Country |
Import Goods (SITC Code) |
Export Goods (SITC Code) |
Norway |
France |
Germany |
Netherlands |
China |
Export Good (by SITC code) |
Share of Total Exports in 2013 |
Average Annual Growth (2013-17) |
Share of Total Exports in 2017 |
0 - Food & live animals |
3.7% |
8.7% |
5.7% |
1 - Beverages & tobacco |
12.9% |
0.2% |
14.2% |
2 - Crude materials, inedible (excluding fuels) |
1.8% |
-1.5% |
1.8% |
3 - Mineral fuels, lubricants & related materials |
38.9% |
-5.2% |
31.3% |
4 - Animal & vegetable oils, fats & waxes |
0.1% |
1.3% |
0.1% |
5 - Chemicals & related products |
7.7% |
-0.3% |
8.2% |
6 - Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material |
7.4% |
-1.2% |
7.5% |
7 - Machinery & transport equipment |
21.8% |
0.4% |
24.2% |
8 - Miscellaneous manufactured articles |
5.3% |
3.5% |
6.7% |
9 - Commodities/transactions not classified elsewhere |
0.4% |
-11.3% |
0.2% |
Ports |
Total Freight Traffic of Scottish Major Ports |
2006 |
2016 |
% change |
Aberdeen |
4,609 |
3,777 |
-18.2% |
Cairnryan |
3,274 |
2,740 |
-16.3% |
Clyde |
15,737 |
8,742 |
-44.4% |
Cromarty Firth |
3,325 |
395 |
-88.1% |
Dundee |
1,222 |
534 |
-56.3% |
Forth |
34,218 |
27,439 |
-19.8% |
Glensanda |
5,439 |
5,487 |
0.9% |
Orkney |
14,534 |
4,615 |
-68.2% |
Peterhead |
928 |
1,148 |
23.7% |
Stranraer/Loch Ryan |
1,165 |
2,356 |
102.2% |
Sullom Voe |
20,541 |
6,183 |
-69.9% |
Total |
104,992 |
63,409 |
-39.6% |