Reported road casualties Scotland 2023
Reported road casualties Scotland 2023
ISBN: 978-1-911672-47-0
Final figures on accidents, casualties by severity, casualties by type of road, casualties by mode of transport, and child casualties, including trends in recent years and progress towards the casualty reduction targets for the year 2030. Also figures by police force division and local authority.
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- Supporting Information
- Trends in the reported numbers of Injury Road Collisions and Casualties
- Reported Collisions by road type and severity
- Reported casualties by type of road
- Motorists, breath testing and drink-driving
- Comparisons of Scottish figures against those of other countries
- Casualty Reduction Targets: Scotland’s Road Safety Framework to 2030
- The likely range of random year-to-year variation in road collision and casualty numbers for Scotland as a whole
- Contributory factors to reported road collisions
- List of Tables and Figures
- Figure 1: Reported collisions by severity, 1966 to 2023
- Figure 2: Scottish fatal reported road collisions: 1972 onwards
- Figure 3: Scottish reported road collision deaths: 1949 onwards
- Figure 4: Killed and adjusted seriously injured reported casualties
- Figure 5: Reported child (0-15) casualties: killed or adjusted seriously injured
- Figure 6: Reported casualties: Total and Slightly injured - from 1950
- Figure 7: Reported casualties: 5 year moving average (1947-51 to 2019-23)
- Figure 8a: Progress towards the 2030 casualty reduction targets
- Figure 8B: Progress towards the 2030 casualty reduction targets
- Table 1a: DfT serious/slight adjusted and unadjusted collisions, 2004 to 2023
- Table 1b: DfT serious/slight adjusted and unadjusted casualties, 2004 to 2023
- Figure A: DfT Adjusted/unadjusted serious casualties, 2004 to 2023
- Figure B: DfT Adjusted/unadjusted slight casualties, 2004 to 2023
- Table A: Summary of reported road injury collision and reported casualty statistics: 2007 to 2022
- Table B: Summary of reported injury Collisions and casualties injured in those collisions by police force division, council and severity
- Table C: Reported casualties in Scotland, England & Wales by severity
- Table D: Reported casualties in Scotland, England & Wales by severity
- Table E: Reported casualties in Scotland, England & Wales by mode of transport and severity, 2023
- Table F: Reported casualties in Scotland, England & Wales by mode of transport and severity, 2023
- Table G: Fatality rates per capita, for (a) All road users 2022 and 2023 provisional; ranked by respective rates: International Comparisons 1,2
- Table H: Road collision fatality rates per capita, by age group, ranked by respective rates - 2021;
- Table Ib: Reported killed casualties by mode of transport
- Table J: Comparison of sources: NRS road deaths, hospitals emergency admissions & Police Stats 19 data
- Table K: Comparison of sources: hospitals emergency admissions and Police Stats19 data
- Table L: Comparison of sources: Scottish Household Survey & Police Stats 19
- Table M: Contributory Factors: Reported collisions1,2,6 by severity, 2023
- Table M: Contributory Factors: Reported collisions1 by severity, 2023
- Table N: Contributory factors: Reported Collisions: 2019-2023 comparison1
- Table O: Contributory factors: vehicles1, 2023
- Table P: Contributory factors: pedestrians 1,2, 2023
- Table Q: Most common pairs of contributory factors reported together1, 2023
- Table R: Contributory factors: Casualties in reported collisions - fatalities1, 2023
- Table S: Contributory factors: Casualties in reported collisions - seriously injured1, 2023
- Table T: Contributory factors: ranked1,2, 2023
- Table U: Number of emergency hospital admissions for Road Traffic Collisions, by ethnic group and financial year, from April 2011 to March 2022 - Scotland
- Table 1: Population, vehicles licensed, road lengths, traffic on all roads and on M & A roads, reported injury collisions, vehicles involved and casualties
- Table 2: Reported collisions and casualties by severity
- Table 3: Collisions by police force division and severity
- Table 4: Reported collisions by road type and severity 2014-18 and 2019 to 2023 averages, 2019 to 2023
- Table 5: (a) Reported collisions by severity and road class for built-up and non built-up roads
- Table 5: (b) Reported collision rates by severity and road class for built-up and non built-up roads rates per 100 million vehicle km (1)
- Table 5: (c) Reported collision rates on all roads by police force area and severity
- Table 6: Collisions by severity, month and road type, 2019 to 2023 average (figures adjusted for 30 day months)
- Table 7: Collisions by light condition, road surface condition(1), severity Built-up and non built-up roads, 2014-18 and 2019-2023 averages, 2019 to 2023
- Table 8: Collisions by junction detail and severity separately for built-up and non built-up roads
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- Table 9: Cost per casualty by severity for GB (£) at 2022 prices
- Table 10: Cost per collision by road type and severity in Scotland (£) for 2023 at 2023 prices
- Table 11: Total estimated collision costs in Scotland (£ million) at 2023 prices, by severity
- Table 12: Vehicles involved in reported injury collisions by type
- Table 13: Vehicles involved in reported injury collisions, traffic volumes and vehicle involvement rates, by vehicle type and severity of collision
- Table 14a: (a) Vehicles involved in reported injury collisions by manoeuvre and type of vehicle
- Table 14b: (b) Vehicles involved in reported injury collisions by junction detail and type of vehicle
- Table 15: Cars involved in in reported injury collisions by manoeuvre and type of collision 1
- Table 16: Estimated distance between the home of the driver or rider and the location of the injury collision by type of vehicle and police force area in which the reported collision occurred 1
- Table 17: Cars drivers involved in reported injury collisions by manoeuvre and age of driver
- Table 18a: Car drivers involved in reported injury collisions by age and severity of collision
- Table 18b: Car drivers involved in reported injury collisions by age and sex 1
- Table 19: Motorists involved in collisions by police force division 1
- Table 20: Motorists involved in reported injury collisions, breath tested and breath test results, by day and time, 2019-2023 average
- Table 21: Motorists involved in injury road collisions, breath tested and breath test results, by time of day
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- Table 22: Collisions which involved motor vehicle drivers or riders with illegal alcohol levels(1), by severity of Collision; and casualties in such collisions, by severity
- Table 23: Reported casualties by mode of transport and severity
- Table 23a: Reported casualties by mode of transport and severity
- Table 24: Reported casualties by mode of transport, age-group, severity and sex
- Table 25: Child and adult pedestrian, pedal cycle, car and other casualties by severity
- Table 26: Reported casualties by mode of motor transport, casualty class and severity
- Table 27: Reported child1 casualties by time of day and mode of transport, separately for weekdays/weekend
- Table 28: Reported adult casualties by time of day and mode of transport, separately for weekdays/weekend
- Table 29: Reported child and adult casualties by month and mode of transport
- Table 30: Reported child and adult casualties by day of week and mode of transport
- Table 31: Population estimates, number of reported casualties and casualty rates per thousand population by age groups
- Table 32: Reported casualties by age and severity, separately for each mode of transport, numbers and rates per thousand population
- Table 33: Reported casualties by speed limit, mode of transport and severity
- Table 34: Reported casualties by age, severity and sex, separately for each casualty class, numbers and rates per thousand population
- Table 35: Reported child and adult pedestrian casualties in single vehicle collisions, by pedestrian action, and pedestrian crossing details, 2014-18, 2019-23 averages and 2019 to 2023
- Table 36: Reported casualties by council, severity and road type
- Table 37: Reported casualties by police force area, council and severity
- Table 38: Reported pedestrian casualties by police force area, council and severity
- Table 39a: Estimated distance1 between the home of the reported casualty and the location of the collision by road user type and police force area in which the collision occurred, 2022
- Table 39b: Casualties1 involved in reported collisions: Council of residence vs council of collision location 2022
- Table 40: Killed & seriously injured casualties: child casualties and all ages, by council and road type
- Table 41: Slight casualties, estimated total volume of traffic, and slight casualty rate, by council and road type
- Table 42: Casualties killed or seriously injured, child killed or seriously injured, slight casualties, estimated total volume of traffic, and slight casualty rate by police force area
- Table 43: Reported casualties by severity and quarter, 1981 to 2022
- Table 44: Reported casualties aged up to 16 who were described as pupils on a journey to or from school 1, by severity and child casualties 2, by severity
- Table 45: Reported casualties aged up to 16 who were described as pupils on a journey to or from school 1 by mode of transport
- Appendix A: Calendar of events affecting road traffic
- Appendix C: Consultation & reviews
- Appendix D: Definitions and points to note
- Appendix E: Local Government Reorganisation and the Trunk Road Network
- Appendix G: Calculations of the likely range of random year-to-year variation in road collision and casualty numbers
- Errors in the previous edition
- Data
- Tell us what you think
- Most recent editions of Transport Statistics Publications
- View Figures 1-10
- View Tables 1-2 - Long-term time series
- View Tables 3-11 - Injury accidents and costs
- View Tables 12-22 - Vehicles, drivers and riders
- View Tables 23-30 - Casualties by mode of transport child and adult casualties etc.
- View Tables 31-35 - Casualties relative to population etc.
- View Tables 36-39 - Casualties by police force division and council
- View Table 40 - Killed and seriously injured casualties by council and road type
- View Table 41 - Slight casualty rate by council and road type
- View Table 42-43 - Killed and serious casualties by police division and quarterly statistics
- View Table Ib - Casualty reduction targets to 2023
- View Table 1A-1B - Figa B - Adjusted accidents and casualties
- View Tables A-B - Summary accidents and casualties
- View Tables C H Comparison With England And Wales And International Comparisons
- View Tables M-T - Contributory Factors
- View Table U - Emergency hospital admissions for road traffic collisions by ethnic group
- View Extra road accident and casualty tables
- View Appendix F - Frequency of use of values for most STATS 19 variables