Cycling Championships
From 3-13 August, the UCI World Cycling Championships take place in various locations across Scotland.
This August, Scotland will host the first ever UCI Cycling World Championships. Our country will welcome over 2,000 elite cyclists, including para-athletes, from over 100 countries, and up to 1 million spectators.
Investing in an Active Nation
We're committed to building an active nation – investing in Active Travel to make walking, wheeling and cycling the most popular choice for shorter everyday journeys.
Through the Bute House Agreement, the Scottish Government has committed to investing at least £320 million, or 10% of the total transport budget on active travel by 2024-25. Our funding this year includes investment of almost £4 million to support Active Travel specific legacy work aligned to the Cycling World Championships.
This transformational investment will focus on infrastructure. It nearly triples the funding prior to the Agreement and will make our communities safer and more pleasant places to enjoy.
It will improve our health, our wellbeing and help to protect our climate – supporting our commitment to reduce car kilometres travelled by 20% by 2030 and the vision outlined in our National Transport Strategy.
Latest News
- £2 million ScotRail legacy funding ahead of 2023 UCI Cycling World Championships
- Scottish Government extends funding for Scottish Cycling’s Rock Up & Ride programme
- Travel advice for Cycling Worlds
- New £1m Cycle Share Fund to open ahead of Cycling World Championships
- £20 million to get Scotland walking, wheeling and cycling