Scottish Transport Statistics No 34 2015 Edition
Errors in the Previous Edition
This list covers errors which occurred in the preparation of the tables or the commentary in Scottish Transport Statistics. It does not include cases where statistics now differ from those in the previous edition, due to revisions by the supplier. Such revisions could occur following more information becoming available, or an improvement in estimation methodology, or the correction of errors in the supplier's own systems. In such cases, the revisions may be mentioned in the text or a footnote to the relevant table, if they are large enough to warrant this.
We apologise for the following errors, which we have found in the previous edition.
Summary table SGB1 page 25 Road freight figures are for the UK and not GB.
Table 8.15 page 138 A small adjustment has been made to the percentages for the years 2009 and 2013 due to an error in the calculations used to produce the figures.
Table 2.8 page 66 The adjusted prices for government support in table 2.8 took the values from the 'Concessionary fares' section in the lower half of table 2.9 instead of the 'All government support' section. The figures for the total revenue (adjusted) series in the table are also affected.
The tables in this edition include corrected figures, (if they are time-series tables that include years for which the previous edition's figures were wrong).
Any problems or inconveniences resulting from these errors are regretted.