Chapter 10: Finance

Chapter 10: Finance

Chapter 10: Finance

1. Introduction

1.1 This chapter provides information on finance, such as expenditure on transport within Scottish Ministers’ responsibility and on transport controlled by Local Authorities.  It shows capital and current expenditure on motorways and trunk roads, Local Authority revenue and capital income and expenditure on roads and transport, government grants for the construction and improvement of harbour facilities, petrol and diesel prices and duties, and average weekly household expenditure on transport.

1.2 Almost all the figures in this chapter are expressed in what are referred to as current, out-turn or cash prices: no table gives constant price (i.e. deflated) figures.

Key points

  • Scottish Government (including Transport Scotland) spent £2,125 million on transport in 2017/18.  Local Authorities spent a further £821 million.
  • Personal spend on transport and travel accounted for 14% of household spending between 2016 and 2018.
  • In 2018 petrol prices started at 121.2 pence per litre in January before falling slightly to 121.0 pence in December. However, diesel prices rose in 2018 from 124.6 in January to 131.0 pence by December.  

2. Main  Points

Motorways & Trunk Roads

2.1 The total of capital and current expenditure on motorways and trunk roads in 2017-18 was estimated at £620 million,  £93 million (13%) less than the 2016/17 figure, a big part of which is expenditure on the Forth Replacement Crossing. Total expenditure on transport within Scottish Ministers' responsibility in 2017-18 was budgeted at £2,125 million, £51 million (2%) more than in the previous year.  (Table 10.1

2.2 Expenditure on the management and maintenance of the trunk road network totalled £169m in 2016-17.  The expenditure is split £8.7m on capitalised maintenance and £160.3m on routine and winter maintenance, network management and network strengthening.  (These figures do not include spending on new construction). (Table 10.2)   

Local Authorities 

2.3 In 2017-18, net revenue expenditure on transport controlled by local authorities was £430 million. In cash terms, this was 8 per cent more than in 2016-17. Road maintenance (£221 million in 2017-18) accounted for 51% of the expenditure.  The other main categories of expenditure in 2017-18 were:

  • contributions to passenger transport (excluding concessionary fares) - £132 million; 
  • road lighting - £63 million; 
  • network and traffic management (excluding school crossing patrols) - £31 million

In 2017-18, the net income from parking charges was £41 million, 5% more than 2016-17.  (Table 10.1)

2.4 The Local Authorities with the highest net revenue expenditure on roads and transport (excluding loan charges) in 2017-18 were: Fife, (£31.1 million), South Lanarkshire (£29.5 million), Highland (£26.6 million), and Aberdeenshire (£25 million). (Table 10.3) The table also shows local authorities’ figures for other types of expenditure in 2017/18:

  • Road maintenance/Winter maintenance South Lanarkshire had the highest expenditure on road maintenance (£19.3 million), followed by Fife (£14.6 million). South Lanarkshire spent the most on winter maintenance (£6.8 million).
  • Contributions to Public Transportin terms of the total net revenue expenditure on ‘local authority’ and ‘non LA’ public transport, Shetland Islands (£16.2 million) made the largest contributions to passenger transport. Fife spent £12.2 million.
  • Road Lighting  Glasgow spent most on road lighting (£9.8 million), followed by North Lanarkshire (£4.6 million).
  • Parking Edinburgh had the largest net income from parking (£23.8 million) followed by Glasgow at £12.5 million.

Gross Capital Expenditure

2.5 Gross capital account expenditure by councils and boards on local authority roads and transport totalled £402 million in 2017-18, 15% less than the previous year. Of this total £276 million was spent on roads and £59 million on other public transport. (Table 10.4)

2.6 The local authorities with the highest gross capital account expenditure on roads and transport in 2017-18 were: Perth and Kinross (£35.6 million) and Highland (£31.5 million). Perth and Kinross spent the most on roads (£31.3 million) followed by Highland (£26.0 million). (Table 10.5)

2.7 The National Concessionary Travel (NCT) bus scheme was introduced in April 2006 and is administered by Transport Scotland for Scotland as a whole. Previously local authorities administered their own schemes, therefore local expenditure on concessionary travel (and therefore overall totals of spend) shown in Table 10.3 will be greatly reduced from previous years, now only covering rail, subway, ferry and some taxi schemes. Further statistics on concessionary travel can be found in table 11.29

Travel Costs

2.8 Between 2017 and 2018 the average price of unleaded petrol increased by 7.8 pence, and diesel increased by 9.8 pence per litre in Great Britain.  In 2018, petrol prices increased by 0.2 pence between January and December and diesel prices increased by 6.5 pence over the same period.  Tax (duty plus VAT) represented 63% of the price for unleaded petrol and 61% of the price for diesel in Great Britain in 2018, compared with 67% for unleaded petrol and 65% for diesel in 2007.  (Table 10.6)

2.9 The UK Retail Prices Index (RPI) rose by 32% between 2007 and 2017. Most of the Transport components of the RPI increased more rapidly than this, and therefore rose in real terms.  In cash terms, the costs of the maintenance of motor vehicles increased by 38%, petrol and oil by 24% and there was a 163% rise in the cost of vehicle tax and insurance. However, the cost of purchasing a motor vehicle fell by 11% in cash terms over the last ten years.  As a result, motoring expenditure index rose by 30%, less than the 32% increase in the RPI and therefore a real term fall between 2007 and 2017.  Over the same period, fares and other travel costs rose by 58% in cash terms - rail fares by 51% and bus and coach fares by 69%, increases of 19% and 37% above general inflation. (Table 10.7)

2.10 Average weekly household expenditure in Scotland on transport and vehicles in 2016-18 was £68.20, representing 13.9% of total household expenditure. On average, £23.50 was spent on the purchase of vehicles, £27.00 on the operation of personal transport (including £18.40 on petrol, diesel and other motor oils) and £17.70 on transport services (such as bus and train fares). (Table 10.8)

Table 10.1: Expenditure on transport within the Scottish Ministers' responsibility, and expenditure on transport controlled by local authorities
2007 -08 2008 -09 2009 -10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 2016 -17 2017 -18
Expenditure on transport within the Scottish Ministers' responsibility £ million at outturn prices
Motorways and trunk roads
Capital 1
- New construction and improvements 1 132 166 258 207 45 47 101 76 184 320 184
- Forth Replacement Crossing - 22 30 30 152 242 193 232 217 114 74
- Capital maintenance 2 - 30 31 29 18 12 10 8 14 - 7
Total 132 218 319 266 215 301 304 316 415 434 265
- Routine and winter maintenance etc 88 73 75 101 69 75 73 78 79 73 93
- Network Strengthening and Improvements 3 140 114 111 105 85 77 85 71 72 115 119
- Other - - - - - 32 21 18 18 18 33
- Design, build, finance, operate payments 35 32 32 36 54 57 59 68 80 73 110
Total 263 219 218 242 208 241 238 235 249 279 355
Total capital and current (a) 395 437 537 508 423 542 542 551 664 713 620
Central Government support to transport industries 12
Highlands and Islands Airports Ltd 28 26 26 25 27 23 21 34 38 25 29
Caledonian MacBrayne Ltd 45 51 56 59 68 74 86 107 123 134 131
Scottish Canals 10 9 12 12 12 11 11 14 11 10 10 12
Rail Services in Scotland 10 929 831 807 749 777 783 803 676 745 731 756
Northern Isles Ferries 11 29 33 36 40 43 41 38 36 32 35 46
Bus Service Operators Grant 11 67 64 64 63 61 62 50 51 53 53 51
Freight Facilities Grant 11 2 5 2 5 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
Integrated Transport Fund 11 1
Major public transport projects 251 129 159 75 70 36 35 3 3 6 5
National Concessionary Travel schemes (incl Smartcards) 12 174 193 201 187 188 193 197 197 196 196 201
Other 7 84 45 22 53 52 68 93 115 150 170 273
Total (b) 1,369 1,248 1,216 1,193 1,229 1,292 1,336 1,231 1,351 1,361 1,505
Total Ministers' resp. (sum of a and b) 1,764 1,685 1,753 1,701 1,652 1,834 1,878 1,782 2,015 2,074 2,125
Local transport - gross capital 4 expenditure
New construction and improvement 5 285 345 310 293 328 318 350 361 361 377 306
Other investment 6 218 149 164 107 157 185 111 72 43 84 85
Total 503 494 474 400 485 504 461 433 404 462 391
Expenditure on transport controlled by local authorities
Local transport - net revenue expenditure (excl. loan charges)8,9
Administration .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Construction 6 4 4 4 5 6 16 17 6 3 3
Road maintenance (incl winter maintenance) 261 274 293 317 256 271 241 223 216 203 221
Road lighting 65 67 69 66 66 73 69 70 68 66 63
Parking -24 -29 -23 -24 -25 -29 -29 -31 -35 -39 -41
Network and traffic management 39 43 42 38 40 44 46 43 44 36 31
(other than school crossing patrols)
Concessionary fares 8 12 13 7 6 7 8 8 8 7 7
Contributions to passenger transport 76 66 72 80 115 101 95 115 99 108 132
School crossing patrols 16 16 16 15 14 14 14 14 13 14 13
Total controlled by Local Authorities 450 453 486 503 477 487 460 459 418 398 430

Source: Expenditure on a and b above provided by Transport Scotland - Not National Statistics
1. Includes all costs related to the construction of Major Road Projects.
2. Includes all costs in relation to the reconstruction and overlay of road network. Figures for 2001/02 - 2007/08 have been moved to current expenditure to reflect changes in recording practices.
3. Includes all costs in relation to Roads and Bridges Network Strengthening and Minor Improvements that are not classed as Capitalised Maintenance.
Figures for 2008-09 onwards have been amended to include money moved from capital to current expenditure to reflect changes to recording practices.
4. Figures are on a cash basis up to 2003-04 and on an accruals basis from 2004-05 onwards. Capital Funded from Current Revenue is included.
5. Includes Network & Traffic Management, Bridges and Parking
6. Includes Shipping, Transport Piers and Ferry Terminals
7. Includes subsidies for the Community Transport Association, piers, harbours, road safety, safer routes to schools and additional concessionary fares support to Local Authorities (prior to 2007).
8. The revenue account figures are reported on an accruals basis (i.e. reflected in the accounts of the period in which they take place).
9. Includes support for LA and non-LA transport undertakings, and revenue contributions to capital.
10. SG took responsibility for these areas in 2001-02. In respect of rail services in Scotland for rail passenger services, and from 2006-07 it includes funding for Network Rail in Scotland (which was previously the responsibility of the Department for Transport). British Waterways renamed Scottish Canals following split.
11. Separate figures for each of these categories were not available prior to 2003 -04
12. The NCT schemes were introduced in April 2006. From April 2010 NCT electronic (Smartcards) required on-board Smartcard equipment. 2013/14 NCT schemes included £1.7m transitional aid via s38 of the Transport Scotland Act 2001. (NB 2012/13 spend included £13m transitional aid in total.)

Table 10.2: Net expenditure on management and maintenance of motorways and trunk roads by Operating Companies1, 2016-17
Description Capital Current2 Total
Capital Maintenance Routine, Cyclical and Winter Maintenance and Network Management
£ thousand at outturn prices
North East Operating Company 740 26,996 27,736
North West Operating Company 3,804 46,135 49,939
South East Operating Company 359 30,119 30,478
South West Operating Company 3,770 41,685 45,455
Forth Bridges Operating Company3 2 15,362 15,364
Total 8,675 160,297 168,973

Source: Transport Scotland
1. For the purpose of maintenance from 2001-02, the trunk road network was sub-divided into 4 operating units (see Notes)
2. These figures do not include costs for expenditure outside Operating Company control i.e. (Traffic Scotland Operations, PAG contract etc).
3. The Forth Bridge Operating Contract commenced on 1 June 2015

Table 10.3: Net revenue expenditure on roads and transport (excluding loan charges) by Councils, by type, 2017-18 1
Council Roads Network and traffic management Parking Services Public Transport Total
Construction Maintenance Lighting School crossing patrols Other Local Authority Non Local Authority
Winter maintenance Structural, environmental and safety maintenance and routine repairs LA public transport Concessionary fares 2 Other non LA public transport
£ thousand
Aberdeen City - 2,128 5,345 2,689 232 1,947 - - - 269 12,610
Aberdeenshire - 6,602 6,252 2,214 408 1,547 182 - 242 7,546 24,993
Angus 2,370 3,463 2,067 1,034 - - 159 - - 2,138 11,231
Argyll & Bute 64 2,486 6,225 1,320 163 687 -347 1,445 178 1,987 14,208
Clackmannanshire 157 453 852 539 32 20 0 1 21 402 2,477
Dumfries & Galloway 14 2,429 5,582 918 264 1,229 196 - 5 3,864 14,501
Dundee City - 2,454 1,419 1,115 - 2,617 -1,693 - 171 720 6,803
East Ayrshire - 1,063 4,367 1,951 251 1,199 -386 - 237 2,050 10,732
East Dunbartonshire 10 454 2,788 1,046 413 813 190 - 215 1,855 7,784
East Lothian - 2,159 559 1,346 253 345 5 - 236 1,213 6,116
East Renfrewshire - 1,401 6,513 1,229 297 118 143 - 175 1,607 11,483
Edinburgh, City of - 2,261 9,912 4,345 1,309 1,365 -23,819 - 950 9,462 5,785
Eilean Siar - 1,951 1,725 293 - 90 83 -111 - 3,613 7,644
Falkirk 76 1,902 2,204 1,137 412 1,529 -136 - 115 2,055 9,294
Fife 47 5,485 9,143 4,058 312 284 -375 - 580 11,614 31,148
Glasgow City - 2,557 8,953 9,842 3,108 4,233 -12,542 - 1,031 7,736 24,918
Highland - 2,785 7,912 4,134 687 1,771 -644 527 146 9,305 26,623
Inverclyde - 564 1,477 1,041 311 215 1 - 168 1,485 5,262
Midlothian - 1,593 1,314 1,235 304 1,001 211 - 24 656 6,338
Moray - 2,364 1,640 739 248 930 -242 104 - 376 6,159
North Ayrshire - 1,022 5,975 1,550 306 44 252 - 291 2,464 11,904
North Lanarkshire - 6,488 6,578 4,632 1,223 1,153 - - 563 5,484 26,121
Orkney Islands - 1,116 1,221 209 43 452 -15 6,986 122 2,468 12,602
Perth & Kinross - 5,104 3,520 1,416 46 1,142 -726 - 74 2,708 13,284
Renfrewshire 31 1,248 4,947 1,473 676 1,279 -597 1,786 - 3,679 14,522
Scottish Borders 333 4,674 2,449 1,146 140 500 222 23 15 2,358 11,860
Shetland Islands - 1,272 3,199 469 16 616 - 4 12,760 5 3,392 21,725
South Ayrshire - 778 5,459 1,747 106 787 -307 - 259 1,767 10,596
South Lanarkshire 260 6,812 12,506 2,564 886 1,234 -773 - 575 5,424 29,488
Stirling - 1,520 1,349 2,462 178 368 -525 - - 1,628 6,980
West Dunbartonshire - 1,358 1,533 711 151 566 98 - - 1,811 6,228
West Lothian - 3,536 5,002 2,827 363 680 144 - 550 2,326 15,428
HITRANS - - - - - - - - - - -
NESTRANS - - - - - - - - - - 1 - 1
SESTRAN - - - - - - - - - 580 580
SWESTRANS - - - - - - - - - - -
SPT - - - - - - - - - 2,535 2,535
TACTRAN - - - - - - - - - -47 -47
ZetTrans - - - - - - - - - 139 129 -10
Scotland 3,362 81,482 139,987 63,431 13,138 30,761 -41,245 23,521 6,809 108,658 429,904

Source: Scottish Government Local Government Finance
1. Support service costs (e.g. administrative buildings and services such as legal, personnel, accountancy, IT and estates management), are included in the various service totals.
2. The Scottish National Concessionary Travel bus scheme was introduced in April 2006 and administered by Transport Scotland, therefore local authority figures no longer cover bus travel but cover rail, subway, ferry and some taxi schemes. Further statistics on concessionary travel can be found in table 11.29.

Table 10.4: Service breakdown of Local Authorities' gross capital expenditure 2017-18 1
Category of expenditure Tangible Fixed Assets Intangible Revenue Expenditure Funded from Capital Resources Total Expenditure to be met from Capital Resources
Acquisition of land, leases, existing buildings or works New construction, conversions & enhancement to existing buildings Vehicles, Plant, machinery & Equipment Intangible assets Third Party Capital Projects
  £ thousand
Roads 33,068 230,094 9,903 381 2,254 275,700
Network and Traffic Management 1,885 26,923 1,539 - 78 30,425
Bridges 1,880 20,650 508 - 380 23,418
Parking services 17 3,257 297 - - 3,571
Rail - 9,824 - - - 9,824
Other Public Transport 357 15,217 34,488 372 8,663 59,097
Shipping, Airports, Transport Piers & Ferry Terminals - - - - - -
Total Roads and Transport 37,207 305,965 46,735 753 11,375 402,035

Source: Scottish Government Local Government Finance
1. Capital Expenditure is recorded on a accruals basis (not cash) and includes Capital Funded from Current Revenue.

Table 10.5: Gross1 capital account expenditure on local authority roads and transport by Councils and Boards, by type, 2017-18
Authority Roads Network and Traffic Management Bridges Parking services Rail Public Transport Shipping, Airports, Transport Piers & Ferry Terminals Total Roads and Transport
£ thousand
Aberdeen City 15,389 2,653 38 - - - - 18,080
Aberdeenshire 18,142 417 3,131 - - 8,377 - 30,067
Angus 8,408 299 361 - - 94 - 9,162
Argyll & Bute 5,619 65 485 - - 441 354 6,964
Clackmannanshire 3,748 - 74 - - - - 3,822
Dumfries & Galloway 9,985 384 1,149 21 166 206 - 11,911
Dundee City 7,280 351 92 61 9,381 12 - 17,177
East Ayrshire 3,612 1,083 781 1 - - - 5,477
East Dunbartonshire 7,808 497 652 - - - - 8,957
East Lothian 5,460 112 - 54 - - - 5,626
East Renfrewshire 1,153 205 366 2 277 - - 2,003
Edinburgh, City of 11,097 5,894 1,936 41 - 2,347 - 21,315
Eilean Siar 2,460 374 390 - - 894 - 4,118
Falkirk 5,504 208 792 695 - - - 7,199
Fife 13,580 1,476 802 559 - - - 16,417
Glasgow City 15,801 5,425 510 479 - 26 - 22,241
Highland 26,036 2,132 2,630 28 - 694 - 31,520
Inverclyde 5,073 17 - - - - - 5,090
Midlothian 2,701 - - - - - - 2,701
Moray 6,194 203 100 - - - - 6,497
North Ayrshire 4,875 - 513 - - - - 5,388
North Lanarkshire 11,269 889 1,349 1,155 - 163 - 14,825
Orkney Islands 4,169 - - - - 415 - 4,584
Perth & Kinross 31,299 2,576 1,689 17 - - - 35,581
Renfrewshire 8,070 368 375 - - - - 8,813
Scottish Borders 6,601 1,350 2,090 - - 33 - 10,074
Shetland Islands 1,185 16 259 - - 470 36 1,966
South Ayrshire 1,738 681 186 - - - - 2,605
South Lanarkshire 12,668 729 - 104 - 3,798 - 17,299
Stirling 8,043 - 176 354 - 50 - 8,623
West Dunbartonshire 2,342 636 - - - 12 - 2,990
West Lothian 6,137 1,307 1,544 - - - - 8,988
Tay Bridge - - 568 - - - - 568
HITRANS - - - - - - - -
NESTRANS - - - - - - - -
SESTRAN - - - - - 177 - 177
SWESTRANS - - - - - 347 - 347
SPT - - - - - 31,878 - 31,878
TACTRAN - - - - - - - -
ZetTrans - - - - - - - -
Total 273,446 30,347 23,038 3,571 9,824 50,434 390 391,050

Source: Scottish Government Local Government Finance
1. Capital Expenditure is recorded on a accruals basis (not cash) and includes Capital Funded from Current Revenue.

Table 10.6a: Petrol and diesel prices and duties per litre (year average), GB 1
  2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Unleaded Petrol 2
Price pence 94.2 107.1 99.3 116.9 133.3 135.4 134.1 127.5 111.1 108.8 117.6 125.2
of which:  
Duty 48.9 50.5 54.4 57.2 58.2 58.0 58.0 58.0 58.0 58.0 58.0 58.0
VAT 3 14.0 15.8 13.0 17.4 22.2 22.6 22.4 21.3 18.5 18.1 19.6 20.9
All tax 62.9 66.3 67.3 74.6 80.4 80.5 80.3 79.2 76.5 76.1 77.5 78.8
All tax as a % of price 67 62 68 64 60 59 60 62 69 70 66 63
Diesel (derv)4,5
Price pence 96.8 117.5 103.9 119.3 138.7 141.8 140.4 133.5 114.9 110.1 120.1 130.0
of which:
Duty 48.9 50.5 54.4 57.2 58.2 58.0 58.0 58.0 58.0 58.0 58.0 58.0
VAT 3 14.4 17.3 13.6 17.8 23.1 23.6 23.4 22.2 19.1 18.4 20.0 21.7
All tax 63.3 67.9 68.0 75.0 81.3 81.6 81.4 80.2 77.1 76.3 78.0 79.6
All tax as a % of price 65 58 65 63 59 58 58 60 67 69 65 61

Source: DECC - Not National Statistics
1. DTI discontinued publishing the price of LRP from September 2005, due to the low volume of sales. June figures for 4 star Lead Replacement Petrol (LRP) are available in previous editions of STS.
2. From June 2001 Premium unleaded prices represent Ultra Low Sulphur Petrol (ULSP) which now accounts for virtually all Premium unleaded sold.
3. VAT is rebated to business. From 1 April 1991 it was 17.5%, 15% in 2009, 17.5% in 2010 and 20% from 2011.
4. Diesel-engined road vehicle fuel (derv).
5. From June 2000, the figures are for ultra low sulphur diesel (ULSD) which now accounts for virtually all diesel sold.

Table 10.6b: Petrol and diesel prices per litre (year and month), GB 1
  January February March April May June July August September October November December
Unleaded 1
2010 111.5 111.6 115.5 119.8 121.2 117.7 117.2 116.2 114.6 117.2 118.7 121.6
2011 127.5 128.4 131.9 134.7 136.7 135.6 135.1 135.3 134.7 134.0 133.2 132.1
2012 132.9 134.6 137.7 141.7 137.7 131.6 131.1 134.1 139.1 138.1 134.5 131.6
2013 131.7 136.4 137.2 136.8 132.7 134.1 134.7 136.9 137.2 131.5 129.7 130.8
2014 130.2 129.0 128.6 128.8 129.3 129.7 131.1 129.3 128.5 126.8 122.5 116.2
2015 108.5 107.2 111.0 112.5 115.7 116.4 116.4 114.5 111.5 109.0 107.2 103.7
2016 101.7 101.4 101.7 106.4 108.4 111.0 111.7 109.0 111.2 113.6 115.9 114.1
2017 118.7 119.9 119.4 117.3 115.5 115.5 113.9 115.6 118.9 117.2 119.1 120.0
2018 121.2 121.4 119.1 120.6 124.7 127.9 127.6 128.6 130.8 130.9 128.6 121.0
2010 113.3 113.4 116.2 121.0 122.8 120.1 119.7 118.7 117.2 120.6 122.5 125.8
2011 132.1 133.4 138.1 141.1 141.5 139.6 139.4 139.9 139.2 139.4 140.3 140.6
2012 141.3 142.6 145.0 147.8 144.0 137.4 136.6 139.4 144.0 143.0 141.1 139.7
2013 139.5 143.9 144.6 141.3 138.0 139.3 139.6 141.6 142.3 138.8 137.3 138.8
2014 138.1 136.7 136.0 135.9 136.1 135.4 136.0 133.6 133.1 131.1 127.2 122.4
2015 115.9 114.6 118.2 119.1 121.0 121.2 118.7 111.7 109.8 110.8 110.1 107.8
2016 102.5 101.0 102.4 106.9 109.1 111.9 112.7 110.7 113.2 115.6 118.4 117.2
2017 122.0 122.8 122.3 119.9 117.4 117.5 115.4 117.3 120.5 120.3 122.7 123.5
2018 124.6 124.7 122.8 124.2 128.3 131.9 131.8 132.5 134.5 136.6 137.1 131.0

Source: DECC - Not National Statistics
Note: Data for earlier years can be found on the DECC website
1. From June 2001 Premium unleaded prices represent Ultra Low Sulphur Petrol (ULSP) which now accounts for virtually all Premium unleaded sold.

Petrol and Diesel prices, year average GB

Petrol and Diesel prices, year average GB

Petrol and Diesel prices, by month, 2013 to December 2018 GB

Petrol and Diesel prices, by month, 2013 to December 2018 GB

Table 10.7: Transport components of the Retail Prices Index, UK
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Index: 2007=100
Retail Prices Index (all items) 100.0 104.0 103.4 108.2 113.8 117.5 121.1 123.9 125.1 127.3 131.9
Transport components of the RPI:
Motoring expenditure 100.0 103.1 102.4 115.8 126.0 127.0 126.9 125.8 120.4 122.1 130.1
Purchase of motor vehicles 100.0 93.1 92.5 98.0 96.2 94.3 93.1 93.1 91.1 88.8 89.2
Maintenance of motor vehicles 100.0 105.9 110.2 115.4 121.1 123.3 126.3 129.7 132.1 134.3 138.0
Petrol and oil 100.0 115.1 105.9 123.7 141.7 144.4 143.0 136.1 118.1 114.9 124.4
Vehicle tax and Insurance 100.0 103.2 113.2 144.2 174.0 177.7 179.4 183.9 192.4 223.0 262.8
Fares and other travel costs 100.0 106.9 112.0 117.8 126.3 132.4 136.3 140.9 148.9 152.5 157.9
Rail fares 100.0 104.3 109.9 118.7 127.2 133.3 138.9 143.5 146.5 146.9 151.0
Bus and Coach fares 100.0 106.2 112.6 117.6 125.5 132.3 135.7 138.0 142.6 148.1 169.2
Other travel costs 100.0 108.2 112.0 118.9 128.0 132.5 138.0 142.4 151.6 155.7 157.2
Constant prices - Adjusted for general inflation using all items RPI
Motoring expenditure 100.0 99.2 99.0 107.0 110.7 108.1 104.8 101.6 96.2 95.9 98.6
Purchase of motor vehicles 100.0 89.6 89.4 90.5 84.5 80.3 76.9 75.2 72.8 69.7 67.6
Maintenance of motor vehicles 100.0 101.8 106.6 106.6 106.4 105.0 104.4 104.7 105.6 105.5 104.6
Petrol and oil 100.0 110.7 102.4 114.3 124.4 122.9 118.1 109.9 94.4 90.2 94.3
Vehicle tax and Insurance 100.0 99.2 109.5 133.3 152.8 151.3 148.2 148.4 153.8 175.1 199.3
Fares and other travel costs 100.0 102.8 108.2 108.8 111.0 112.7 112.6 113.7 119.0 119.7 119.7
Rail fares 100.0 100.4 106.3 109.7 111.7 113.4 114.7 115.8 117.1 115.3 114.5
Bus and Coach fares 100.0 102.1 108.9 108.7 110.2 112.6 112.1 111.4 114.0 116.3 128.3
Other travel costs 100.0 104.1 108.3 109.9 112.4 112.8 114.0 114.9 121.2 122.3 119.2

Source: Office for National Statistics

Table 10.8: Average weekly household expenditure in Scotland on transport and vehicles (£)1
2006-08 2007-09 2008-10 2009-11 2010-12 2011-13 2012-14 2014-16 3 2015-17 3 2016-18 3
Purchase of vehicles 24.30 24.10 23.10 19.90 18.20 21.00 26.20 28.60 26.20 23.50
Purchase of new cars and vans 8.80 8.70 7.40 5.70 6.10 8.70 12.50 13.90 12.40 8.90
Purchase of second hand cars or vans 14.90 14.70 15.00 13.70 11.80 11.80 12.70 13.40 12.40 13.60
Purchase of motorcycles and other vehicles 0.60 0.70 0.70 0.50 [0.30] [0.50] [1.00] [1.40] [1.30] [1.10]
Operation of personal transport 27.20 27.30 27.80 27.80 30.00 32.30 33.30 30.30 27.90 27.00
Spares and accessories 1.80 1.80 2.00 1.60 1.70 1.90 2.20 2.10 2.10 2.10
Petrol, diesel and other motor oils 18.40 18.40 19.20 19.50 21.60 23.20 23.90 21.40 19.50 18.40
Repairs and servicing 5.20 5.30 5.10 5.20 5.20 5.50 5.30 5.10 4.60 4.60
Other motoring costs 1.90 1.80 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.70 1.90 1.60 1.70 1.80
Transport services 8.40 9.70 12.10 13.50 13.60 12.40 13.80 15.10 17.60 17.70
Rail and tube fares 1.80 2.00 2.20 2.00 2.10 2.20 2.40 2.60 2.70 2.80
Bus and coach fares 1.70 1.60 1.70 1.90 2.00 2.10 1.80 1.70 1.70 1.70
Combined fares [0.20] 0.30 [0.30] [0.20] [0.10] [0.00] [0.10] [0.10] .. ..
Other travel and transport 4.60 5.80 7.90 9.40 9.30 8.10 9.60 10.70 13.00 13.10
Total Transport Expenditure 59.90 61.10 63.00 61.20 61.80 65.80 73.30 74.00 71.70 68.20
Total Household Expenditure 432.80 438.70 447.20 440.60 437.30 449.00 474.40 481.70 492.30 492.20
Transport as % of total exp 13.8 13.9 14.1 13.9 14.1 14.7 15.5 15.4 14.6 13.9

Source: Office for National Statistics
1. Based on weighted data and including children's expenditure.
2. The figures in this column refer to the average expenditure over the three financial year periods to reduce the effect of the sampling errors
3. ONS have changed the reporting period from calendar years to financial years . Users should exercise caution when making comparisons with previous years.