A CAV Roadmap for Scotland
The development and deployment of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAV) has the potential to bring transformative change to peoples’ lives, not just in how we travel, but in how we work, where we live, the environment, and safety. The CAV Roadmap for Scotland sets out the future vision for how Scotland can benefit from and contribute to this exciting and innovative sector.
It supports the Programme for Government commitments to put sustainable transport at the heart of decision‑making and ensure that transport plays a key role in delivering net zero emissions by 2045.
The CAV Roadmap is aligned with Scotland’s Future Intelligent Transport Systems Strategy and our draft National Transport Strategy (NTS2), which sets out a compelling vision for the transport system over the next 20 years, one that protects our climate and improves lives.
NTS2 highlights that there is the potential for Scotland to become a market leader in the development and early adoption of transport innovations.
The CAV Roadmap also considers where and how Scotland can utilise, benefit from, and contribute to the development of CAV technologies and what interventions and initiatives might be required to unlock these opportunities in Scotland.
It looks at how our geographic and socio-economic diversity has the potential to offer opportunities to test and develop CAV in a range highly diverse environments to the benefit of all sectors of society.
The CAV Roadmap is intended to act as an enabler of more opportunities for Scotland to be at the forefront of future transport innovation, supporting outcomes including promoting equality and health and wellbeing, and tackling the climate emergency.