Recommendations and conclusion

It is recommended that the impact to equality of the changes to the scheme will be monitored during the soft launch period to ensure that understand any unanticipated impacts felt by users. This will ensure suitable mitigation is taken in time for the full launch of smart concessionary ferry travel in 2024.

The Equality Impact Assessment has demonstrated that the transfer of paper concessionary vouchers to a smart platform is taking due regard to equality.

This process has complemented wider user research to ensure that the views of users, and the impacts of the project, are well understood.

Steps taken by the project to ensure accessibility and equality include:

  • There is a ‘no-action-required’ route, where ferry staff assist the voucher download for them.
  • We have used plain English, created explanator videos, and an information leaflet.
  • Localised support is in place via trusted local organisations and charities
  • Digital app can be used by someone who does have a smartphone
  • Help and support channels have been created to cover in-person, phone and email support, including via website, email, phone, or locally, including in person, via charities and organisations and the ferry companies.

It is anticipated that these mitigating factors will have minimal additional costs.