
4.1 There must be continuity of signing from the first sign to the destination. A tourist destination will only be signed from the trunk road or motorway if continuity signing has been provided on the local road network until the destination is reached. The route onto which traffic is being directed must be the most suitable link from the trunk road or motorway to the destination.


4.2 The distance from a tourist destination to the point at which it is first signed on the trunk road will depend upon its location and any traffic management requirements.

4.3 Signing will normally only be permitted to a tourist destination which is within 12 miles of the trunk road or 20 miles of the motorway junction (see also paragraph 9.5). In exceptional circumstances, signing may be permitted to destinations in rural areas at greater distance subject to there being no conflict with the Home Traffic Authority’s own tourist signposting policy.

4.4 The signing of tourist destinations within Towns/Important Settlements is subject to special consideration. The Trunk Road Authority will take account of factors such as road safety, road layout, existing signing, traffic management and the local authority tourist signposting policy (see also paragraph 9.3). There will be a general presumption against providing signs on the trunk road network for destinations within cities.

Signs from destination back to trunk road/motorway

4.5 Having found the tourist destination, visitors should be able to find their way back to the trunk road or motorway. In some circumstances, it may be appropriate to provide additional signs (for example if there are different routes to different trunk roads/motorways from the attraction). Such signs should be standard directional signs provided by the road authority for traffic management purposes and should not be white on brown tourist signs.