Strategic Outcomes and Sub-Outcomes Summary Tables

Strategic Outcomes, Sub-Outcomes, Sub-Outcomes detail and associated CCRA3 risks.

AR.1 Trunk Roads which are well adapted and resilient to the current, projected and unexpected impacts of climate change
Sub-Outcome Reference Sub-Outcome Detail Associated CCRA3 Risks
AR 1.1 The Trunk Roads Adaptation Plan for the Trunk Roads is based on the most up to date climate change projections (UKCP18) and risk assessments, building on previous studies undertaken. I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I7, I12
AR 1.2 The delivery of Scotland's Flood Risk Management Strategies, Plans and associated actions will be supported by the development of flood risk maps produced in conjunction with SEPA. I1, I2, I3, I4
AR 1.3 Our management of geo-hazards on Trunk Roads is well-informed, supported by a database recording the condition of geo-technical assets, their ability to withstand current and future climate change and ranking them to inform adaptation and resilience interventions. I1, I5, I7
AR 1.4 We are well prepared for the increased risk of scour through an updated Scour Management Strategy and Flood Emergency Plan following publication of the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges BD97 and updated CS 469 standards. I1, I4
AR 1.5 We are proactive in our approach to the analysis of scour and are continuously developing a programme of proactive scour schemes across the network. I1, I4
AR 1.6 We are well prepared for increased frequency and severity of high winds with an updated High Wind Strategy and National Wind Management Guidelines based on latest scientific data via the Met Office and UKCP18. I1, I12
AR 1.7 We are well informed on the impact of high temperatures on road surfacing, using a database of current road surface materials on Trunk Roads, and have established the likely impact for each road surface specification and its ability to withstand higher temperatures and prolonged periods of hot weather. I1, I12
AR 1.8 We are aware of the extent and locations on Trunk Roads at risk from coastal erosion and utilise Dynamic Coast data to inform any necessary interventions, such as improved sea walls, managed realignment or effective communication of impacts. I1, I3
AR 1.9 Current adaptation and resilience asset management processes are further embedded and improved. We are proactive in seeking opportunities for new processes that support adaptation and resilience of the Trunk Roads. I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I7, I12
AR 1.10 We are fully aware of the potential impacts climate change poses to the asset through a review of the latest UK climate change projections (UKCP18) and a scoping assessment of Trunk Roads. I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I7, I12
AR 1.11 The relationship between the weather-related impacts of climate change and road safety incidents on Trunk Roads is well understood and supports the strategic outcomes of the Road Safety Framework to 2030. I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I7, I12
AR 1.12 We have a proactive Climate Change Adaptation Programme for Trunk Roads which goes beyond maintenance, informed by the Pilot Adaptation Programme. I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I7, I12
AR 1.13 Our Biodiversity Strategy for Transport Scotland outlines the important role of landscape design and management in adapting Trunk Roads to the impacts of climate change. I1, I2, I3, I5, I7, I12
AR.2 Supporting the delivery of climate change adaptation and resilience for Scotland’s Rail network
Sub-Outcome Reference Sub-Outcome Detail Associated CCRA3 Risks
AR 2.1 The next High Level Output Specification for Control Period 7 contains up-to-date requirements relating to climate change, including adaptation and resilience. I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I7, I12
AR 2.2 We are engaged and supportive of the development of future specifications and policies relating to climate change adaptation and resilience across the Scottish rail network. I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I7, I12
AR.3 Engaging with aviation stakeholders to support their decision making in relation to climate change adaptation and resilience.
Sub-Outcome Reference Sub-Outcome Detail Associated CCRA3 Risks
AR 3.1 HIAL monitors flooding risks to its infrastructure and takes appropriate action at those airports most at risk from coastal erosion, flooding and sea level rise, to ensure there is no significant disruption to services. I1, I2, I3, I7
AR 3.2 HIAL monitors the effects of high temperatures at its airports and the impact these could have on vehicles, runways and infrastructure, and takes appropriate action to ensure there is no significant disruption to services. I12
AR 3.3 HIAL as the lead partner in the Sustainable Aviation Test Environment in Orkney, monitors the testing of new types of low emission aircraft, including their performance in severe weather conditions. I12
AR.4 Contributing to safeguarding lifeline ferry services, ports, harbours and canals in response to the threat of climate change
Sub-Outcome Reference Sub-Outcome Detail Associated CCRA3 Risks
AR 4.1 We are proactive in our collaboration with CMAL and ferry operators, through existing working groups, providing a vital understanding of climate science to ensure it is considered when developing appropriate future interventions and policy. I1, I3, I12
AR 4.2 There is an increased awareness regarding climate change adaptation and resilience with UKG and Scottish Ports. We influence policy and encourage proactive interventions by building on existing engagement. I1, I3, I12
AR 4.3 We proactively collaborate with SC to identify climate change adaptation and resilience interventions and opportunities. I1, I2. I3, I5, I7
AR.5 Wider Adaptation & Resilience
Sub-Outcome Reference Sub-Outcome Detail Associated CCRA3 Risks
AR 5.1 Transport Scotland website users are well-informed on the latest climate science, policies and programmes through regular updates of website content. I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I7, I12
AR 5.2 All stakeholders, including the public, are informed of key developments and information regarding climate change adaptation and resilience through our existing platforms and social media channels. We maintain awareness of emerging platforms to reach the greatest audience. I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I7, I12
AR 5.3 We have an up-to-date evaluation of our adaptation maturity level through an annual baselining exercise using Adaptation Scotland's Capability Framework. I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I7, I12
AR 5.4 There is widespread engagement and knowledge sharing on climate change adaptation and resilience with transport peers and across sectors at a local, national and international scale. I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I7, I12
AR 5.5 All staff and stakeholders are informed by bespoke climate literacy training and knowledge is shared between TS other relevant bodies within the sector. I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I7, I12
AR 5.6 Adaptation and resilience are embedded across the Transport Scotland functions through an internal governance structure for the ACCAR and an appropriate leadership board, with at least one individual from each directorate overseeing the implementation of the ACCAR outcomes. I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I7, I12