Social Research Handbook for Contractors

This handbook sets out the framework for engagement between Transport Scotland and contractors engaged in social research.

It contains an outline of the tendering process for research, guidance on completing an expression of interest, guidance on writing for social research, guidance on the house style for written Research Reports and the template for the Research Summary, details on the payment procedures, and an outline of the publication process for research. It also contains the most recent conditions of contract for contracts with Transport Scotland.

The Social Research Handbook for Contractors is also available in Microsoft Word, and PDF formats (see bottom of page).

Outline of the Handbook

Section 1: Research Tendering Process

Information on Transport Scotland’s process for commissioning Social Research.

Section 2: Completing an Expression of Interest (EOI) form

Guidance for contractors on the advertisement of Transport Social Research contracts and the completion of an Expression of Interest form.

Section 3: Writing for Transport Social Research

Instructions for contractors on writing Transport Social Research outputs.

Section 4: Guidance on Formats and Styles for Transport Scotland Research Reports and a template for the Research Summary

To be used by contractors for drafting Transport Social Research Reports and Research Summaries.

Section 5: Payment Procedures

Details on Transport Scotland purchasing procedures.

Section 6: Standard Conditions

Standard Terms and Conditions for Transport Social Research contracts.

Published Date 25 Jan 2014 Type Topic