A96 Threapland Junction improvements

What's involved?

This project will involve upgrading the standard of the existing carriageway junction at Threapland on the A96 trunk road approximately 1 kilometre east of Lhanbryde.

Project benefits

There is a history of fatal and serious accidents on this section of the A96. Upgrading the junction and approaches will improve safety and assist the reliability of the trunk road at this location.


These details are available from the programme document

Impact on travel

To be determined

Traffic management

To be determined

Environmental impact

The Environmental Impact Assessment process has identified the environmental effects of this project. These will be mitigated as outlined in the Environmental Statement and Environmental Statement Addendum below.

The Environmental Statement and Non-Technical Summary are available to view along with the Environmental Statement Addendum and Non-Technical Summary Addendum.

Main Report



Environmental Statement Addendum