A7 Hawick - Common Haugh Car Park & Commercial Road - Environmental Impact Assessment Record of Determination
Project Details
BEAR Scotland has been commissioned by Transport Scotland to carry out pedestrian crossing upgrade works and resurfacing on the A7 carriageway. The works will consist of upgrading an existing Puffin crossing to a Toucan crossing with new dropped kerbs, tactile paving and crossing apparatus to be installed on the northbound (NB) and southbound (SB) footways. Carriageway resurfacing, to a maximum depth of 100mm, along with ironwork replacements after surfacing works will also be undertaken as part of the upgrade works, extending for approx. 780m (National Grid Reference (NGR) NT 50447 15205 - NT 50086 14548) on both sides of the carriageway (approx. 0.9ha). Road markings and studs will be reinstated.
The resurfacing procedure is as follows:
- set up traffic management (TM) and mark out site;
- milling of existing bituminous material by road planer;
- jackhammer and compressor for breaking up surfaces not accessible by planer (e.g., around gullies);
- loader/excavator used to collect and move excess material;
- sweeper to collect loose material and provide clean laying surface;
- milled out/excavated materials all taken off site;
- tack/bond coat laid;
- binder material laid and compressed by paver (where required);
- material compacted using a heavy roller;
- new bituminous surface course material laid by paver;
- material compacted using a heavy roller;
- mechanical sweeper to collect loose material;
- HGV for removal and replacement of material;
- ironwork replacements,
- road markings and studs applied where necessary (in accordance with Chapter 5);
- new traffic counter installation;
- remove TM and open road.
The works are currently programmed to be completed within the 2024/2025 financial year (January/February 2025); however, works may be delayed until the beginning of the 2025/2026 financial year. Works are expected to be completed over approx. four weeks. Pedestrian crossing works will likely be undertaken during daytime off-peak working hours. Traffic management (TM) is currently anticipated to comprise of single lane closure with temporary traffic lights. While resurfacing works are likely be undertaken during nighttime hours (19:30 - 06:00) with TM currently anticipated to comprise of full night-time road closure with signed diversion. Diversion will be via A6088, B6357 and B7201 for one night. Then a diversion will be in place via princess street, rejoining the A7 just north of Dovemount Roundabout.
Pedestrian footpaths lie adjacent and parallel to both sides of the trunk road throughout the scheme extents and are connected by the current puffin crossing which is planned to be upgraded as part of another BEAR Scotland scheme due to be undertaken at the same time (). A bus stop (NGR NT 50224 14914) is located on the NB carriageway within the scheme extents.
The scheme is integrated with the Active Travel Network in Hawick, which is currently under construction. The crossing upgrade will allow for cyclists to navigate this part of the network without the requirement to dismount. Additionally, the upgrade will allow for improved safety and user comfort, as the crossing area is to be widened to accommodate cyclists and pedestrians. Additionally, the surfacing is required to provide adequate skid resistance on the approach to the crossing along with removing identified defects and maintaining pavement serviceability while increasing the lifespan of the scheme and improving public safety.
The scheme lies within the town of Hawick, with urban development surrounding the scheme.
Description of local environment
Air quality
Properties within 300m of the scheme – refer to ‘Population and Human Health’.
Air quality monitoring sites in the wider area record bandings in the ‘green zone’ (Low Index 1-3).
The scheme lies within the boundary of Scottish Borders Council, which has no Air Quality Management Areas (AQMAs) within its administrative boundary. The nearest AQMA, ‘High Street Musselburgh’, lies within the East Lothian Council administrative boundary approx. 59km north of the scheme and has been declared for nitrogen dioxide (NO2).
There are no sites registered on the Scottish Pollutant Release Inventory (SPRI) for air pollutant releases which lie within 10km of the scheme.
Baseline air quality is mainly influenced by vehicles travelling along the A7. Secondary sources are likely derived from vehicles travelling along the local road network, and day-to-day urban activities.
Cultural heritage
The PastMap and Historic Environment Scotland (HES) online mapping tools record that approx. 150 listed buildings lie within 300m of the scheme. Two listed buildings lie within 15m of the scheme extents and pertain to:
- Albert Bridge Over River Teviot (LB34675) which spans the River Teviot within the southern scheme extents.
- North Bridge Over River Teviot (LB34684) which spans the River Teviot within the northern scheme extents.
There is no connectivity between the scheme and the remaining listed buildings (e.g., the nearest lies 30m west of the scheme).
The scheme extents are partially located within the ‘Hawick’ Conservation Area (CA), which includes all of Hawick high street and the historic core to the south.
Of lesser cultural heritage value, approx. 600 undesignated cultural heritage assets (UCHAs) lie within 300 m of the scheme. 12 UCHAs lie within 15m of the trunk road, three of with lie within the carriageway boundary and pertain to:
- Hawick, Commercial Road, General – Historic Environment Record (Classification: general view)
- Hawick, Commercial Road, General – Canmore (Classification: general view)
- Hawick, Commercial Road, Wilton Mills, Mill Lade (Classification: Lade(s) (19th century))
There is no connectivity between the scheme and the remaining UCHAs e.g., the nearest lies approx. 5 m northwest of the scheme and pertains to a former building.
Construction of the A7 road corridor is likely to have removed any archaeological remains that may have been present within the trunk road boundary. The potential for the presence of unknown archaeological remains in the study area has therefore been assessed to be low.
Landscape and visual effects
The scheme is not situated within a National Park (NP) or National Scenic Area (NSA).
The scheme lies within the ‘Pastoral Upland Fringe Valley’ Landscape Character Type (no. 117) (Scottish Landscape Character Types). The key characteristics of this LCT are:
- Medium scale pastoral valley with flat floor enclosed by upland fringe pastures, often with rough grassland and moorland covered hills above.
- Smooth large scale landform modified in places by bluffs and moraine on valley floor, scree slopes or rock outcrops on valley sides.
- Narrow often wooded tributary side valleys.
- Broadleaf woodlands and scrub on bluff slopes and scattered trees along riverbanks, occasional coniferous plantations and shelterbelts on valley sides.
- Valley floor pastures enclosed by drystone dykes with occasional hedgerows, interspersed with occasional patches of scrub, coarse grass and rushes.
- Scattered villages, farmsteads and mansion houses with policy woodlands.
Land use within 300 m of the scheme is categorised into the following:
- Planned Village Allotments
- Medieval Town
- Industrial or commercial area,
- Urban area.
The national scale land capability for agriculture classifies land surrounding the scheme as being:
- ‘Class 4.1’ – land capable of producing a narrow range of crops, primarily grassland with short arable breaks of forage crops and cereal.
- ‘Class 4.2’ – land capable of producing a narrow range of crops, primarily on grassland with short arable breaks of forage crops.
- ‘Class 5.1’ – land capable of use as improved grassland. Few problems with pasture establishment and maintenance and potential high yields.
Woodland in the study area is limited to approx. 1.3ha and 1.6ha broadleaved woodlands, which lie 150m northeast and 230m west of the scheme extents respectively. There are no areas of woodland registered on the Native Woodland Survey of Scotland, or on the Ancient Woodland Inventory Scotland or any trees covered by a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) with connectivity to the scheme extents.
The existing trunk road is a prominent linear landscape feature. The trunk road corridor, for example, has a distinct character shaped by fast-flowing traffic, road markings, safety barriers, signage, landscaping, lighting etc. The scale of the trunk road detracts from the quality and character of the wider landscape.
The NatureScot Sitelink online mapping tool identifies that the River Teviot, a classified surface waterbody (ID: 5220) which forms part of the River Tweed Special Area of Conservation (SAC) (EU Site Code: UK0012691), is spanned by the trunk road within the southern scheme extents and lies adjacent and parallel with the trunk road throughout the scheme extents, however the designation for the SAC partially extends to cover some of the A7 within the scheme extents. A Habitats Regulations Appraisal (HRA) has been undertaken that has shown that there is sufficient information and assessment evidence to conclude that the proposed scheme, with the implementation of mitigation and control measures, will not result in any AESI..
The River Tweed Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) (EU Site Code: 135386) is spanned by the trunk road within the southern scheme extents and lies adjacent and parallel with the trunk road throughout the scheme extents, however the designation for the SAC partially extends to cover some of the A7 within the scheme extents.
There are no Local Nature Conservation Site (LNCS) or Local Nature Reserve (LNR) designated for biodiversity features within 300m of the scheme extents.
A Preliminary ecological appraisal (PEA) was undertaken by BEAR Scotland’s Environmental Team on the 22nd October 2024 to inform the need for any additional ecological surveys or licensing requirements in advance of the proposed works.
The PEA undertaken October 2024 did not note the presence of any invasive non-native species (INNS). Of lesser note, injurious weeds common ragwort (Senecio jacobaea) and creeping thistle (Cirsium arvense) and invasive native perennial rosebay willowherb (Chamaenerion angustifolium) were recorded as being present within the western banks of the River Teviot at the scheme location.
A search of the NBN online mapping tool records Japanese Knotweed (Reynoutria japonica) and Giant Hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum), both INNS, within 2 km of the scheme extents. The nearest INNS was recorded 0.3km west; however, both species are recorded as being treated and controlled in 2022 as part of the Tweed Invasives Project.
A search of the Asset Management Performance System (AMPS) records no INNS, injurious weeds (as listed under the Weeds Act 1959) or invasive native perennials (as listed in the Trunk Road Inventory Manual) within the scheme extents (within last 10-years).
Geology and soils
The A7 within the scheme extents is not located within a Geological Conservation Review Site (GCRS), and there are no Local Geodiversity Sites (LGS) with connectivity to the scheme extents.
The National Soil Map of Scotland online mapping tool records that the Generalised Soil Type and Major Soil Group beneath the scheme extents are Alluvial soils.
The British Geological Survey online mapping tool records that the superficial geology underlying the scheme extents is comprised of:
- Till, Devensian (diamicton).
- Alluvium (silt, sand and gravel).
The bedrock geology underlying the scheme extents is comprised of:
- Mull Dyke-Swarm (microgabbro)
- Hawick Group (wacke).
There is no evidence of historical industrial processes or the storage of hazardous materials that could have given rise to significant land contamination.
Given that works are restricted to like-for-like replacement of the existing road surface within the carriageway boundary with no earthworks required, factor has no constraints that are likely to be impacted by the proposed works. Therefore, geology and soils has been scoped out of further environmental assessment.
Material assets and waste
The proposed works are required to upgrade the current puffin crossing, undertake carriageway resurfacing and reinstate road markings. Materials used will consist of:
- kerb units,
- concrete (for kerb haunching),
- tactile paving,
- toucan crossing apparatus (poles, signals, ducting)
- asphaltic material,
- binder course material,
- road-marking paint,
- bituminous emulsion bond coat,
- traffic counter cabling
- milled-in/surface-mounted road studs.
The scheme is executed by the operating company as site operations e.g. ‘As-of-Right’ scheme of value less than £350,000. As a result, a Site Waste Management Plan (SWMP) is not required.
The scheme involves removal of the surface course and localised areas of base and binder course. Bituminous material (European Waste Catalogue Code: 17 03 02) will be removed from site, none of which is classified as hazardous material containing coal tar.
Noise and vibration
Works are not located within a Candidate Noise Management Area (CNMA) or Candidate Quiet Areas (CQA).
There is no noise modelled data available for the study area (Scotland’s Noise Scotland’s Environment). However, given the low AADT flow it is considered likely that baseline noise levels are low, with levels mainly influenced by vehicles travelling along the trunk road. Secondary sources are likely derived from vehicles travelling along the local road network, and day-to-day urban activities.
Population and human health
The scheme lies within Hawick and as such, numerous properties (including a church and school) lie within 300 m of the scheme. Properties nearest to the trunk road (e.g., bordering the carriageway) have no screening from the scheme extents. The remaining properties are screened from the trunk road by intervening properties and/or topography. Of note, St Mary’s and Old Parish Church (including cemetery) lies 220m south of the scheme and Hawick High School lies approx. 240m southwest of the scheme extents, both are screened by intervening properties.
Pedestrian footpaths lie adjacent and parallel to both sides of the trunk road throughout the scheme extents and are connected by the current puffin crossing (being upgraded as part of scheme) which is planned to be upgraded as part of another BEAR Scotland scheme due to be undertaken at the same time. A bus stop (NGR NT 50224 14914) is located on the NB carriageway within the scheme extents.
Street lighting is present throughout the scheme.
The A7, within the scheme extents, is a single carriageway with a speed limit of 20 mph applying throughout. The Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) flow is low (9,632 motor vehicles (ID: 88004, 2023 data)) (Road traffic statistics) and is comprised of:
- 50 two wheeled motor vehicles,
- 8,019 cars and taxis,
- 49 bus and coaches,
- 1,273 Light Goods Vehicles (LGVs), and
- 240 Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs).
There are no congestion issues noted on the A7 within the scheme extents during the proposed working hours.
Road drainage and the water environment
The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) River Basin Management Plan (RBMP) online mapping tool records the River Teviot, a classified surface waterbody (ID: 5220), is spanned by the trunk road within the scheme extents. The River Teviot is a waterbody in the River Tweed catchment of the Solway Tweed river basin district and has a main stem approx. 40.4 km in length. The River Teviot has been assigned a Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC (WFD) overall status of ‘Good ecological potential’, an overall ecological status of ‘Poor’, and a status of ‘Good’ for fish barrier. The trunk road is flanked by a 1m high stone wall over Albert Bridge and an approx. 2m high stone flood wall where the River Teviot borders the SB carriageway at this location.
A search of the SEPA’s Flood Map online mapping tool records that areas of the trunk road within the scheme extents, are at a medium to low risk of surface water flooding (e.g. each year this area has a 0.5% - 0.1% chance of flooding).
A search of the Scotland’s Environment (SE) online mapping tool determined that the trunk road, within the scheme extents, lies on the ‘Teviotdale Sand and Gravel’ and ‘Peebles, Hawick and Galashiels’ groundwaters, both of which have been classified as ‘Good’.
A search of the SE online mapping tool determined that the trunk road, within the scheme extents, does not lie within a Nitrate Vulnerable Zone.
The Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 sets out the target and vision set by the Scottish Government for tackling and responding to climate change (The Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009). The Act includes a target of reducing CO2 emissions by 80% before 2050 (from the baseline year 1990). The Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act 2019 amended the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 to bring the target of reaching net-zero emissions in Scotland forward to 2045 (Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act 2019).
The Scottish Government has since published its indicative Nationally Determined Contribution (iNDC) to set out how it will reach net-zero emissions by 2045, working to reduce emissions of all major greenhouse gases by at least 75% by 2030 (Scotland's contribution to the Paris Agreement: indicative Nationally Determined Contribution - gov.scot (www.gov.scot)). By 2040, the Scottish Government is committed to reducing emissions by 90%, with the aim of reaching net-zero by 2045 at the latest.
Transport Scotland is committed to reducing carbon across Scotland’s transport network and this commitment is being enacted through the Mission Zero for Transport (Mission Zero for transport | Transport Scotland). Transport is the largest contributor to harmful climate emissions in Scotland. In response to the climate emergency, Transport Scotland are committed to reducing their emissions by 75% by 2030 and to a legally binding target of net-zero by 2045.
Policies and plans
Description of main environmental impacts and proposed mitigation
Air quality
During the construction phase, activities undertaken on site could potentially have some minor localised and short-term air quality impacts in proximity to the works. The construction phase will, for example, require a range of ancillary plant, vehicles, and non-road mobile machinery (NRMM) which will contribute to local dust and air pollutants. The main sources are likely to be dust generated by cold milling in preparation of carriageway resurfacing, as well as exhaust emissions from ancillary plant and vehicles. As a result, there is potential for impacts to local air quality.
However, considering the nature and duration of the scheme, along with implementation of mitigation detailed below, the proposed works impacts on local air quality levels during the construction period are assessed to be temporary, negligible adverse in magnitude.
Upon completion of the works, no residual air quality impacts are anticipated.
Air quality mitigation measures:
- Careful consideration will be given to the siting and orientation of ancillary plant, vehicles, and non-road mobile machinery (NRMM), so that it is located, as far as is possible, away from receptors (if possible, > 20 m from surrounding properties). Activities which have the potential to produce dust (e.g., cutting and grinding of materials) will also, if possible, be undertaken away from any surrounding properties.
- A water-assisted dust sweeper will sweep the carriageway after dust-generating activities, and waste will be contained and removed from site as soon as is practicable.
- Materials that have a potential to produce dust will be removed from site as soon as possible, and vehicles that remove cold-milled material from site will have sheeted covers.
- Ancillary plant, vehicles and NRMM will have been regularly maintained, paying attention to the integrity of exhaust systems.
- Ancillary plant, vehicles and NRMM will be switched off when stationary to prevent exhaust emissions (e.g., there will be no idling vehicles).
- Where practicable, if powered generators are required, the use of mains electricity or battery powered ancillary plant will be considered in place of diesel or petrol alternatives.
- Cutting, grinding, and sawing equipment (if required) will be fitted or used in conjunction with suitable dust suppression techniques e.g., local exhaust ventilation system that fits directly onto tools.
- Regular monitoring (e.g., by engineer or Clerk of Works) will take place when activities that have the potential to impact local air quality are occurring. In the unlikely event that unacceptable dust or exhaust emissions are emanating from the site, the operation will, where practicable, be modified and re-checked to verify that the corrective action has been effective. Actions to be considered include: (a) minimizing cutting and grinding on-site, (b) reducing the operating hours, (c) changing the method.
Cultural heritage
Construction of the A7 road corridor is likely to have removed any archaeological remains that may have been present within the trunk road boundary. The potential for the presence of unknown archaeological remains in the study area has therefore been assessed to be low. Moreover, the works do not entail any earthworks or vegetation clearance, and people, ancillary plant, vehicles, NRMM and materials are restricted to areas of made/engineered ground within the A7 boundary. As such, there is negligible risk of disturbing or damaging previously undiscovered or unrecorded items of cultural interest.
People, ancillary plant, vehicles, NRMM and materials are restricted to areas of made ground within the boundary of the A7 and are limited to upgrading the current puffin crossing and resurfacing, therefore the works do not include any alterations that would affect the historic and architectural character of the listed buildings or CA. As such, application for consent or any other permission is not required.
Given the nature of the scheme, and with implementation of mitigation detailed below, the proposed works impacts on cultural heritage during the construction period are assessed to be negligible in magnitude.
Upon completion of the works, no residual impacts on cultural heritage are anticipated.
Cultural heritage mitigation measures:
- All site personnel will be made aware of the location and sensitivity of Albert Bridge Over River Teviot (LB34675) and North Bridge Over River Teviot (LB34684).
- All site personnel will be made aware of the location and sensitivity of ‘Hawick’ CA.
- All site personnel will be briefed on the importance of archaeological finds and will be instructed to inform the site supervisor where potential finds are made. If there are any unexpected archaeological finds, all works will be temporarily stopped, the area will be cordoned off and BEAR Scotland’s Environmental Team contacted for advice.
- People, ancillary plant, vehicles, NRMM and materials will be restricted to areas of made/engineered ground (as much as is reasonably practicable). Where access outwith made/engineered ground is required for the safe and effective completion of the scheme, the area will be reduced as much as is reasonably practicable, and ideally will be accessed on foot.
- If a change to the construction programme onsite is required that necessitates earthworks or vegetation clearance, BEAR Scotland’s Environmental Team will be contacted.
Landscape and visual effects
There will be a short-term impact on the landscape character and visual amenity of the site as a result of the presence of construction plant, vehicles, and TM. However, people, ancillary plant, vehicles, NRMM and materials are restricted to areas of made/engineered ground on the A7, and construction works are programmed to be undertaken on a rolling programme. In addition, the scheme extents are somewhat concealed from the wider landscape by intervening properties. As such, the visual impact of the works will be somewhat reduced.
Considering the nature, duration, size, and scale of the scheme, and with implementation of mitigation detailed below, impacts on landscape are assessed as temporary negligible adverse in magnitude.
Landscape and visual effects mitigation measures:
- The site will be monitored regularly for signs of litter and other potential contaminants, and litter will be removed before and after works take place.
- The site will be left clean and tidy following construction.
The River Teviot (part of the River Tweed SAC and SSSI) is spanned by the trunk road approx. 50m south of the scheme extents and lies adjacent and parallel with the trunk road throughout the scheme extents, however the designation for the SAC and SSSI partially extends to cover some of the A7 within the scheme extents. As such a Habitats Regulations Appraisal (HRA) has been undertaken which could not rule out the potential for Likely Significant Effects (LSE) on the River Tweed’s SAC qualifying features. An Appropriate Assessment (AA) was therefore undertaken which concluded that following the implementation of mitigation measures the works would not result in an adverse effect on site integrity (AESI) to any of the qualifying features.
Suitable habitat for nesting birds, were noted within 30m of the scheme extents, however no evidence of the presence of these species was noted. Works will be undertaken outwith bird breeding season and as such the risk of impacting upon nesting birds is considered to be negligible however should the works be delayed into the breeding season providing mitigation measures detailed below are adhered to the risk of impacting upon nesting birds is considered to be low.
The PEA did not note any evidence of any mammal species of conservation importance within the area of likely construction disturbance (including permanent habitat, resting places etc.).
A temporary short-term increase in noise levels may cause disturbance to local wildlife. The works will, for example, require a range of ancillary plant, vehicles and NRMM which will emit noise and create potential disturbance. The works will also require delivery of materials and the presence of personnel to facilitate the improvements to the crossing. However, the number of construction vehicles and construction operatives required onsite is low given the scale and scope of works. In addition, any species in the area are likely to be accustomed to noise and visual disturbance pertaining to vehicle movements on the A7, and the scheme is of short duration (three weeks). The potential for significant species disturbance within the area of likely construction disturbance is therefore somewhat diminished.
The PEA undertaken October 2024 did not note the presence of any invasive non-native species (INNS). Of lesser note, injurious weeds common ragwort (Senecio jacobaea) and creeping thistle (Cirsium arvense) and invasive native perennial rosebay willowherb (Chamaenerion angustifolium) were recorded as being present within the western banks of the River Teviot at the scheme location. All works are restricted to a stretch of made-ground on the A7 carriageway and surrounding verges, with only replacement of current puffin crossing and carriageway resurfacing being undertaken. There are also no earthworks or vegetation clearance associated with the scheme, the scheme does not require permanent (or temporary) land-take, accommodation works, site clearance or locally gained resources, and there is no requirement to import topsoil. As such, the works will not involve any physical altering or removal of habitat or result in habitat fragmentation, and there is limited potential to spread or introduce INNS, invasive native perennials, or injurious flowering plant species.
Considering the nature, duration, size, and scale of the scheme, and with implementation of mitigation detailed below, the proposed work impacts on biodiversity throughout the construction period are therefore assessed to be temporary minor adverse in magnitude.
Upon completion of the works, no residual impacts are anticipated in relation to biodiversity.
Biodiversity mitigation measures:
- No works are permitted on site until the Habitat Regulations Appraisal has been approved by Transport Scotland and NatureScot. All mitigation measures detailed within this assessment will be strictly adhered to on site.
- The River Teviot is designated under the River Tweed SAC (EU Site Code UK0012691). As such all personnel will be made aware of the sensitivity and protected status of the River Tweed SAC and SSSI.
- Appropriate mitigation measures, such as an edge protection system (EPS), to prevent debris and run-off from entering the River Teviot below will be implemented if assessed as required onsite. Any mitigation implemented will be periodically checked throughout the works to ensure they remain effective and intact.
- Where possible, artificial lighting used will be sufficiently screened and aligned to ensure that there is no direct illumination of neighbouring habitat (e.g., locations adjacent to woodland at the eastern extents etc.) to ensure minimal impact on nocturnal species.
- Given the presence of rosebay willowherb, common ragwort and creeping thistle along the verge within the scheme extents ‘Toolbox Talk TTN-009 Working with Injurious Weeds & Invasive Plants’ will be briefed to all site personnel prior to the commencement of works.
- All site workers will have received adequate training relevant to their role prior to working on the site, including specific environmental inductions and ‘toolbox talks’ as required.
- Site personnel will remain vigilant for protected species and will not approach or touch any animals seen on site. Any sightings of protected species will be reported to BEARs Environmental Team. Should a protected species be encountered or move within 50 m of the active works (including compounds), works will be temporarily halted until the animal(s) move at least 50m away from the construction site, or until BEARs Environmental Team can provide advice.
- The Contractor will employ ‘soft-start’ techniques for all noisy activity to avoid sudden and unexpected disturbance during works. Each time the activity is started up after a period of inactivity, the noise levels will be gradually increased over a period of 30 minutes to permit animals (including birds) to move away from the disturbance.
- All equipment stored onsite will be checked at the start of each workday to ensure mammal species are not present. Any storage containers/plant within the compound will also be secured overnight to prevent exploration by mammal species. Any areas where an animal could become trapped (e.g., storage containers) will also be covered at the end of each working day, to avoid mammals falling in and becoming trapped.
- People, ancillary plant, vehicles, NRMM and materials will be restricted to areas of made/engineered ground (as much as is reasonably practicable). If during works unforeseen access to the surrounding environment is required, works will cease in this area and BEAR Scotland’s Environmental Team will be contacted to allow consideration of potential environmental effects.
- BEAR Scotland’s Environmental Team will be contacted to allow consideration of potential environmental effects if:
- unforeseen site clearance is required,
- unplanned works must be undertaken outwith the carriageway boundary,
- there is any deviation from the agreed plan, programme and/or method of working,
- nesting birds are found onsite.
- BEAR Scotland’s Control Room will be contacted if there is a pollution incident.
Material assets and waste
Minimising impacts arising from construction materials are focussed upon making the most efficient use of materials onsite to reduce the need for imported primary materials and minimise the creation and disposal of waste through (i) reduction, (ii) re-use, and (iii) recycling. Potential impacts have been assessed for both the construction and operational phases of this scheme. It is anticipated that most material impacts are likely to arise during construction, though long-term residual impacts could occur post construction during the operational phase e.g., during the disposal of materials arising from routine maintenance operations.
However, the detailed design will reduce the requirements for primary materials e.g., the carriageway surfacing and subbase will be carefully considered to minimise the requirements for importing primary material. Materials will also be derived from recycled, secondary, or re-used origin as far as practicable within the design specifications to reduce natural resource depletion. Specifying TS2010 surface course also allows a wider array of aggregate sources to be considered when compared to typical stone mastic asphalt (SMA). As a result, the use of TS2010 should reduce the usage of imported aggregates and increase the use of a wider range of sustainable aggregate sources. The design life for the TS2010 surfacing is also estimated to be 20 years. The enhanced durability of TS2010 therefore reduces reoccurring routine maintenance and associated levels of traffic disruption to this section of road over the period.
Considering the nature, duration, size and scale of the scheme, and with implementation of the mitigation detailed below, the proposed works impacts on material assets and waste throughout the construction period are therefore assessed to be temporary negligible adverse in magnitude.
Upon completion of the works, no residual impacts are anticipated on materials or waste.
Material and waste mitigation measures:
- Good materials management methods (e.g., ‘just-in-time’ delivery) will be implemented wherever possible.
- The Contractor will comply with all ‘Duty of Care’ requirements, ensuring that any surplus materials or waste are stored, transported, treated, used, and disposed of safely without endangering human health or harming the environment. Material transfer notes and/or waste exemption certificates (if required) will also be completed and retained.
- The Contractor is responsible for the reuse / disposal of non-hazardous road planings, and this has been registered in accordance with a Paragraph 13(a) waste exemption issued by SEPA as described in Schedule 3 of the Waste Management Licensing Regulations 2011 (exemption number: WML/XS/2008111), the rules of which will be complied with.
- Designated areas will be identified within which all materials and personnel, including construction compounds, will be contained to limit environmental disturbance during construction works. This will include a designated area (if required) for segregation and reuse of waste materials.
- The selection of areas for materials stockpiling will avoid sensitive locations such as road drainage. Stockpiled materials with leachate potential, for example, will be stored away from road drainage to prevent cross-contamination with other materials, wastes, or groundwater.
- Materials will be stored with the appropriate security to prevent loss, theft, or vandalism.
- All temporary road signs and traffic cones will be removed from site on completion of works.
- Wastewater from welfare facilities (if required) will be subject to effluent treatment followed by tanker removal.
- If hazardous substances are used onsite, each substance will be subject to assessment under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 2002. Hazardous substances will also be clearly labelled, and disposed of, in line with COSHH safety data sheets and the Special Waste Regulations 1996. Special waste will also not be mixed with general waste and/or other recyclables.
Noise and vibration
Activities undertaken on site could potentially have some localised and short-term noise impacts in proximity to the works. The road works will, for example, require a range of ancillary plant, vehicles and NRMM for cold milling in preparation for carriageway resurfacing. Noise will also be generated by using breakers (jackhammers), chipping hammers, use of rollers, etc. As a result, there is potential for noise and vibration effects to properties within the local area, the closest of which (residential) lie adjacent to the carriageway surface and are not screened from the scheme extents.
However, the works are not located within a CNMA or CQA, and works will also be completed over three weeks,(night works) with the aim being to complete the noisiest works by 23:00. In addition, the proximity of road space suggests that residents have a degree of tolerance to noise and disturbance.
Considering the likely sources of noise and vibration, the distance from the point of generation to NSRs, the nature, duration, size and scale of the scheme, and with implementation of the mitigation detailed below, it is unlikely that noise and vibration associated with the works will lead to significant impacts, disruption and/or complaints. The proposed scheme is therefore anticipated to result in temporary minor adverse noise impacts.
Noise mitigation measures:
- The local authority environmental health department will be notified of nighttime working by BEAR Scotland’s design engineer.
- Where possible, the noisiest work operations (e.g., cold milling, using breakers (jackhammers), chipping hammers, use of rollers, etc.) will be completed before 23:00.
- Wherever possible, careful consideration will be given to the siting and orientation of particularly noisy items of NRMM so that it is located away from (if possible, > 20 m from) surrounding properties. Activities which have the potential to produce excessive noise e.g., cutting and grinding of materials will also, if possible, be undertaken away from surrounding properties.
- If unacceptable noise is emanating from the site the operation will, where possible, be modified and re-checked to verify that the corrective action has been effective. Actions to be considered include (a) minimizing cutting and grinding on-site, (b) reducing the operating hours, (c) repositioning equipment, (d) changing the method of working etc. Corrective actions will be actioned through the non-conformance reporting procedure, which ensures a root-cause analysis is carried out on each incident. The non-conformance procedure also ensures that appropriate corrective and preventative action measures are agreed and implemented in a timely fashion with all parties, and are recorded and actioned through to closeout, and fully auditable and traceable.
- Ancillary plant, vehicles and NRMM with directional noise characteristics will (where practical) be shut down in intervening periods between site operations.
- The use of paving breakers (jackhammers), chipping hammers, etc. will be avoided (except where there is an overriding justification), and if used will be fitted with mufflers or silencers of the type recommended by the manufacturer.
- Drop heights from vehicles and NRMM will be kept to a minimum to minimise noise when unloading.
- All ancillary plant, vehicles and NRMM used onsite will have been regularly maintained, paying attention to the integrity of silencers and acoustic enclosures.
- All compressors will be ‘sound-reduced’ models fitted with properly lined and sealed acoustic covers which will be kept closed when in use.
- HGV, site vehicles and NRMM will be switched to the minimum setting required by HSE and, where possible, will utilise ‘broadband non-tonal’ or ‘directional sound reversing’ alarms. Speed limits will also be reduced through the works.
Population and human health
During construction, activities undertaken on site have the potential to have temporary adverse impacts on local residents, vehicle travellers, and NMUs. However, TM will only be in place for three weeks (when traffic flows will be at a minimum), and no congestion issues are noted during the proposed construction hours.
The church and school are screened from the scheme extents therefore there will not be an impact upon users.
A number of NMU facilities have connectivity with the scheme extents. However, the works will be primarily undertaken at night when public transport availability and use will be reduced. In addition, a footpath borders the A7 within the scheme extents, which may also be temporarily impacted, however pedestrian traffic is expected to be lower during the working hours. Mitigation measures detailed below will further reduce the potential for impacts to non-motorised road users (NMUs).
Considering the nature, duration, size and scale of the scheme, and with implementation of the mitigation described below, impacts on population and human health are assessed as temporary minor adverse in magnitude.
Upon completion of the works, there will be a positive impact in relation to population and human health due to the improvement of usability and safety provided by the new crossing.
Population and human health mitigation measures:
- Construction lighting will take into account the need to avoid illuminating surrounding properties to avoid a nuisance at night, and non-essential lighting will be switched off at night.
- Where appropriate, a communication strategy (e.g., social media, consultation with local authority and other stakeholders, letter drop (for night-time works), etc.) will be initiated to keep local residents and/or businesses informed of the proposed working schedule, particularly the times and durations of noisy construction activities. The communication strategy will also provide a 24-hour contact number for the BEAR Scotland Control Room.
- NMU’s will be accommodated within TM arrangements, where required to allow the safe passage of NMUs through the site. Where required, this will include temporary pedestrian crossing provisions.
- Given the proximity of urban development to the scheme extents, Toolbox Talk TTN-042 Being a Good Neighbour will be briefed prior to works commencing.
- Advanced signage will be strategically placed on the trunk road to notify stakeholders of the road closure and diversion, as well as the closure of the bus stop and footpath where necessary.
- A Traffic Management Plan (TMP), which includes measures to avoid or reduce disruption to road traffic, will be produced in accordance with the Traffic Signs Manual (Department of Transport 2009). The TMP will ensure that there is no severance of community assets, access routes or residential development.
Road drainage and the water environment
During crossing upgrade and resurfacing works, there is potential for temporary adverse impacts on the water environment. Potential changes in water quality e.g., from pollution events (either by accidental spillage of sediments, particulate matter, chemicals, fuels or by mobilisation of these in surface water caused by rain) during works have the potential to have a direct or indirect effect on surrounding waterbodies.
However, no ‘in-water’ works are required, and the works area are separated from the River Teviot by a flood wall, therefore there will be no change in the hydrological regime or water quality within the River Teviot. All land outwith the trunk road boundary is also considered out-of-bounds to all construction staff during the works and there is no requirement for land take, site clearance or resources from within a waterbody. There is also no requirement for the abstraction or transfers of water from, or discharges to a waterbody. The potential for a direct pollution incident within a waterbody is also unlikely e.g., experience gained from BEAR maintenance schemes elsewhere on the network has shown that where standard best working practice is adopted (e.g., adherence to SEPA GPPs or PPGs, etc.), water quality is protected.
Considering the nature, duration, size and scale of the scheme, and with implementation of the mitigation detailed below, the proposed works impacts on the road drainage and water environment are assessed as temporary negligible adverse in magnitude.
Upon completion of the works, no residual impacts are anticipated in relation to the road drainage and water environment.
Road drainage and water environment mitigation measures:
- All site personnel will be made aware of the location of the River Teviot.
- No work has been identified that would require entering any surface waterbodies. If such a need were identified onsite, BEAR Scotland’s Environmental Team will be contacted (before works commence) to allow consideration of potential environmental effects.
- The abstraction or transfers of water from, discharges to, or the washing of tools in surface waterbodies will not be permitted.
- Appropriate mitigation measures, such as an EPS, to prevent debris and run-off from entering the River Teviot below will be implemented if assessed as required onsite. Any mitigation implemented will be periodically checked throughout the works to ensure they remain effective and intact.
- On completion of resurfacing operations, any gullies present on site will be visually checked to ensure they have not become blocked as a result of the scheme.
- Cement mixing and washing areas will be sited 10m from road drainage entry points and surface waterbodies. The washing out and cleaning of cement batching plant will be undertaken within a contained area, and wash waters will be collected and contained for authorised disposal off site. Wash waters from cement works will not be discharged into surface waterbodies and road drainage entry points.
- The Contractor will implement measures to minimise the risk of sediment or accidental spillages entering the road drainage system e.g., prior to works commencing any roadside gullies within 10 m of work activities will be bunded (e.g., utilisation of drain covers or similar) to ensure full segregation of the works from the road drainage system. The Contractor will inspect bunds periodically to ensure that they have not been removed, damaged, or interfered with and they will be cleaned of silt and debris as necessary. If it is identified that bunds are not up to standard, the works will not commence until they have been reinstated to the condition, they were originally in.
- All site personnel will be made aware of site spillage response procedures and in the event of a spill, all works associated with the spill will stop, and the incident reported to the Site Supervisor. Small spills that did not leave the site boundary and are cleaned up without material environmental harm or residual environmental impact would most likely not be required to be notified to SEPA or other authorities. However, all such incidents will be recorded and reported to BEAR Scotland’s Environmental Team. In the event of a ‘serious incident’, SEPA will be notified without delay. Such notification will include: (i) the time and duration of the incident, (ii) a description of the cause of the incident, (iii) any effect on the environment as a result of the incident, and (iv) any measures taken to minimise or mitigate the effect and prevent a recurrence.
- All waste, vehicles, ancillary plant, NRMM and fuels will be stored in the compound(s) or laydown area and will be secured and located, if space is available, at least 10 m from drainage entry points, and the River Teviot, in order to comply with GPP 5 ‘works and maintenance in or near water’. Refuelling will only be undertaken at designated refuelling areas (e.g., on hardstanding, with spill kits available, and >10 m from drainage entry points, and the River Teviot, where practicable). Spill kits will also be available within all site vehicles and spill kits will be replenished onsite when required. Only designated trained and competent operatives will be authorised to refuel plant. Generators, and other ancillary plant and NRMM, where there is a risk of leakage of oil or fuel, will have internal bunding or must have a secondary containment system placed beneath them that meets 110% capacity requirements. Containment systems will also be emptied regularly. All waste, vehicles, ancillary plant, NRMM and fuels will also be stored in a manner that ensures they are protected from damage by collision or extremes of weather.
- Regular visual pollution inspections of the designated laydown area and work site (particularly near road drainage entry points and the River Teviot) will be conducted (e.g., site walkover by engineer or Site Supervisor), especially during periods of heavy rain.
- All vehicles and NRMM onsite will have been regularly maintained, paying attention to the integrity of oil tanks, coolant systems, gaskets etc. A checklist must be present to make sure that the checks have been carried out.
BEAR Scotland, working on behalf of Transport Scotland, undertake carbon monitoring of major projects and operational activities. Emissions from activities are recorded using Transport Scotland’s Carbon Management System. BEAR Scotland also undertakes resource efficiency activities to manage and reduce emissions contributing to climate change. The works will also extend the maintenance intervals required for future works. In doing so, the service life of the trunk road is also extended.
During works there is potential for impacts as a result of the emission of greenhouse gases through the use of equipment, vehicles, and NRMM, material use and production, and transportation of material/waste. However, considering the nature, duration, size and scale of the scheme, and the mitigation detailed below, the risk of significant impacts to climate are considered to be negligible adverse in magnitude.
Upon completion of the proposed scheme no residual impacts are anticipated on the climate.
Climate mitigation measures:
- Local contractors and suppliers will be used as far as practicable to reduce fuel use and greenhouse gas emitted as part of the works.
- BEAR Scotland will adhere to its Carbon Management Policy.
- Where possible, waste will be removed to local waste management facilities.
Vulnerability of the project to Major Accidents and Disasters
There will be no change to the likelihood of flooding on the A7 within the scheme extents upon completion of the works.
Works are restricted to areas of made ground on the A7 carriageway surface, with access to the scheme gained via the A7. TM will single lane closure with traffic lights. Pedestrians will be accommodated within TM arrangements. As such, the proposed works impacts on road traffic accidents is assessed to be of negligible magnitude.
A Site Environmental Management Plan (SEMP) will be produced by BEAR Scotland which sets out a framework to reduce the risk of adverse impacts from construction activities on sensitive environmental receptors. The Contractor will comply with all conditions of the SEMP during works and may be subject to audit throughout the contract.
Considering the above, the vulnerability of the project to risks of major accidents and disasters is considered to be low.
Assessment of cumulative effects
The proposed works are not anticipated to result in significant environmental effects. Due to the nature of the proposed works, no cumulative effects are anticipated with any other developments in the vicinity. Another crossing upgrade scheme undertaken as part of the Active Travel Network in Hawick by BEAR Scotland will be undertaken on Commercial Road consecutively with this scheme. Any future BEAR Scotland schemes will be programmed to take into account already-programmed works and as such, any cumulative effect will be limited.
A search of the Scottish Road Works Commissioner has identified that there are no other planned roadworks on the A7 trunk road or surrounding roads in proximity to the scheme which may be undertaken at the same time.
In addition, a search using Scottish Borders Council 'Simple Search' identified that there are 25 planning applications within 300m of the scheme.
Reference |
Proposal |
Status |
Decision |
Distance from scheme |
24/01030/FUL |
Erection of storage building. |
Decided |
N/A |
Bordering the southbound carriageway |
23/01097/FUL |
Change of use of riverbank scrubland to garden ground and commercial land (retrospective). |
Decided |
Unknown |
Bordering the southbound carriageway at the nearest point. |
24/00544/FUL |
Change of use of riverbank scrubland to garden ground and commercial land (retrospective). |
Decided |
Unknown |
Approx. 40m south |
23/01475/FUL |
Formation of two off-street parking spaces with new accessible entrance. |
Decided |
Unknown |
Approx. 290m north |
24/01265/CON |
Phased demolition of existing school buildings |
Registered |
Unknown |
Approx. 145m west |
23/01845/FUL |
Change of use of public house, alterations and extension to form dwellinghouse |
Decided |
Unknown |
Approx. 80m south |
23/00233/FUL |
Replacement windows |
Decided |
Unknown |
Approx. 180m southeast |
24/00422/LBC |
Replacement windows |
Decided |
Unknown |
Approx. 270m southeast |
23/01440/LBC |
New lime render to external elevations of building |
Decided |
Unknown |
Approx. 140m southeast |
23/01286/CON |
Demolition of warehouse |
Decided |
Unknown |
Approx. 220m southeast |
23/00570/FUL |
Change of use and alterations to provide 3 no residential flats to first floor and alterations to form dental surgery on ground floor |
Awaiting decision |
Unknown |
Approx. 260m east |
23/01357/FUL |
Change of use of office and alterations to form restaurant incorporating outdoor courtyard seating area |
Decided |
Unknown |
Approx. 260m east |
23/00293/FUL |
Change of use from office and alterations to form cafe |
Withdrawn |
N/A |
Approx. 280m east |
23/01336/FUL |
Extension to install external passenger lift. |
Decided |
Unknown |
Approx. 280m east |
23/01461/FUL |
Change of Use of existing Cafe (Class 3) to Hot Food Takeaway and Delivery (Pizza) with associated extraction, compressors and ventilation equipment. |
Decided |
Unknown |
Approx. 290m east |
23/00402/CLPU |
Formation of off road parking with electric charging port |
Withdrawn |
Unknown |
Approx. 190m west |
24/00719/FUL |
Change of use to form amenity space including seating area and active area with outdoor gym equipment |
Decided |
Unknown |
Approx. 30m east |
23/00551/FUL |
Installation of Scottish Water Top Up Tap |
Decided |
Unknown |
Approx. 30m southeast |
22/02006/FUL |
Installation of modular self-service laundrette machine and associated works (retrospective) |
Decided |
Unknown |
Approx. 170m east |
23/00811/ADV |
Formation of wall mural to side elevation |
Decided |
Unknown |
Approx. 180m east |
23/00514/FUL |
Erection of double garage and alterations to extend driveway |
Decided |
Unknown |
Approx. 230m north |
24/00789/FUL |
Extension to dwellinghouse |
Decided |
Unknown |
Approx. 280m north |
23/00968/FUL |
Alterations to form french doors from window (retrospective) |
Decided |
Unknown |
Approx. 290m north |
22/01980/FUL |
Change of use of shop and alterations to form residential flat |
Decided |
Unknown |
Approx. 120m north |
23/00187/FUL |
External alterations to flat |
Decided |
Unknown |
Approx. 230m north |
However, considering the nature and scale of the planning applications, and the nature and scale of the minor maintenance works being undertaken by BEAR, no in-combination effects are anticipated.
Assessments of the environmental effects
The A7 Hawick - Common Haugh Car Park & Commercial Road scheme is located partially within the River Tweed SAC and as such, a HRA has been undertaken that has shown that there is sufficient information and assessment evidence to conclude that the proposed scheme, with the implementation of mitigation and control measures, will not result in any AESI.
As detailed in the Description of Main Environmental Impacts and Proposed Mitigation section, there are no significant effects anticipated on any environmental receptors as a result of the proposed works.
Statement of case in support of a Determination that a statutory EIA is not required.
This is a relevant project in terms of section 55A(16) of the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 as it is a project for the improvement of a road and the completed works (together with any area occupied by apparatus, equipment, machinery, materials, plant, spoil heaps, or other such facilities or stores required during the period of construction) are situated in whole or in part in the River Tweed SAC which is a sensitive area within the meaning of regulation 2(1) of the Environmental Impact Assessment (Scotland) Regulations 1999.
The project has been subject to screening using the Annex III criteria to determine whether a formal Environmental Impact Assessment is required under the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 (as amended by The Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017). Screening using Annex III criteria, reference to consultations undertaken and review of available information has not identified the need for a statutory EIA.
The project will not have significant effects on the environment by virtue of factors such as:
Characteristics of the scheme:
- Works are restricted to upgrading current pedestrian crossing and road resurfacing, with all works restricted to made ground on the A7 carriageway surface.
- No works are required within a waterbody.
- Works are not expected to result in significant disturbance to protected species that may be present in the wider area.
- No in-combination effects have been identified.
- The risk of major accidents or disasters is considered to be low.
- By upgrading the crossing this will allows for pedestrians and cyclists to cross simultaneously, without the requirement for cyclist to dismount, which will result in safer conditions for road users.
Location of the scheme:
- The scheme is partially located within the River Tweed SAC, however an HRA has been undertaken which has confirmed that the works will not result in AESI on the qualifying features of the SAC.
- Works will not impact upon the River Tweed SSSI.
- The scheme lies within the Hawick Conservation Area (CA) however, given the restriction of the works to the existing A7 carriageway boundary and depth there is no potential for impacts.
- The scheme is not located within any areas designated for landscape interests.
- Land use will not change as a result of the works.
- The works do not require any private land acquisition.
- The scheme does not lie within any sites designated for geology or soils.
Characteristics of potential impacts of the scheme:
- The waste hierarchy will be followed to reduce waste to landfill.
- Works are programmed to take approx. four weeks to complete, utilising both a daytime (crossing upgrade works) and nighttime (resurfacing works) working pattern.
- With good practice pollution prevention measures implemented onsite, there is a negligible risk of a pollution event e.g., compliance with the SEMP.
Annex A
“sensitive area” means any of the following:
- land notified under sections 3(1) or 5(1) (sites of special scientific interest) of the Nature Conservation (Scotland) Act 2004
- land in respect of which an order has been made under section 23 (nature conservation orders) of the Nature Conservation (Scotland) Act 2004
- a European site within the meaning of regulation 10 of the Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) Regulations 1994
- a property appearing in the World Heritage List kept under article 11(2) of the 1972 UNESCO Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage
- a scheduled monument within the meaning of the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979
- a National Scenic Area as designated by a direction made by the Scottish Ministers under section 263A of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997
an area designated as a National Park by a designation order made by the Scottish Ministers under section 6(1) of the National Parks (Scotland) Act 2000.