1917 Publications
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Annual Review 2015
29 Jul 2015Our sixth Annual Review, reporting on some of our headline achievements over what was an exceptional year for transport, seeing a £1.9 billion pound investment during 2014/15.
ScotFLAG Planning meeting minutes - 29 July 2015
29 Jul 2015Minutes of ScotFLAG subgroup meetings to discuss specific issues
Rail Franchise performance meeting minutes - 23 July 2015
23 Jul 2015Regular meetings are held with Abellio ScotRail to discuss franchise performance and the minutes of these meetings are published
Brine Spreading Trials
22 Jul 2015Allocation of funding towards collaborative trials of Brine-only spreading as a form of winter treatment, along with a wide scale trial of imbiber products.
Transport Accessibility Summit 2015 Online Survey Results Summary
8 Jul 2015The Transport Accessibility Summit held in Edinburgh in March 2015 provided an opportunity for transport service providers and central and local government policy colleagues to find out directly from disabled people how accessibility issues affected them. Transport Scotland commissioned Research Scotland to produce a report of the findings of the day. An on-line survey was also carried out by the Scottish Disability Equality Forum to get the views of disabled people who were unable to attend the summit. The survey summary sets out the main priorities identified
Research Support for the 2015 Transport Accessibility Summit
2 Jul 2015The Transport Accessibility Summit held in Edinburgh in March 2015 provided an opportunity for transport service providers and central and local government policy colleagues to find out directly from disabled people how accessibility issues affected them
Road drainage and flood risk management
1 Jul 2015Study to investigate the conflict between road drainage design and flood risk management. The study will cover both new build and retrofitted schemes.
Key Reported Road Casualties Scotland 2014 - Dataset
29 Jun 2015Dataset published alongside the statistical publication, Key Reported Road Casualties Scotland 2014
Rail Franchise performance meeting minutes - 25 June 2015
25 Jun 2015Regular meetings are held with Abellio ScotRail to discuss franchise performance and the minutes of these meetings are published
Research and Analysis of Options for Ferry Freight Fares
23 Jun 2015Transport Scotland committed to undertake a comprehensive review of freight fares policy and develop options for future fares strategies