Ambience and asset - Stations
Service schedule 1 – Ambience and asset - Station platform seats
Service Specification
Station seats will be considered in terms of benches or group of seats (an example of a group being the Macemain seat where there is a single frame with 3 seats attached). Shelter seats will be considered any seating unit, which is an integral part of a Shelter.
A platform will be failed if:
(a) a Station seat is missing, damaged and not fit for purpose, which affects the functionality of the seat or could injure a person or damage their clothing (e.g., an armrest where this is part of the design). Missing cosmetic coverings or missing end caps would not be a failure but should be reported separately as an observation.
(b) a Station seat, bench, part of a bench or part of a group of seats are insecure or unstable.
(c) a shelter seating unit is missing, damaged and not fit for purpose, which affects the functionality of the seat or could injure a person or damage their clothing (e.g. an armrest where this is part of the design). Missing cosmetic coverings or missing end caps would not be a failure but should be reported separately as an observation.
(d) there is the presence of contamination or spillage which would render it unsanitary or would deter a passenger from using it (e.g., spit, vomit or urine).
(e) a shelter seating unit is insecure or unstable.
(f) ticket office closed.
Service Benchmarks
Exceptional performance (5) means 96% performance of the Service in accordance with the Service Specification during a reporting period.
Strong performance (4) means 93% performance of the Service in accordance with the Service Specification during a Reporting Period.
Acceptable performance (3) means 90% performance of the Service in accordance with the Service Specification during a Reporting Period.
Adequate Level (2) means 87% or below performance of the Service in accordance with the Service Specification during a Reporting Period.
Unsatisfactory (1) means 84% or below performance of the Service in accordance with the Service Specification during a Reporting Period.
Maximum number of inspections
Stations will be inspected a maximum once every reporting period.
Expected repair
5 Working Days.
Service schedule 2 – Ambience and asset - Station shelters and waiting areas
Service Specification
This category includes all canopies, standalone shelters, waiting rooms and all covered areas at Stations including those areas adjoining or within ticket offices (each a "Shelter").
A Shelter will be failed if:
- The Station does not have a weatherproof (wind and watertight) covered waiting accommodation or other adequate shelter which offers reasonable protection from the weather. Adequate alternative shelter shall be available when such waiting accommodation is not provided or is temporarily out of use.
- the Shelter is damaged to an unsafe condition; this will include where two decorative strips are missing or if the decorative strip is obviously dangerous.
- the Shelter/waiting room is not available for use.
- any door does not fully open or close as it is designed to do.
- the Shelter contains, or its exterior is marred or visibly marked by, any immediately detectable contamination or spillage which would render it unsanitary or deter a passenger from using it (e.g., vomit or urine) (excludes canopies/roofs).
- any canopy or shelter roof surfaces are sufficiently dirty that prevents natural light.
- any polycarbonate panels or other glazing (together “glazing”) has been burnt in any way so that there is a hole more than 25mm in diameter on any one piece of glazing (panel) or more than four burn marks on any one piece of glazing (panel) in any Shelter.
- if any single piece of opacity is of greater area than can be covered by an A5 sheet of paper per panel or collective 10 pieces in a shelter.
- any heating unit, which is part of a waiting area, is not safe and operational, and if controlled by passengers, is not labelled appropriately.
- “no smoking” signage is not clearly visible report as an observation.
- the door button bezel trim is damaged or missing where installed.
- ticket office closed.
Service Benchmarks
- Exceptional performance (5) means 93% performance of the Service in accordance with the Service Specification during a reporting period.
- Strong performance (4) means 89% performance of the Service in accordance with the Service Specification during a Reporting Period.
- Acceptable performance (3) means 85% performance of the Service in accordance with the Service Specification during a Reporting Period.
- Adequate Level (2) means 80% or below performance of the Service in accordance with the Service Specification during a Reporting Period.
- Unsatisfactory (1) means 75% or below performance of the Service in accordance with the Service Specification during a Reporting Period.
Maximum number of inspections
Stations will be inspected a maximum once every reporting period.
Expected repair
5 Working Days
Service schedule 3 – Ambience and asset - Station toilets
Service Specification
Each toilet (which includes the room itself as well as the toilet facility)
Toilets will be inspected per toilet, and it is a toilet that fails or passes. A toilet will be failed if:
- a toilet is closed for customer use.
- it is not Fully functional (to include lights, locks and seats) open, sanitary and available for use. The main toilet light should be functional, all other lights report under service schedule 11 safe and secure environment station lights.
- it is damaged or has been contaminated in such a way that it could damage or injure passengers or their clothing or articles (including by staining).
- any turn style barrier is missing, not functioning or not operational during agreed hours
- it is not stocked with required consumables (e.g., toilet paper and soap) where any facility exists that may require restocking.
- it does not provide a functioning water supply for washing purposes and a means of drying. All such facilities should be operational.
- any disabled fittings meant to be fitted to comply with relevant disability guidance are absent or are not fully functional and available for use.
- any baby changing facilities meant to be fitted are absent or are not fully functional and available for use.
- ticket office closed.
Service Benchmarks
Exceptional performance (5) means 90% performance of the Service in accordance with the Service Specification during a reporting period.
Strong performance (4) means 88% performance of the Service in accordance with the Service Specification during a Reporting Period.
Acceptable performance (3) means 86% performance of the Service in accordance with the Service Specification during a Reporting Period.
Adequate Level (2) means 84% or below performance of the Service in accordance with the Service Specification during a Reporting Period.
Unsatisfactory (1) means 82% or below performance of the Service in accordance with the Service Specification during a Reporting Period.
Maximum number of inspections
Stations will be inspected a maximum once every reporting period.
Expected repair
5 Working Days.
Service schedule 4 – Ambience and asset – Station posters
Service Specification
This category measures the condition of poster sites available to passengers.
Signs and poster frames at Stations should be in good condition and at the correct location on the Station. Information within posters should be clearly visible through the polycarbonate or other frontage over the whole area of the poster frame.
Guideline Note: Signs will only fail if damaged (dents alone do not fail) and in need of repair. Signs overhead height will not fail, however signs at head height should be regularly maintained, however have to have a heavy build-up of dirt to fail. Signs/posters should only fail for being missing if displayed previously.
The accuracy of Information, Signs and Posters will be inspected by platform that fails or passes. A platform will be failed if:
- any sign or poster is missing.
- any poster has become noticeably damaged or significantly faded to the extent the information is not legible in any way, which prevents the proper display of the information. (e.g. due to dirt, moisture, non-transparent frontage or because any poster has slumped in its frame).
- any sign, Perspex or poster frame is noticeably damaged.
- ticket office closed.
Service Benchmarks
Exceptional performance (5) means 96% performance of the Service in accordance with the Service Specification during a reporting period.
Strong performance (4) means 94% performance of the Service in accordance with the Service Specification during a Reporting Period.
Acceptable performance (3) means 92% performance of the Service in accordance with the Service Specification during a Reporting Period.
Adequate Level (2) means 90% or below performance of the Service in accordance with the Service Specification during a Reporting Period.
Unsatisfactory (1) means 88% or below performance of the Service in accordance with the Service Specification during a Reporting Period.
Maximum number of inspections
Stations will be inspected a maximum once every reporting period.
Expected repair
5 Working Days.
Service schedule 5 – Ambience and asset - Station clocks
Service Specification
Clocks should be operational and display the correct time (with a permissible margin of three minutes fast or one minute slow).
Station clocks will be inspected per clock, and it is a clock that fails or passes. A clock will be failed if:
- it is not working.
- it is displaying an incorrect time, which shows the clock is more than 1 minute slow.
- it is displaying an incorrect time, which shows the clock is more than 3 minutes fast.
- it is obscured or unreadable in any way (e.g., not illuminated at night) or has suffered damage.
- Heritage clocks –where a ‘heritage’ clock is obsolete but is to remain in place, hands to be placed at 12 o’clock and signage is to be provided to inform passengers of this and it will not be counted as an asset. Where signage is missing this may fail under Service Schedule 4 Station Posters.
- ticket office closed.
Service Benchmarks
Exceptional performance (5) means 96% performance of the Service in accordance with the Service Specification during a reporting period.
Strong performance (4) means 94% performance of the Service in accordance with the Service Specification during a Reporting Period.
Acceptable performance (3) means 92% performance of the Service in accordance with the Service Specification during a Reporting Period.
Adequate Level (2) means 90% or below performance of the Service in accordance with the Service Specification during a Reporting Period.
Unsatisfactory (1) means 88% or below performance of the Service in accordance with the Service Specification during a Reporting Period.
Maximum number of inspections
Stations at which the Service exists will be inspected a maximum once each reporting period.
Expected repair
5 Working Days.
Service schedule 6 – Ambience and Asset - station wifi
Service Specification
A Station will fail if:
- If the Station should be equipped with Wi-Fi and is not so equipped.
- Wi-Fi facilities are not able to be accessed by a mobile device within 30 seconds of attempting to log on –the test will be to connect to BBC News.
Service Benchmarks
Exceptional performance (5) means 98% performance of the Service in accordance with the Service Specification during a reporting period.
Strong performance (4) means 96% performance of the Service in accordance with the Service Specification during a Reporting Period.
Acceptable performance (3) means 94% performance of the Service in accordance with the Service Specification during a Reporting Period.
Adequate Level (2) means 92% or below performance of the Service in accordance with the Service Specification during a Reporting Period.
Unsatisfactory (1) means 90% or below performance of the Service in accordance with the Service Specification during a Reporting Period.
Maximum number of inspections
Stations will be inspected a maximum once every reporting period.
Expected repair
5 Working Days.
Service schedule 7 – Ambience and asset – Station car parks and cycle facilities
Service Specification
All car parks and cycle facilities at Stations shall be clearly marked as such. There shall be sufficient information displays or signage to inform passengers as to the conditions of use, opening hours and charges.
A car park will fail if:
- all parking, waiting bays are not available for use.
- all parking, waiting bays or boundaries are not clearly marked as such.
- there is no information or signage as to the conditions of use of the car park clearly indicating, where appropriate, the details of the operator of the car park.
- the location of any parking meters is not displayed or signed, any parking meter is missing or is not functional and operating, or the consequences of non-payment are not displayed.
- Electric Vehicle charging points are not functional and operating.
- Electric Vehicle charging points are damaged.
- there is no information or signage as to the conditions of use of the Electric Vehicle charging points clearly indicating, where appropriate, the details of the operator of the charging bay.
- there is an abandoned vehicle in a car park without it containing a notification of intent to move.
- Electric barriers are not functional and operating.
Cycle facilities
Cycle facilities such as stands or lockers, where provided, will fail if such are excessively dirty, damaged that affects the functionality of the facility, panels missing or smashed, missing or unfit for the purpose of storing bicycles. This includes the presence of abandoned bicycles, unless correctly signed as per ScotRail’s process for removal or rusty bike locks taking up space that could otherwise be used by passengers wishing to use the facility.
Service Benchmarks
Exceptional performance (5) means 96% performance of the Service in accordance with the Service Specification during a reporting period.
Strong performance (4) means 94% performance of the Service in accordance with the Service Specification during a Reporting Period.
Acceptable performance (3) means 92% performance of the Service in accordance with the Service Specification during a Reporting Period.
Adequate Level (2) means 90% or below performance of the Service in accordance with the Service Specification during a Reporting Period.
Unsatisfactory (1) means 88% or below performance of the Service in accordance with the Service Specification during a Reporting Period.
Maximum number of inspections
Stations at which the Service exists shall be inspected a maximum once each reporting period.
Expected repair
5 Working Days.
Service schedule 8 – Ambience and asset - Station landscaping, vegetation and boundaries
Service Specification
All landscaping and vegetation at Stations should be neat and tidy and not overgrown and should be confined to areas intended to be laid out to landscaping and vegetation. All plants should be trimmed and/or pruned as appropriate to ensure a neat and tidy condition.
A Station will fail if:
- any board, poster, sign notice, help/information point, or any surface upon which information is intended to be displayed, is obscured to any material extent by vegetation.
- any growth or overgrowth of vegetation poses a risk of injury to persons or damage (including by staining) to their clothing or articles.
- boundaries and fences for Stations and Station car parks are not secure, damaged and functional and shall be regularly checked and maintained in order to maintain Station and Station car park security.
- any light source is significantly obscured by foliage, which detrimentally affects the area to be illuminated.
Service Quality Benchmarks
Exceptional performance (5) means 94% performance of the Service in accordance with the Service Specification during a reporting period.
Strong performance (4) means 91% performance of the Service in accordance with the Service Specification during a Reporting Period.
Acceptable performance (3) means 88% performance of the Service in accordance with the Service Specification during a Reporting Period.
Adequate Level (2) means 85% or below performance of the Service in accordance with the Service Specification during a Reporting Period.
Unsatisfactory (1) means 82% or below performance of the Service in accordance with the Service Specification during a Reporting Period.
Maximum number of inspections
Stations will be inspected a maximum once every reporting period.
Expected repair
5 Working Days.