Estimate of the Impact on Emissions of a Reduction in Air Departure Tax in Scotland

Estimate of the Impact on Emissions of a Reduction in Air Departure Tax in Scotland

ISBN 978 1 911582 10 6

This document is also available in pdf format 180 (KB)


Erratum were published in the 26/06/2017 version of this document. Details of the errors are given below, with details of correcting action given next to each:

1) Page 4, Table 5: The international aviation emissions figure of 1.312 MtCO2e in 2015 was stated incorrectly and should have been 1.315 MtCO2e. This affected the total aviation emissions figure quoted in the table, which was also incorrect (the table quotes 1.824 MtCO2e; the correct figure is 1.827 MtCO2e). The other figures in the table were all correct. The corrected figures have now been included in the updated version of this document.

2) Page 6, Line 8: The following line was included in error: “This is against an estimated 1% increase in baseline emissions from 1.80 MtCO2e in 2018 to 1.82 MtCO2e in 2021” and this has now been removed.

3) Page 6, Table 8: The maximum emissions impact including switching for 2018 was stated incorrectly as 101.2 ktCO2e. The correct figure is 101.3 ktCO2e.

The pdf and html versions of the document have both been updated to reflect these changes.


Estimate of the Impact on Emissions of a Reduction in Air Departure Tax in Scotland

Published Date 16 Aug 2017 Type Mode of transport Topic