A90 Balmedie to Tipperty - Stage 2 Addendum Report
November 2006
1 Introduction and background
1.1 Context
1.2 Original Scheme
1.3 Road Accident Reduction Plan
1.4 Scottish Transport Appraisal Guidance
1.5 Ministers Announcement
1.6 Re-start Workshop
1.7 Revised Scheme Objectives
1.8 Appraisal Process
1.9 Layout of Report
2 Existing Conditions
2.1 Engineering
2.2 Location of Existing Services
2.3 Traffic
2.4 Accident Statistics
2.5 Climate
2.6 Environment
3 Route Sub-Options and Junction Strategy
3.2 Junction Strategy
3.3 Public Exhibition
3.4 Cost Estimates
4 Engineering Assessment
4.1 Engineering Standards
4.2 Climate Differences between the
4.3 Geological Difference between the
4.4 Public Utilities
4.5 Structures
5 Environmental Assessment Of Route
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Air Quality
5.3 Cultural Heritage
5.4 Disruption due to Construction
5.5 Ecology and Natural Heritage
5.6 Landscape Effects
5.7 Visual Impact
5.8 Land Use and Agriculture
5.9 Traffic Noise and Vibration
5.10 Effects on Pedestrians, Cyclists,
Equestrians and Community Effects
5.11 Effects on Vehicle Travellers
5.12 Water Quality, Drainage and
5.13 Geology, Soils and Contaminated
5.14 Policies and Plans
6 Traffic and Economic Assessment
6.1 Traffic Modelling
6.2 Forecasting
6.3 Predicted Traffic Flows
6.4 Economic Performance of
7 evaluation of route sub-options
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Engineering Assessment
7.3 Environmental Assessment
7.4 Traffic and Economic Assessment
7.5 Recommendation
APPENDIX A - Figures
APPENDIX B - Environmental Appraisal Table
APPENDIX C - Environmental Appraisal Methodology
APPENDIX D - Aberdeenshire Local Plan Policies
APPENDIX E - Route Assessment Scores for Air Quality
Report Status: |
Final |
Name |
Signature |
Date |
Prepared By: |
Carol Geddes |
Checked By: |
Ross Gray |
Approved By: |
Steve Wallace |
Carl Bro have prepared this report in conjunction with Natural Capital, environmental consultants.