Feasibility Study: Enhanced Rail Services between Edinburgh and Newcastle

Seeing Issues Clearly
Report for ScotRail and Transport Scotland

ISBN 978 1 908181 10 7

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1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 East Coast Rail Utilisation Study
1.3 EUREKA Timetable
1.4 The Area

2 Previous Studies

3 Current Rail Market in Corridor
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Current Services
3.3 Travel Patterns and Volumes
3.4 Trends
3.5 The East Lothian Rail Market
3.6 Summary

4 Consultation
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Consultation Strategy
4.3 Consultation Responses
4.4 Summary

5 Timetable Analysis
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Method
5.3 Results
5.4 Summary

6 Potential New Services
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Approach
6.3 New Dunbar Services
6.4 Berwick-upon-Tweed Services
6.5 Edinburgh - Newcastle Semi-fast Service
6.6 New Stations
6.7 Impact of New Stations on Services
6.8 Summary
6.9 Sensitivity Testing
6.10 Other aspects of STAG

7 Summary
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Dunbar Services
7.3 Berwick Services
7.4 Newcastle Services


Table 2.1 Expected Demand for New Stations
Table 2.2 Potential Revenue for the new Stations
Table 2.3 Operating Cost Summary
Table 2.4 Summary of Station Option Costs (base on 2004 figures)
Table 2.5 Packages of Options Considered
Table 3.1 Purpose of Travel from East Lothian stations (2003 surveys)
Table 4.1 Stakeholders invited to comment
Table 4.2 Key themes in Consultation
Table 5.1 Standard Train Paths - Newcastle, Berwick and Dunbar
Table 5.2 Potential Edinburgh - Dunbar Service Paths
Table 5.3 Potential Edinburgh - Berwick-upon-Tweed Service Paths
Table 5.4 Potential Edinburgh - Newcastle Semi-Fast Service Paths
Table 5.5 Other services - Potentially Modified or Replaced
Table 6.1 Edinburgh - Dunbar: TEE Analysis
Table 6.2 Edinburgh - Berwick: TEE Analysis
Table 6.3 Edinburgh - Newcastle: TEE Analysis (semi-fast only)
Table 6.4 Edinburgh - Newcastle: TEE Analysis (semi-fast and LDHS)
Table 6.5 The Public Transport / Rail Market in East Lothian
Table 6.6 Settlements potentially affected by Reston Station
Table 6.7 Edinburgh - Dunbar (East Linton): TEE Analysis
Table 6.8 Edinburgh - Berwick (East Linton): TEE Analysis
Table 6.9 Edinburgh - Berwick (Reston): TEE Analysis
Table 6.10 Edinburgh - Berwick (East Linton & Reston): TEE Analysis
Table 6.11 Summary of TEE findings
Table 6.12 Summary of Key Sensitivity Tests


Figure 1.1 Study Area
Figure 3.1 Summary of May 2011 Northbound ECML Services
Figure 3.2 Summary of May 2011 Southbound ECML Services
Figure 3.3 Distribution of Train Departures Across the Day
Figure 3.4 2011 Train Services at Stations between Edinburgh and Newcastle (2011)
Figure 3.5 Station Usage at Stations between Edinburgh and Newcastle (2009/10)
Figure 3.6 Percentage Destinations for Travel from ECML Stations (2009 data)
Figure 3.7 2004/05 and 2009/10 Total Station Entries & Exits - East Lothian
Figure 3.8 2004/05 and 2009/10 Total Station Entries & Exits - Northumberland
Figure 3.9 Relationship between level of commuting and working in Edinburgh
Figure 6.1 Forecast Change in Annual Passengers, Edinburgh - Dunbar Service (T1)
Figure 6.2 Distribution of Annual User Benefits, Edinburgh - Dunbar Service (T1)
Figure 6.3 Edinburgh - Dunbar: Single year benefits and costs
Figure 6.4 Forecast Change in Annual Passengers, Edinburgh - Berwick Service (T2)
Figure 6.5 Distribution of Annual User Benefits, Edinburgh - Berwick Service (T2)
Figure 6.6 Edinburgh-Berwick: Single year benefits and costs
Figure 6.7 Forecast Change in Annual Passengers, Edinburgh - Newcastle Service (T3)
Figure 6.8 Distribution of Annual User Benefits, Edinburgh - Newcastle Service (T2)
Figure 6.9 Edinburgh - Newcastle: Single year benefits and costs (1)
Figure 6.10 Edinburgh - Newcastle: Single year benefits and costs (2)
Figure 6.11 Location of East Linton
Figure 6.12 Estimated Station Walk in Catchment (15 minutes walk)
Figure 6.13 Location of Reston
Figure 6.14 Impact of Opening East Linton Station on Dunbar Service
Figure 6.15 Impact of Opening East Linton & Reston stations on Berwick Services

Appendices A: Stakeholder Consultation

This report, and information or advice which it contains, is provided by MVA Consultancy Ltd solely for internal use and reliance by its Client in performance of MVA Consultancy Ltd's duties and liabilities under its contract with the Client. Any advice, opinions, or recommendations within this report should be read and relied upon only in the context of the report as a whole. The advice and opinions in this report are based upon the information made available to MVA Consultancy Ltd at the date of this report and on current UK standards, codes, technology and construction practices as at the date of this report.

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Published Date 15 Sep 2011 Type Mode of transport