The Road Safety Evaluation Fund
A robust, independent, and open evidence base helps us provide clear evidence of the effectiveness and the impact our road safety interventions are having.
An understanding of how road safety interventions function – both in terms of their effectiveness in delivering outputs, aims and objectives, and the eventual broader impacts on road safety – is essential to inform strategic decision-making and the allocation of resources. Without an understanding of what is working well, and what is working less well, it is not possible to systematically improve road safety.
The Road Safety Evaluation Fund focuses on the retrospective evaluation and the wider impact interventions are having on road safety.
Applications to the Road Safety Evaluation Fund are currently closed. Please check back again for updates.
The Road Safety Evaluation Fund is open to all road safety partners and organisations (both public and professional associations), registered charities and university departments across Scotland. Private commercial enterprise, Community Interest Companies and not for profit businesses will be considered for funding providing that it can be demonstrated that the schemes or initiatives proposed are for charitable activity and for the public benefit and meet the Road Safety Evaluation Fund criteria.
Funding criteria
The criteria for a successful application are as follows:
- The road safety initiative being evaluated must be running for a period of 2 years or longer.
- The road safety initiative must be evaluated by an independent evaluator.
- The road safety initiative should support Scotland’s Road Safety Framework to 2030 and have developed approaches, knowledge or learning around road safety.
- The proposal should include a clear programme and timetable of what is being evaluated.
- The agreement for Transport Scotland to publish the evaluation.
Requests for further dissemination of the work in professional journals or at conferences will be determined on a case by case basis.
Funding will not be issued where:
- The application is deemed to have a clear profit motive.
- Applications are of a party political nature or likely to be in breach of laws relating to equality and opportunity.
Assessment criteria
Funding will be awarded on the overall strength of the proposal in relation to how well the assessment criteria’s are met. Applicants should, therefore, consider carefully and demonstrate clearly.
Evaluations will be expected to give an indication of the wider benefits to road safety that could be expected from the research.
We will assess the evaluation funding applications and will provide an initial indication to the overall strength in relation to the specified criteria before the applications are fully assessed and agreed by the Operational Partnership Group (OPG) and finally approved by the Strategic Partnership Board (SPB).
It should be noted, the total amount of funds to be allocated for the Road Safety Evaluation Fund will be reviewed on an annual basis.
How to apply
Applications are currently closed. Please check back again for updates.
Fully completed applications or queries should be directed to