Scottish Transport Statistics No 34 2015 Edition
Recent Research Reports
Research reports published since the previous edition of "Scottish Transport Statistics" are listed below.
Title |
Research into the Social and Economic Benefits of Community Transport |
Publication date |
31 March 2015 |
Contractor |
Peter Brett Associates |
Purpose of research |
An inquiry by the Scottish Parliament Infrastructure and Capital Investment Committee launched in 2013 found that there is a lack of evidence on the social and economic benefits of community transport in Scotland. In order to address this, Transport Scotland commissioned this research study designed to identify the economic, social and health benefits generated by community transport in Scotland. |
Main findings |
Link to report |
Title |
Seatbelt and Mobile Phone Observation Study |
Publication date |
25 February 2015 |
Contractor |
Transport Research Laboratory (TRL) |
Purpose of research |
Seatbelt compliance studies were carried out in Scotland in 1997 and 2002. Between 1989 and 2009, DfT commissioned a series of surveys to provide estimates of seatbelt compliance amongst vehicle occupants, with mobile phone use by drivers also included from 2002. However, these studies focused on sites in England, only including sites in Scotland for the seatbelt element in 2009. Thus, the current survey not only satisfies the need for more up-to-date evidence but also provides more information on compliance in Scotland than has been available previously. |
Main findings |
Link to report |
Title |
User Perceptions of the Summary Blue Badge Guidance |
Publication date |
23 January 2015 |
Contractor |
KSO Research |
Purpose of research |
The research explored users' views and understanding of a proposed new 'ten top tips' document, developed by the Scottish Government's Blue Badge policy team. The new summary document is aimed at ensuring that Blue Badge users and their carers are aware of the most important terms and conditions that come with taking part in the scheme. |
Main findings |
Link to report | |
Title |
Improving the Evidence Base on Journey Time Reliability |
Publication date |
15 May 2015 |
Contractor |
Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds |
Purpose of research |
The requirements of the research were set out in the Tender Document published by Transport Scotland on 11 October 2013. The principal aim of this research was to generate first hand evidence from road users in Scotland on journey time reliability. Further aims were to assess the usefulness of the data that exists within and outwith Transport Scotland on journey time reliability and, together with the principal aim, evaluate how this information might be used to update and improve the appraisal guidance on assessing journey time reliability impacts in Scotland. |
Main findings |
Link to report |
Title |
Review of STATS 19 form |
Publication date |
14 May 2015 |
Contractor |
Transport Research Lab (TRL) |
Purpose of research |
STATS19 is a standard set of data that are collected by the police following personal injury accidents on the public road. The data are collated by local authorities, Transport Scotland and the Department for Transport and are used nationally to monitor trends, inform policy and to identify areas for action. There is no national data collection form; the protocol simply describes what data should be collected and how it should be submitted. The aim of this project was to review the currently used versions of the STATS19 form by the legacy police forces in Scotland and produce a new form that incorporates recommendations for improvement that could be potentially rolled out nationally to help improve the quality of the personal injury road accident data collected in Scotland. |
Main findings |
The output from this project has been the successful development of a suggested revised example STATS19 form, based on evidence from users of the form that may lead to improved data quality. Developing the form in Microsoft Excel was considered to be an improvement in terms of the accuracy and ease of completing, and respected Transport Scotland's requirement for a solution that did not need large scale IT resources, hardware and training. Alongside the development of the revised form, a number of future recommendations were identified relating to the data collection process, options for training and enhancing user engagement with the form, as well as modifications or refinements to variables and data collection items. |
Link to report |
Title |
Evaluation of Laurencekirk Railway Station |
Publication date |
19 May 2015 |
Contractor |
Purpose of research |
In December 2013 Transport Scotland commissioned a study to undertake an evaluation of the impact of the new station. This involved a process evaluation to assess the effectiveness of the implementation and delivery aspects of the project, and an outcome evaluation to determine whether the intended outcomes and objectives have been achieved. |
Main findings |
Overall the findings from the process evaluation suggest that the delivery and implementation of the Laurencekirk station reopening was a success. The project was delivered on time and on budget. |
Link to report |
Title |
Evaluation of Airdrie to Bathgate Line |
Publication date |
19 May 2015 |
Contractor |
CH2M Hill |
Purpose of research |
The aim of the Airdrie-Bathgate Stage 1 Outcome Evaluation is to provide an early assessment of the extent to which the project is on track to reach its objectives, through the examination of relevant monitoring data. |
Main findings |
The research has shown that the project has achieved many of its objectives. At the same time it was not possible to determine the link between opening the rail link and some of the project objectives. |
Link to report |
Title |
Evaluation of Larkhall to Milngavie Line |
Publication date |
19 May 2015 |
Contractor |
Purpose of research |
SYSTRA were commissioned by Transport Scotland in March 2014 to undertake an evaluation of the Larkhall – Milngavie railway project and to provide recommendations for improvement of the draft Rail Evaluation Guidance. |
Main findings |
The evaluation found that the project has been a success in terms of standard Transport Economic Efficiency (TEE) measures with the project's benefits outweighing its costs. This is primarily due to higher than expected demand. However, there is only limited evidence to support the success of the project's wider objectives. |
Link to report |