The M90/A90/A9000 Trunk Road (Netherley Road, Stonehaven) (Temporary Prohibition on Use of Road) Order 2024
The Scottish Ministers give notice that they have made the above order under sections 2(1) and (2), 4(1) and 14(1)(a) and (4) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, which will have the effect of imposing a temporary prohibition on that length of the M90/A90/A9000 Edinburgh – Fraserburgh Trunk Road being the northbound carriageway known as Netherley Road, Stonehaven from a point 10 metres north of the centre line of the junction with the Stonehaven Junction southbound merge slip road in a northerly direction to the entry point onto Stonehaven Roundabout, a distance of 210 metres or thereby.
The Order, which is required because works are being or are proposed to be executed on or near the road, will be in operation from 15 January until 15 April 2024 and will only have effect in relation to such part or parts of the length of road as is indicated by the appropriate traffic signs. The works will only be carried out between the hours of 20:00 and 06:00.
The A90 Netherley Road footway adjacent to the northbound carriageway will remain open at all times.
The Order does not apply to vehicles being used in an emergency for fire brigade, ambulance, police or coastguard purposes or vehicles being used for carrying out the works.
Alternative Route
Alternative routes for traffic during the prohibition will be signposted. Detailed descriptions can also be obtained at AWPR Construction Joint Venture, AWPR/B-T O&M Depot, C89C Chapel of Stoneywood Road, Aberdeen, AB21 9TN.
For information about roadworks on motorways and trunk roads visit the Traffic Scotland website.
A member of the staff of the Scottish Ministers
Transport Scotland
George House
36 North Hanover Street
G1 2AD