The Effects of Park and Ride Supply and Pricing on Public Transport Demand


1. For the secondary analysis a wider range of stations was included.

2. Steer Davies Gleave (2007) Getting to the Station - Research for Passenger Focus

3. Railway Consultancy (2010) Car Parking at Railway Stations - Research for the Association of Train Operating Companies

4. Scottish Executive (2006)

5. Scottish Government (2009)

6. Transport Scotland (2008)

7. Revealed Preference data is obtained from observing what individuals do in real markets and the real choices that they make. By choosing between, say, a quicker but more expensive mode and a slower but cheaper mode, they reveal information on the relative importance they attach to time and cost.

8. Stated Intention is a special case of Stated Preference. It is essentially a 'what would you do if' question, obtaining individuals' behavioural responses to hypothetical events such as the opening of a new rail station nearby or to a specific increase in fares

9. Stated Preference questions offer decision makers choices between hypothetical alternatives characterised by a number of relevant factors, such as time and cost, which influence choices. The answers provided indicate the relative importance attached to each of those factors in much the same way as for Revealed Preference data.

10. "Park and Ride Action Plan", "Strategy Documents Park and Ride", "Park and Ride Strategy and Action Plan",,

11. Information from TEMPRO dataset version 5.4, National Trip End Model

12. Source: Arup database of costs from .previous project work based on schemes to expand parking provision at a number of railway stations in South Yorkshire

13. The Service Quality Regime (SQUIRE) is the mechanism used by Transport Scotland to monitor and measure the quality of customer services provided by First ScotRail

14. It should be noted throughout this report that when reference is made to trip making this is associated with a single journey between an origin and a destination.

15. The TAS Consultancy (2007) Park and Ride Industry Monitor


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18. Data received from Edinburgh City Council and Aberdeen City Council

19. Park and Ride Industry Monitor (TAS), NESTRANS Park & Ride Operations Study Final Report 2008

20. TAS (2007) Park and Ride Industry Monitor, Arup (2009) Park and Ride Scoping Study for South Yorkshire PTE

21. Transport Scotland (2008) Scottish Transport Appraisal Guidance Section 9.5.14

22. Arup (2009) Park and Ride Scoping Study for South Yorkshire PTE

23. and Office of Rail Regulation statistics for 2009/10

24., module 3.5.6. Department for Transport
