1 Summary Of Impacts
1 Summary Of Impacts
This section provides a short summary of the key findings from this One Year After Evaluation report of the A75(T) Cairntop to Barlae scheme.
Operational Indicators – How Is The Scheme Operating?
The scheme is operating safely and generally as expected. Specific points to note are:
- Traffic flows on the A75(T) in the vicinity of the scheme are lower than forecast, and have been reducing for a number of years. It is acknowledged however that the economic downturn has seen a widespread reduction in traffic flows across the Scottish road network.
- Recommendations have been raised in this Evaluation report with regards to selected environmental mitigation measures that require attention. The issues identified have been brought to the attention of the Contractor for the scheme by the Engineer and have been given further consideration.
Process Indicators – How Well Was The Scheme Implemented?
The scheme followed standard processes. The main points to highlight in how the scheme was implemented are set out below:
- Whilst the scheme was subject to initial delay after the economic appraisal methodology and associated traffic modelling was changed, alongside other schemes on the A75(T), it was then delivered ahead of the finalised programme in October 2010.
- A review of the Stage 4 RSA confirms that no accidents have occurred in the period 1 year after opening and, as such, no conclusions can be drawn that would suggest road safety deficiencies in the scheme.
Objectives – Is The Scheme On-Track To Meet Its Objectives?
The scheme appears to be on-track to meet its objectives. Specific points to note are:
- The nature of the scheme (dual carriageway) will most certainly have enhanced overtaking opportunities. Journey time data (before and after the scheme implementation) suggest that the scheme has been successful in reducing journey times for car traffic, a key objective of the scheme. The scheme also delivered a dedicated shared cycleway and footway.
- Whilst the scheme is operating safely in its first year of operation, it is too early to conclude that the scheme has delivered additional road safety benefits, a sub-objective of the scheme. This will continue to be monitored in future years.
Costs To Government – Is The Scheme Delivering Value For Money?
In accordance with the Route Action Plan for the A75 corridor, the Cairntop to Barlae project forms part of a series of improvements that can be expected to provide benefits to transport users and help encourage economic development within south west Scotland and beyond.