13 | Freight carried by airport |
8.14 | Characteristics of terminal passengers, 2013 |
8.15 | Mode of surface transport used to arrive at the airport |
8.16 | Origins/destinations of terminating passengers, 2013 |
Water transport | |
9.1 | Waterborne freight lifted, discharged and moved, by type of traffic. |
9.2 | Foreign and domestic freight traffic at Major Scottish ports. |
9.3 | Foreign and domestic freight traffic by port: inwards and outwards |
9.4 | Foreign and domestic freight traffic by port: bulk fuel and other traffic. |
9.5 | Foreign and domestic traffic by port and mode of appearance (major ports only) |
9.6 | Foreign and domestic freight traffic at the major ports by type of traffic (a) 2013 (b) 2014 |
9.7 | All traffic at the major ports by mode of appearance and commodity, 2014 |
9.8 | Major ports traffic by cargo category and country of loading and unloading, 2014 |
9.9 | Foreign and coastwise container and roll-on traffic by type |
9.10 | Inland waterway freight traffic lifted and moved |
9.11 | Inland waterway freight traffic lifted and moved by mode of appearance |
9.12 | Total passengers and vehicles carried by operator |
9.13 | Vehicle and passenger traffic between (a) Scotland and Northern Ireland and (b) Scotland and Europe |
9.14 | Shipping services (a) Operators on subsidised routes and (b) Local Authority operators (*) |
9.15 | Traffic on subsidised ferry services (*) |
9.16 | Traffic on other major ferry routes (*) |
9.17 | Reliability and punctuality of lifeline ferry services (*) |
9.18 | HM Coastguard statistics: Search and rescue operations (Scotland) (*) |
Finance | |
10.1 | Expenditure on transport within the Scottish Ministers' responsibility and expenditure on transport controlled by local authorities (*) |
10.2 | Net expenditure on management and maintenance of motorways and trunk roads, by Operating Companies, 2013-14 (*) |
10.3 | Net revenue expenditure on roads and transport (excluding loan charges) by Councils, by type, 2013-14 |
10.4 | Service breakdown of local authority gross capital expenditure 2014-15 |
10.5 | Gross capital account expenditure on local authority roads and transport by Councils and Boards, by type, 2014-15 |
10.6 | Petrol and diesel prices and duties per litre (June), GB |
10.7 | Transport components of the Retail Prices Index (2004=100), UK |
10.8 | Average weekly household expenditure in Scotland on transport and vehicles |
Personal and cross-modal travel | |
11.10 | Frequency of driving for people aged 17+, 2014 |
11.11 | Frequency of walking in the previous seven days (people aged 16+), 2014 |
11.12 | Frequency of Driving for people aged 17+ |
11.13 | Frequency of Walking in the previous seven days (people aged 16+) |
11.14 | Usual means of travel to usual place of work (in Autumn). |
11.15 | Average time taken to travel to usual place of work (in Autumn). |
11.16 | Usual means of travel to work (in Spring). |
11.17 | Employed adults (16+) – place of work: 2014 |
11.18 | Employed adults (16+) not working from home – usual method of travel to work: 2014 |
11.19 | Usual main method of travel to school, 2014 |
11.21 | Employed adults (16+) – place of work |
11.22 | Employed adults (16+) not working from home – usual method of travel to work |
11.23 | Usual main method of travel to school |
11.24 | Scottish residents' visits abroad by means of leaving the UK and purpose of visit, 2014 |
11.25 | Scottish residents' visits abroad by means of leaving the UK and area visited, 2014 |
11.26 | Scottish residents' visits abroad by means of leaving the UK, purpose of visit and area visited |
11.27 | Transport Model for Scotland: inter-zonal trips |
11.29 | Passenger journeys made under concessionary fare schemes |
11.30 | Traveline Scotland: telephone calls and web site hits (*) |
11.31 | Employed adults (16+) distance to place of work: 2011 |
11.32 | Employed adults (16+) mode of transport to place of work: 2011 |
11.33 | Employed adults (16+) distance to place of work by car/van availability: 2011 |
11.34 | All people aged 4 and over studying, distance to place of study by age: 2011 |
11.35 | All people aged 4 and over studying, mode of transport to place of study by distance: 2011 |
12.1 | International comparisons |
Environment | |
13.1a | Emissions of air pollutants by type of transport allocated to Scotland (*) |
13.1b | Atmospheric concentrations of selected pollutants recorded at Air Quality Monitoring Stations (*) |
13.1c | Number of active Air Quality Management Areas by pollutant and local authority (*) |
13.2 | Emissions of greenhouse gases by type of transport allocated to Scotland (*) |
13.3 | Emissions of greenhouse gases by Transport allocated to Scotland (*) |
13.4 | Comparison of transport greenhouse gas emissions Scotland and UK as a whole (*) |
13.5 | UK Carbon Dioxide emissions: grams per passenger-kilometre: 2015 |
13.6 | Cars registered for the first time by CO2 emissions band |
13.7 | Ultra-low emission vehicles registered for the first time, quarterly |
13.8 | Ultra-low emission vehicles licensed at the end of year, quarterly |
13.9 | Number of new registrations by body type and propulsion type 2014 |
13.10 | Number of licensed vehicles by body type and propulsion type as at 31 December 2014 |
Figure | Maps |
3.1 | Goods lifted by road; entering / leaving Scotland to / from rest of GB 2014 |
5.1 | Trunk roads : Network management |
5.2 | Selected points to show average daily traffic flows, peak hourly flows and percentages of HGVs |
8.1 | Terminal air passenger traffic, 2004 and 2014 |
9.1 | Foreign and domestic freight traffic by port |
9.2 | Scottish ferry routes National Overview |
9.3 | Scottish ferry routes South Western Scotland |
9.4 | Scottish ferry routes Western Isles |
9.5 | Scottish ferry routes Orkney and Shetland Islands |
Local Authorities as of 1 April 1996 |
(*) this table, or this chapter, consists of figures which are outwith the scope of National Statistics