Transporting Scotland’s Trade - 2018 edition
Transporting Scotland’s Trade
A summary of statistics on Scotland’s key exports and imports and how they are transported to, from and within Scotland.
ISBN 978-1-911582-64-9
This document is also available in pdf format (2.3MB)
3. Scotland’s Trade
3.1 Exports
3.2 Imports
3.3 Tourism
4. Transporting Scotland’s Freight
4.1 Key Transport Gateways and Networks
4.2 Air Freight
4.3 Water Freight
4.4 Road Connectivity
4.5 Rail Connectivity
5. Scotland’s Key Transport Hubs
6. Transport Links to Key Trade Destinations
6.1 Norway
6.2 EU Countries
6.2.1 France
6.2.2 Germany
6.2.3 The Netherlands
6.2.4 Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland
6.3 Further afield
6.3.1 USA
6.3.2 China