Aviemore to Carrbridge non-motorised user route study
We have carried out a route study into the potential non-motorised user (NMU) links for walking, cycling and equestrians between the communities of Aviemore and Carrbridge.
We, along with our design consultants Atkins Mouchel Joint Venture, have been working on this project in consultation with Cairngorms National Park Authority, The Highland Council, Highlands and Islands Transport Partnership (HITRANS) and Sustrans since January 2019.
The first part of the route study covered a Baseline Assessment, which included a review of existing policies, plans and NMU routes in the area, data collection and the identification and initial assessment of corridors where an NMU route could be located.
The second part of the route study covered an Options Appraisal which assessed the impacts and benefits of the route corridors in more detail. This Options Appraisal was then followed by the identification of a preferred route.
Community engagement
In recognition of the Scottish Government’s wider commitment to promote active travel in Scotland, Transport Scotland is undertaking a Route Study into the provision of a Non-Motorised User (NMU) facility between the communities of Aviemore and Carrbridge.
Preferred route design - public and virtual exhibitions - June 2024
There is a further opportunity to comment on the Aviemore to Carrbridge NMU preferred route design with exhibitions to be held to let the public comment on the design layouts for the new 10km segregated preferred Non-Motorised User (NMU) route between Aviemore and Carrbridge in advance of the planning application for the scheme expected to be submitted in autumn 2024. The plans were previously on public display in May 2022.
The public exhibitions will be held at Aviemore Community Centre, Muirton, Aviemore, PH22 1SF on Wednesday 5 June 2024 (3pm to 8pm) and Carrbridge Village Hall, Main Road, Carrbridge, PH23 3BB on Thursday 20 June 2024 (2pm to 6pm). A parallel virtual event will be posted on the Transport Scotland website at transport.gov.scot/ACNMU over the five-week period from 12pm on Wednesday 5 June 2024 to Thursday 11 July 2024 where the public will also be able to provide feedback on the designs.
Preferred route design - public and virtual exhibitions - May 2022
A consultation was carried out to seek thoughts on the preferred route design. Public exhibitions were held in Aviemore on 25 May 2022 and in Carrbridge on 26 May 2022.
Baseline Assessment
The initial phase of the Route study, the Baseline Assessment, was completed in the Autumn of 2019. A public exhibition was held in September 2019 to share the findings of the Baseline Assessment and seek public feedback on the corridor options which had been developed.
Options Appraisal
Following completion of the Baseline Assessment, Transport Scotland and consultants Atkins Mouchel Joint Venture (AMJV) took forward the next stage of the Route Study – the Options Appraisal. This included the development of route options for an NMU route within the two corridor options progressing from the Baseline Assessment. A virtual exhibition took place between 17 November and 18 December 2020 alongside an online webinar which was held on Tuesday 24 November to provide an update on the project progress and to seek public feedback on the various route options being assessed.
Register for updates
If you would like to receive updates about the Aviemore to Carrbridge Non-Motorised User (NMU) Route Study, for example invitations to future events, please complete a Register for Update card and then email it to the project team at ACNMU@wsp.com.