1768 Publications

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A90 Balmedie to Tipperty - Stage 2 Addendum Report

5 May 2009

In 1995 a report was produced for the dualling of the A90 between Balmedie and Tipperty. This document provides an addendum to the report by updating the original baseline information for the study area and describes the appraisal of new sub-options

A82 Dalnottar-Inverness Trunk Road Environmental Statement - Non-Technical Summary 2009

30 Apr 2009

A82 Dalnottar – Inverness Trunk Road - A82 Ba Bridge Replacement Environmental Statement 2009 Non-Technical Summary

A82 Dalnottar-Inverness Trunk Road - A82 Ba Bridge Replacement - Environmental Statement 2009

30 Apr 2009

A82 Dalnottar - Inverness Trunk Road - A82 Ba Bridge Replacement - Environmental Statement 2009

Forth Replacement Crossing: DMRB Stage 2 Corridor Report: Volume 1 (Main Report and Appendices)

16 Apr 2009

The first volume of the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges Stage 2 Corridor Report for the Forth Replacement Crossing, including the main report and appendices

Forth Replacement Crossing: Main Crossing (Bridge) Scheme Assessment Report Development of D2M Alternatives

14 Apr 2009

Report on the assessment of options for a narrower replacement crossing to carry a dual carriageway road with hard shoulders

Forth Replacement Crossing: Forth Road Bridge Feasibility of Multi-modal Corridor

14 Apr 2009

Report on the feasibility of utilising the existing FRB for non motorised and public transport/light road traffic, incl for a potential future guided bus/tram/light rail facility

Forth Replacement Crossing: Main Crossing (Bridge) Scheme Assessment Report Development of Options

14 Apr 2009

Report on the assessment of options for the outline design of the replacement crossing

Forth Replacement Crossing: Route Corridor Options Review

14 Apr 2009

This report details the assessment work on nine mainline connecting road corridors identified: three in the northern and six in southern study areas. It recommended two northern and two southern corridor options be taken forward for further assessment

Forth Replacement Crossing: Managed Crossing Scheme: Scheme Definition Report

14 Apr 2009

Summarises the previous reports listed – ie the development work carried out during 2008. In addition, explains how this work and updated information from FETA on the existing FRB was used as the basis for developing the Managed Crossing Scheme announced

Reported Road Casualties Scotland 2007 - Datasets

23 Mar 2009

A National Statistics Publication for Scotland

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