9 Publications
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Reported road casualties Scotland 2023
5 Dec 2024Final figures on accidents, casualties by severity, casualties by type of road, casualties by mode of transport, and child casualties, including trends in recent years and progress towards the casualty reduction targets for the year 2030. Also figures by police force division and local authority.
The Implementation Guide for 20 mph Speed Limits in Scotland
31 Oct 2024The Scottish Government are committed to implement 20 mph speed limits on those roads, where it is appropriate to do so. More 20mph speed limits will improve road safety – keeping people safe, while at the same time making it easier for people to choose walking, wheeling and cycling for everyday journeys.
“There’s an app for that!” - Women’s Safety on Public Transport in Scotland
10 May 2024This report arises from three-month internship building upon recommendations from our 2023 Women’s safety report.
Population and Household Location Choice Research
16 Feb 2024A literature review and survey on how Physical Mobility and Digital Connectivity affect location decision for people and businesses.
Safeguarding Vulnerable Road Users - Summary Report of PRIME Road Trials 2020 to 2022
13 Jul 2023Innovative road markings for motorcyclists, designed as Perceptual Rider Information for Maximising Expertise and Enjoyment (PRIMEs) were installed on the approach to demanding bends at 22 trial sites and two comparison sites across the West Highlands of Scotland.
Traffic Signs Amendment (Scotland) Regulations and General Directions 2022: Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment
23 May 2022The Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions (TSRGD) establishes directions and regulations relating to traffic signs and road markings.
Consultation on the use of Narrow Trenching in Scotland’s Roads
26 Mar 2019An analysis and summary of responses received through the public consultation on the use of narrow trenching in Scotland’s Roads
Transporting Scotland’s Trade - 2018 edition
13 Dec 2018A summary of statistics on Scotland’s key exports and imports and how they are transported to, from and within Scotland.
Social Research Handbook for Contractors
25 Jan 2014The framework for engagement between Transport Scotland and contractors engaged in social research