Scottish Transport Statistics No 34 2015 Edition

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ISBN 978 1 909948 64 8
ISSN 1351 3869
PPDAS 64961

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A National Statistics Publication for Scotland



Detailed list of statistical tables

Summary Transport Statistics including Historical Series

Commentary and statistical tables:

1. Road transport vehicles

2. Bus and coach travel

3. Road freight

4. Road network

5. Road traffic

6. Injury road accidents

7. Rail services

8. Air transport

9. Water transport

10. Finance

11. Personal and cross-modal travel

12. International comparisons

13. Environment

Notes and definitions

Annex 1: Mid-year population estimates for 2014

Annex 2: Areas covered by Operating Companies

Errors in the previous edition

Recent Research Reports

Transport Scotland Statistics publications

National Statistics publication information

Brief extracts from this publication may be reproduced, provided that Scottish Transport Statistics is fully acknowledged as the source.
Proposals for larger extracts should be addressed to the enquiries address below.


Symbols used: The following symbols are used throughout:

.. not available
- or 0 nil or less than half the final digit shown (NB: these are used interchangeably)
| break in series

Rounding: In some tables, where figures have been rounded independently, the sum of constituent items may not always appear to agree exactly with the total shown.

Enquiries and suggestions
Enquiries about the statistics in this publication should generally be made to the relevant producer body as indicated in the Notes, Definitions and Sources sections of the publication.

Other enquiries (such as about the availability of other editions) should be made to:
Mr Andrew Knight
Transport Analytical Services
Transport Scotland
Victoria Quay

Telephone: 0131 244 7256
FAX: 0131 244 0871

Feedback on the usefulness of this publication including suggestions for improvement be addressed to the above address.

Web version of the publication

Transport Scotland Statistics publications and Excel spreadsheet versions of the tables may be found on the Transport Scotland Website. Go to:

Updated versions of some of the tables and charts in this edition will be made available, in due course.

Published Date 29 Feb 2016 Type