
What will the future be like?  What transport system do we want in the future?

The purpose of Transport Scotland’s Land-use And Transport Integration in Scotland (LATIS) service is to provide quantified evidence to questions like these.

This is done through assisting with the appraisal of transport policies and programmes. LATIS aims to support robust evidence-based planning and the modelling and appraisal of proposed transport interventions.

The LATIS service is operated by Transport Scotland with the objective to meet the appraisal and modelling needs of the Scottish Government, project teams within Transport Scotland, and external organisations. It supports Strategic Transport Planning and Governance as detailed in the Corporate Plan.

LATIS has the following elements:

  • Models - LATIS manages the development, maintenance and application of national and regional transport models and a national land use model. This is supported by a Library of reports.
  • Planning support - the collection and provision of planning data and support to Development Planning and Management Transport Appraisal
  • Data Collection - the collection of transport and travel data and other user specified data through the use of the Data Collection Contract and the provision of model output data to transport and development planners and modellers.
  • User Support – Through an application process we support users of the models to ensure they receive appropriate advice and useful outputs from the models.  In conjunction with our colleagues in Transport Appraisal, we engage with the transport modelling and appraisal profession through regular Appraisal and Modelling User Groups.  User Groups are advertised through the Scot-TAG newsletter.

LATIS has a database of transport, land-use and demographic data which is linked to a multi-modal transport and land-use modelling suite. This enables decision making across a range of policy areas. Its consistent approach delivers a robust evidence base from which to appraise schemes and policies. This also allows it to measure the key economic, social and environmental impacts of interventions.

LATIS can be applied at local, regional and national levels, and has been used in a range of infrastructure, planning and policy analysis and assessments.

If you are interested in using LATIS models, observed or modelled data, please complete a LATIS Request Form and submit it to latis@transport.gov.scot.

Apply to use LATIS

Land-use And Transport Integration in Scotland (LATIS) is a service offered by Transport Scotland to help with the appraisal of transport projects and programmes. LATIS aims to support robust evidence-based planning and the modelling and appraisal of proposed transport interventions. It can also be used to formulate and guide the deployment of transport, planning and the environmental policies.

If you are interested in using LATIS models, observed or modelled data, please complete a LATIS request form (see below) and send it to latis@transport.gov.scot

For further guidance on the application process or subsequent support offered by LATIS, please refer to the Guide for Users.

Successful applicants will be required to agree to the LATIS Terms of Use which include:

  • LATIS models/data should be used solely for the purpose outlined in the Request form and should not be distributed to any third party without the prior consent of Transport Scotland and the LATIS Team
  • Transport Scotland and the LATIS Team stress that the release of LATIS data and models does not imply a tacit acceptance of the results and the implications of any test undertaken using the models. To this end, any report or documentation prepared by the model user shall include a disclaimer to this effect, unless the conclusions derived from the model results have been reviewed and approved by Transport Scotland and the LATIS Team.

If you have any queries about LATIS please email us at latis@transport.gov.scot.

Strategic Transport Planning
Transport Strategy and Analysis
Transport Scotland
Buchanan House
58 Port Dundas Road


Data is an essential input to the process of transport and land use modelling. The quality of input data is a key determinant of the quality, robustness and value of the outputs. LATIS seeks to collect and use as much data, meeting high data quality standards, to inform model development and calibration and the wider processes of appraisal and monitoring/evaluation.

LATIS has a transport data collection facility which can be used by Transport Scotland, Scottish Government or Local Planning Authorities.

Observed data

The LATIS observed database includes a variety of travel and traffic data used for model development, calibration and validation. This data also permits a variety of analysis of transport demand, behaviours and allows us to better understand the transport system. The LATIS database includes:

  • Road Traffic Counts (volumetric and junction turning counts)
  • Public Transport Passenger Counts (boarding, alighting and occupancy)
  • Roadside Interviews (including origin / destination and trip purpose)
  • Public Transport Surveys (including origin / destination and trip purpose)
  • Journey Time Surveys

Model data

LATIS models can assist in the following fields:

  • undertaking appraisals of various transport and land-use schemes and policies
  • undertaking assessment and comparison of impacts of various planning programmes and policies and benchmarking against Government indicators
  • forecasting and testing of future land-use, demographic and travel patterns
  • undertaking environmental analysis, including projection of transport-based emissions
  • undertaking accessibility analysis
  • undertaking economic, financial and cost-benefit analysis

A wide range of model outputs are available, including:

  • operational analysis
  • environmental analysis
  • traffic emissions congestion
  • mapping demographic and land-use predictions
  • accessibility analysis
  • economic and financial assessment
  • accident analysis
  • sub-area analysis

Planning data

The LATIS service has a development planning appraisal capability which has been applied to a number of strategic and local development plans. In line with emerging needs and to meet our obligations under Planning Reform, LATIS can assist in

  • the creation of map-based plans showing the impact of proposed development upon transport demands and/or infrastructure
  • preparation of Baseline data or information to support appraisal
  • forecasting future travel demands for the purposes of development planning and management transport appraisal
  • provision of model outputs to appraise proposed development plans

The LATIS service collects and processes data from every Local and Strategic Planning Authority relating to land use allocations, permissions, completions, demolitions and re-development. This is known as the Assembly of Planning Policy Inputs process (APPI). This data is collected every two to three years but concerns a period extending to the short-term (5 years), medium-term (10 years) and long-term (20 years and beyond).

Using this data, the Transport, Economic and Land-use Model of Scotland (TELMoS) can provide independent forecasts of:

  • Population
  • Households
  • Employment
  • Office floorspace
  • Retail floorspace

These are available at TELMoS zone level, local authority level and national level.

If you are interested in using LATIS models, observed or modelled data, please complete a LATIS Request Form and submit it to latis@transport.gov.scot.

National Transport and Land Use Models

Transport models are built for a number of reasons, most commonly, to inform appraisal, design and planning decisions which determine the allocation of resources. However, they are also a resource in themselves; they offer a simplified representation that aids our understanding of the world.

Transport Scotland have developed a linked hierarchy of transport models- national and regional models- and a land use model which, applied together, provides a full Land-use and Transport Interaction (LUTI) modelling capability.

The national transport model, Transport Model for Scotland (TMfS) offers a generalised, multi-modal representation of travel demands and infrastructure supply for a base (2012) and future forecast years.

The national land-use model, TELMoS (Transport and Economic Land-use Model of Scotland), provides independent demographic, planning and economic forecasts which form the basis for future travel demands.

There are also a number of regional models associated with LATIS.

Transport Model for Scotland (TMfS)

TMfS is a strategic transport model, which provides a broad representation of transport supply and estimates of transport demand. The current version is TMfS14 which has a base year of 2014.

The model:

  • covers the whole population of Scotland
  • details the choices made by people on how, where, why and when they travel
  • links with an interactive land-use model, TELMoS, which provides a land-use transport interaction
  • is designed for broad option identification, ranking and scheme/policy appraisal
  • does not model the operation of junctions or congestion
  • is capable of modelling traveller responses to network wide road tolling/pricing
  • has a wide range of model outputs.

The development of the models is underpinned by an extensive bank of transport data.

Reports relating to the National Models can be found in the documents, reports and guidance section.


In 2015, an updated, strategic Transport Model for Scotland was developed, with a base year of 2014.

TMfS14 and TELMoS14, the linked national land use model, form the standard release version of the model.

TMfS14 is the latest version of the Transport Model building on previous versions.  For a detailed description of current and previous versions of TMfS, please see the Documents, reports and guidance section.

As well as updating the model to a new Base Year (2014), additional Park and Ride sites were added to the model and the mode and destination choice models were updated using the latest household travel survey data.

Transport and Economic Land-use Model of Scotland (TELMoS)

A land use model provides a view of future land use and a representation of the interaction between the pattern of land use and transport demand over time.


In 2015, an updated, Transport and Economic Land-use Model of Scotland was developed, with a base year of 2014.

TELMoS14 is the latest version of the Transport, Economic and Land-use model building on previous versions.  For a detailed description of current and previous versions of TELMoS, please see the Documents, reports and guidance section.

If you are interested in using LATIS models, observed or modelled data, please complete a LATIS Request Form and submit it to latis@transport.gov.scot.

Regional Transport Models

LATIS has adopted a model hierarchy approach and has developed more detailed regional models to supplement option development and scheme appraisal.

These regional models sit in a hierarchy with the national transport model, sharing (or derived from) one or more of the following features:

  • Zoning system
  • Network representation
  • Base travel demands
  • Travel demand forecasting model

Examples of uses for the Regional models include:

  • Forecasting changes in traffic levels and public transport patronage at key points across the network
  • Transport scheme appraisal
  • Transport policy appraisal
  • Regional Transport Strategies
  • Appraising regional development plans and local plans
  • Detailed operational appraisal (e.g. congestion of roads and junctions)

Moray Firth Transport Model (MFTM)

The Moray Firth Transport Model (MFTM) is a multi-modal transport model and covers the main road and public transport network of the Inner Moray Firth area around Inverness.  It was originally developed by Highland Council with a base year of 2009 but has subsequently been updated by Transport Scotland.

SEStran Regional Model (SRM)

The SEStran Regional Model (SRM) is a multi-modal transport model which covers the main road and public transport network in the East of Scotland.  The SRM was developed by Transport Scotland and has a base year of 2012.

Geographically, the model covers an area that extends from the Firth of Tay to the Scottish Borders and from the East of Edinburgh to Stirling.

Strathclyde Regional Transport Model (SRTM)

The Strathclyde Regional Transport Model is a multi-modal transport model which covers the main road and public transport network in West Central Scotland. SRTM was jointly developed by Strathclyde Partnership for Transport (SPT) and Transport Scotland.  It has a base year of 2014.

The model area comprises Clydeplan and the Ayrshires.

Aberdeen Sub Area Model (ASAM)

The Aberdeen Sub Area Model (ASAM) is a multi-modal transport model and covers the main road and public transport network of Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire. It was developed by Nestrans in partnership with Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire Councils, the Strategic Development Planning Authority and Transport Scotland. The current version ASAM14 has a base year of 2014 and an update is currently being developed to reflect observed travel patterns following the opening of the Aberdeen Western Peripheral and will create a new base year of 2019.

Tay Cities Regional Transport Model (TCRTM)

The Tay Cities Regional Transport Model (TCRTM) is a multi-modal transport model and covers the main road and public transport network of Dundee City, Perth and Kinross, Angus and North Fife.  It was developed jointly by Tactran (the regional transport partnership for Angus, Dundee, Perth & Kinross and Stirling) and Transport Scotland and has a base year of 2018.

For a detailed description of current and previous versions of the Regional Models, please see the Documents, reports and guidance section.

If you are interested in using LATIS models, observed or modelled data, please complete a LATIS Request Form and submit it to latis@transport.gov.scot.

Documents, Reports and Guidance

Transport forecasts

This report presents our strategic view of future travel demand.

Forecasts are produced using a combination of the Transport and Economic Land-use Model of Scotland (TELMoS) and the Transport Model for Scotland (TMfS); these incorporate economic and demographic forecasts and evidence on travel behaviour and the factors influencing it.

A number of plausible scenarios are used to reflect the uncertainty in the factors affecting travel demand.

Model development documents

Note: some of the PDFs included below may not be fully accessible. If you need to request the information in a more accessible format, please contact latis@transport.gov.uk.

Transport Model for Scotland (TMfS)


Transport and Economic Land-use Model of Scotland (TELMoS)


SEStran Regional Model


Strathclyde Regional Transport Model (SRTM)


Aberdeen Sub Area Model (ASAM)



Tay Cities Regional Transport Model (TCRTM)


Moray Firth Transport Model (MFTM)


Commission documentation